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Is Israel really Pakistan’s enemy?

Yes there is duality, but when Zionism was first and foremost a national movement and not religious. Israel was considered a home for Jewish people, not Jewish religion. Religious Jews strongly opposed Zionism in the beginning.

In Israel's declaration of independence for example the only mention of word "religion" is where it says that people of all religions should be equal.

When it comes to immigration to Israel 99.9% migrate for their ancestry, just as Germans migrate to Germany.

See, I accept that the Jewish people have a right to a safe homeland, but I don't agree with how Israel came about and how others had to suffer to make that a reality.

Your comparison with Germany is void because the Germans didn't displace locals to make room for the German race. The Germans don't have a constitutional mandate to maintain a "Germanic race homeland" by adjusting immigration and evicting undesirables based purely on race.
Your comparison with Germany is void because the Germans didn't displace locals to make room for the German race.
Israel did not displace anyone to make room for Jews. As I said, since the beginning of Zionism Arab population of Palestine actually GREW 14 times!

The Germans don't have a constitutional mandate to maintain a "Germanic race homeland" by adjusting immigration and evicting undesirables based purely on race.
There is no such constitutional mandate in Israel. And by the way why Germany opposes joining Turkey to EU, but in same time supports Poland, Romania, Bulgaria etc? :rolleyes: Its purely because of religion.
See, I accept that the Jewish people have a right to a safe homeland, but I don't agree with how Israel came about and how others had to suffer to make that a reality.

Israel came about from a nation vote.

Most countries have been formed through war, uprisings (what we would now class as terrorism), migration and separation.

Palestine was a region of land which was controlled by empires. Palestinians did not have sovereignty or ownership of this region.

It was then split into countries. Jordan and Israel.

The Arabs who back then were just Arabs but now call themselves 'palestinians' could have had all of Jordan and West Bank just now if they had not gone to war.

They wanted 100% they were not entitled to 100%. They got greedy and got whooped.
Israel did not displace anyone to make room for Jews. As I said, since the beginning of Zionism Arab population of Palestine actually GREW 14 times!

Are you seriously denying the reality of the displaced Palestinians?

As for the population in Israel, how much did the Jewish population grow? The issue, once again, is about demographics and maintaining a Jewish majority. Whatever growth the Arabs had, it doesn't address the issue of displaced Arabs who are not allowed to return.

There is no such constitutional mandate in Israel.

ICL - Israel - Basic Law: The Knesset

Section 7a Prevention of Participation of Candidates List

A candidates' list shall not participate in elections to the Knesset if its objects or actions, expressly or by implication, include one of the following:
(1) negation of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people;

And by the way why Germany opposes joining Turkey to EU, but in same time supports Poland, Romania, Bulgaria etc? :rolleyes: Its purely because of religion.

Yes, Germany opposes Turkey's inclusion in EU because of religion. Even though it doesn't deal with German citizenship, are you citing that as a justification?

Palestine was a region of land which was controlled by empires. Palestinians did not have sovereignty or ownership of this region.

You are absolutely right that the colonial powers divided up the land, and Palestinians got the short straw.

That is why we view Israel as a blight of the colonial era -- the last colonial outpost, so to speak.
You are absolutely right that the colonial powers divided up the land, and Palestinians got the short straw.

That is why we view Israel as a blight of the colonial era -- the last colonial outpost, so to speak.

They got the lion's share, which they refused because they wanted 100% of something they never even had.

I view you as greater India.

Everyone knows Pakistan split from India.

Hand the land back bro. ASAP.
Are you seriously denying the reality of the displaced Palestinians?
I am seriously denying that Israel displaced anyone to give room for the Jews. Palestinian refugees are result of war started by Palestinians themselves.

Jews settled peacefully. They bought lands legally. Then Palestinians decided to expel those Jews by force and they failed.

The issue, once again, is about demographics and maintaining a Jewish majority. Whatever growth the Arabs had, it doesn't address the issue of displaced Arabs who are not allowed to return.
They had a chance to became citizens of Israel, but they chose to attack Israel instead. Why should we give them a second chance?
ICL - Israel - Basic Law: The Knesset

Section 7a Prevention of Participation of Candidates List

A candidates' list shall not participate in elections to the Knesset if its objects or actions, expressly or by implication, include one of the following:
(1) negation of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people;
Again I dont see any religion here not adjusting immigration or other nonsense.

Yes, Germany opposes Turkey's inclusion in EU because of religion. Even though it doesn't deal with German citizenship, are you citing that as a justification?
So they oppose Turkey on base of religion because they fear that Muslim migration will grow.
I view you as greater India.

Everyone knows Pakistan split from India.

Hand the land back bro. ASAP.

Wrong analogy.

The land in British India was apportioned according to people already living on the land.

In the case of the Balfour Declaration, the land in Palestine was apportioned for people (Jews) who were subsequently shipped in from Europe and elsewhere.
I am seriously denying that Israel displaced anyone to give room for the Jews. Palestinian refugees are result of war started by Palestinians themselves.

Jews settled peacefully. They bought lands legally. Then Palestinians decided to expel those Jews by force and they failed.

If you don't want to watch the whole video, fast forward to around 30:00 mark and hear what Shmuel Toledano, Haganah Intelligence Officer, has to say about using terror to expel Arabs. You might also want to look up Israeli historians who acknowledge that the Arabs left because of Jewish terror tactics.

Again I dont see any religion here not adjusting immigration or other nonsense.

It affirms the mandate to maintain Israel as a "Jewish State", regardless of whether you interpret it as a reference to race or religion.
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That feeling is not mutual. You think Israel wants to be your ally?

i believe YES.

There had been weapons sale to Pakistan as well.

When Pakistan went nuclear , Israeli circles did accept our right to go nuclear.

i believe that Isreali lobbies are uneccessarily fed Pakistan fear.

Pakistan had NO direct enmity with Isreal neither we want any. Our stand is very clear

We support Palestine and its right to that land which had been occupied by Israel.

Rest if there is any direct concern for Pakistan regarding Israel is , that is its support to our enemy India.

Nothing more than that
Wrong analogy.

The land in British India was apportioned according to people already living on the land.

In the case of the Balfour Declaration, the land in Palestine was apportioned for people (Jews) who were subsequently shipped in from Europe and elsewhere.

So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have
crowded into the country and multiplied till their
population has increased more than even all world Jewry
could lift up the Jewish population.

-- Winston Churchill [45]

Arafat was Egyptian., He was the first 'palestinian' leader ever in history.

Hamas's terrorist group is named after a 'palestinian' fighter. He was actually Syrian

Palestine was a sparsely populated region until the Ottoman's arrived.

I would suggest that getting your history from the Imam is not the way to go.

Back to school, mate.

You've got to laugh at an Australian resident talking about displacing anyone :omghaha:

Rack off bro.
Palestine was a sparsely populated region until the Ottoman's arrived.

Jews made up 7% of Palestine's population when Britain declared it a future Jewish homeland. Even that 7% was after the first few waves of Jewish migration in the early 20th century.

It was a predominantly Arab area until they were expelled by the invading Jews.

YOU may believe in your own propaganda, but history is not obliged to comply.
If you don't want to watch the whole video, fast forward to around 30:00 mark and hear what Shmuel Toledano, Haganah Intelligence Officer, has to say about using terror to expel Arabs. You might also want to look up Israeli historians who acknowledge that the Arabs left because of Jewish terror tactics.
Jews were fighting for their survival after being attacked by the Arabs. Jews prevailed so some Arabs left.

It affirms the mandate to maintain Israel as a "Jewish State", regardless of whether you interpret it as a reference to race or religion.
Even UN approved Israel as state for Jewish people. And of course we will maintain that. That does not mean however that other nations or religions should have less rights in Israel. On contrary.
Jews were fighting for their survival after being attacked by the Arabs. Jews prevailed so some Arabs left.

Even UN approved Israel as state for Jewish people. And of course we will maintain that. That does not mean however that other nations or religions should have less rights in Israel. On contrary.

State for jewish people brought to the Palestinian land from all around the world to occupy it.
Jews made up 7% of Palestine's population when Britain declared it a future Jewish homeland. Even that 7% was after the first few waves of Jewish migration in the early 20th century.

It was a predominantly Arab area until they were expelled by the invading Jews.

YOU may believe in your own propaganda, but history is not obliged to comply.

Where your lack of education seems to fail you, is that population does not equal entitlement.

For example, 1 Jew legally purchasing half of Palestine, is entitiled to half of Palestine no matter how many Arabs are on it.

With Arab breeding rates, they outnumbered Jews (not in Jerusalem though pre48)

However, their population size was taken into consideration, as larger populations need more space. This is why the Arabs were offered 78% in the original partition plan.

The greed of the Arabs meant they wanted 100% and went to war.

A war they lost.

Now could you pack up your bags and get out of Australia please. You are occupying Aboriginal land.

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