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Is Israel really Pakistan’s enemy?

Israel would be very happy to make peace with Pakistan - but I don't see it happening.

There are some countries where the people want peace with us, but the governments don't for strategic reasons. In Pakistan I feel like the government wouldn't mind making peace, but the people would be against. I don't know what the percentage is for/against.

Other problem is that there is a lot of assassinations in Pakistan. Pakistani politicians and other notable people need huge protection - so there's no way Israelis can go over there without needing half an army to protect them.

Certainly recognition wouldn't cost much for Pakistan. Start there and let time warm relations slowly so the people get used to it.

Anyway, Pakistan has a lot bigger things to focus on than peace with Israel just now.

Point of the thread is not recognizing Israel or not but point to fact that our foreign policy is driven from interests of other countries not ours and people are indoctrinated accordingly.

@ Topic: Pakistan should keep her interests first and must have relation with every country, They are our enemy, fine - keep them more closer. And how can Pakistan help Palestine or ask them to stop their propaganda against us without having relation? But that's not gonna happen because our diplomacy and foreign policy scuks and our history is full of blunders.

Israel is an indirect enemy of pakistan ,
israel today has a multi-billion dollar defence trade with india and india is the biggest defence market for israeli defence companies .
With the increasing indian defence budget i don't think they would risk loosing such a huge market for the sake of good ties with pakistan ,which is worth nothing.
infact israel has proved time and again that they are a reliable ally , the indo-israel ties got a major boost when israel came to india's help during the kargil , they provided us with one of the finest uav tech during the war which we needed to check the pakistani infilitrators in the high altitudes of kargil terrains, since then there has been no looking back , they have gone on to become one of our most trustworthy ally's .
so basically israel is fighting pakistan indirectly by helping india

And here comes Richi Rich Indian with incredibly micro ego. Why you guys feels that much insecure that one random guy wrote a blog on having relations with Israel and you came up with your multi-trillion dollar worth.
Ofcourse they do have...but just act in films like you people do in America as Indians.

I am in America and never called myself Indian, you Indians need to get out of this stupid paranoia. Neither do any of the hundreds of Pakistanis I know here. Yet you who has probably never been here wants to believe everything you read on the internet. :rolleyes:.
"Yahood aur Ansaar tumharay kabhe doost nahe hosakhtay" thats what opar wala clearly said in Quran.... about Israel is Pakistan's enemy? yes... Israel is enemy of all Muslim countries and feel comfortable when Muslim countries fighting each other especially Shia-Suni Fasaad ... like what US forces did in Faluja Iraq.....
I think you meant to say if Israel allows a two state solution and completely ends its occupation. And no, Iran is not going to be finished, I don't know what this means. Israel is the issue with the peace process. They have zero interest in Palestinian sovereignty or dignity.

I didn't mean obliterate Iran off course, but finish it's threat completely. And Yes I meant the two states solution. Anyway, If Israel refuses it, it will not last as people will get more radicals and lose hope in peace, yet war will be the only solution since there won't be a place for moderates. The world changes constantly. And this will not be in Israel favor.
Im also shia...

@darkinsky how would u feel if i called u indian.. considering ur grand parents also migrated from india?it would suck right... so how can u talk shyt about cheetah ?

:lol: I guess that makes you an illegal alien as well :tup:
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And here comes Richi Rich Indian with incredibly micro ego. Why you guys feels that much insecure that one random guy wrote a blog on having relations with Israel and you came up with your multi-trillion dollar worth.
i was just replying to a thread started by a pakistani , if you think its my insecurity then i can't help it , infact your country feels insecure when india- israel come together , so i wonder a country that always keep talking about muslim brotherhood and muslim ummah is today suddenly thinking on improving ties with a jewish state against whome you had fought long back for your arab masters , of course you lost that war , thats a different story ! now getting back to the topic-
the title of the thread asks 'Is israel really pakistan's enemy?'
i think yes! and the logic i gave for that was ,
you guys consider india as enemy No.1 , israel in the past decade has been actively involved in supporting indian military build up against pakistan , ofcourse they get paid for that but i still think israel sees something more than money in this , to add to it when chabad house the jewish center came under attack during 26/11 ,israeli came up with an idea of joint anti terror exercises to counter terrorism , remember in 2008 the israeli army chief had even visited kashmir , so they support indian stand on kashmir !
our relationship is based on many common interests one of them is a common anti-pakistani sentiment .so i think they are your enemy and will continue to be one for long!

I am in America and never called myself Indian, you Indians need to get out of this stupid paranoia. Neither do any of the hundreds of Pakistanis I know here. Yet you who has probably never been here wants to believe everything you read on the internet. :rolleyes:.
it was during the 9/11 period , they feared they would be attacked .
This is a strange issue. No diplomatic relations mean, Pakistan cannot even initiate a dialogue. Or Pakistan can have a conditional relation. Till they remove their settlements, no recognition.

Or full recognition and afterwards a dialogue. This is tricky. Some say that Pakistan has full diplomatic relations with its arch enemy but not with a country that has not been in war with Pakistan.

"Yahood aur Ansaar tumharay kabhe doost nahe hosakhtay" thats what opar wala clearly said in Quran.... about Israel is Pakistan's enemy? yes... Israel is enemy of all Muslim countries and feel comfortable when Muslim countries fighting each other especially Shia-Suni Fasaad ... like what US forces did in Faluja Iraq.....

The word which is normally translated as 'friend' actually means protector or guide. There is nothing about not being friends. If this is the case, islam would never have befriended anyone.

This particular verse was to forbade you muslims to avoid protection and alliance with foreign kingdoms in the past.
Im also shia...

@darkinsky how would u feel if i called u indian.. considering ur grand parents also migrated from india?it would suck right... so how can u talk shyt about cheetah ?

dont worry bro .. some people are just ignorant .. we love shias and sunnis and even christians.dont let this indian tell u what darkinsky meant to say.. maybe he meant something else .. these indians are always there to point out even small and tiny issues and are always acting as bittches..

for the topic .. we hate israel because we are hated by them strongly and firmly.. i m with iran and i hope all pakistan is with iran against these yahudi kafirs. ..
with india we dont hate them too much..

I didn't mean obliterate Iran off course, but finish it's threat completely. And Yes I meant the two states solution. Anyway, If Israel refuses it, it will not last as people will get more radicals and lose hope in peace, yet war will be the only solution since there won't be a place for moderates. The world changes constantly. And this will not be in Israel favor.
r u really a jordanian.. i thought most jordanians are palestinian by blood

I am in America and never called myself Indian, you Indians need to get out of this stupid paranoia. Neither do any of the hundreds of Pakistanis I know here. Yet you who has probably never been here wants to believe everything you read on the internet. :rolleyes:.

bro indians always have this same argument that we call ourselves indians .. man why wud i call myself indian.. if ever i had to call myself something else i usaully wud say iranian or egyptian .. ofcourse not in front of them or they wil ask me to speak in persian or arabic hehe and then i will be caught.. coming back seriously never seen anybody saying we are indian..
the thing is that these indians need to coem to pakistan and se for themselves how many of us look lik typical indians(u know what typical indian looks like). mayb e5 percent and thats the thing they cannot digest
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@afghanis_hehe yes I agree with you but it is funny because these Indians are a bunch of clowns, they say they are the same as Pakistani people and that we do not want to admit it but then if some delusional Pakistani says he is Indian they use that to make fun of all Pakistanis and say Pakistanis want to be Indian. They need to make up their minds. :rolleyes:
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How ironic that the author talks about hate when pro-Israel Zionists are at the forefront of spreading hatred against Pakistan, Iran, Arabs and Muslims in general.

But, then again, it's the usual Express Tribune blabber, so...

Irony is a muslim accusing zionist of spreading hatred against "muslims in general".
The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews , when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, see also Sahih Muslim, 41:6981, Sahih Muslim, 41:6982, Sahih Muslim, 41:6983, Sahih Muslim, 41:6984, Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:56:791,(Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:177)"
Irony is a muslim accusing zionist of spreading hatred against "muslims in general".

Do you really want me to dig up quotes from Jewish texts about how to treat the goyim?
Do you really?

What's sad is the hate-filled brainwashing that Indians demonstrate by cheerleading for anyone and everyone who kills Muslims.
Israel is an indirect enemy of pakistan ,
israel today has a multi-billion dollar defence trade with india and india is the biggest defence market for israeli defence companies .
With the increasing indian defence budget i don't think they would risk loosing such a huge market for the sake of good ties with pakistan ,which is worth nothing.

That is absolutely correct.

I can't help but laugh at the delusions of the Pakistani posters advocating ties with Israel. Their arguments are that Pakistan will be able to "influence" Israel on the Palestinian affair, which is absolutely, mindnumbingly ridiculous since even the US cannot exert such influence.

Their other claim is that Israel will somehow tone down its military relationship with India just because Pakistan opens an embassy in Tel Aviv. That's more delusional dreaming by the pro-Israeli factions in Pakistan.
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