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Is Israel really Pakistan’s enemy?

You are clearly ignorant. There are over a dozen apartheid laws against Arabs. Arabs can not build anywhere but Jews can arrive from around the world to claim stolen land.

The so called state of Israel is nothing but a temporary modern day crusader outpost with roots from Judo-Christian Zionism.

Please list these so called laws before calling me ignorant.
The so called state of Israel is nothing but a temporary modern day crusader outpost with roots from Judo-Christian Zionism.
Coming from a man living in England.:astagh:

Recognizing this entity as legitimate would be immoral, incorrect and against Islamic belief.

How come this question is not being asked to Arabs states Turkey that have recognized Israel long before.Israel has never threatened pakistan Arabs on the other hand financed and supported terrorist in pakistan plus UAE continues to host Bloch separatist leaders.
Anti semitism in Pakistan and many other non arab muslim countries are political and designed by their leaders, to get the blessings of rich Arab nations. There is no logic or reason for them to hate a people with so much passion , with whom they have no history .
Anti semitism in Pakistan and many other non arab muslim countries are political and designed by their leaders, to get the blessings of rich Arab nations. There is no logic or reason for them to hate a people with so much passion , with whom they have no history .

Retarded pakistani politician have done great UN justice to our foreign policy to please Arabs.Funny think is the same Arabs recognize state of Israel decades ago.
How ironic that the author talks about hate when pro-Israel Zionists are at the forefront of spreading hatred against Pakistan, Iran, Arabs and Muslims in general.

But, then again, it's the usual Express Tribune blabber, so...
Please let us know of those specific events where pro-Israel Zionists were at the forefront of spreading hatred against Pakistan? Against Arabs, yes, I agree. But what harm did Israel do to Pakistan? I read somewhere that they even shipped loads of used AKs and small weaponry to help Zia fight his war in Afghanistan.

This is one of the problems of subscribing to pan-Xisms, in this case pan-Islamism. You will carry enmity of all the other people of that X as yours.
Yes and No.

We can't rule our zionist forces working around in Pakistan, usually Mossad agents trying to disrupt peace in the Sub-Continent(Normal for other agencies).

And then we don't have much against them either apart from the Palestina issue.
Please list these so called laws before calling me ignorant.

Attempt to dismiss the citizenship law as not an apartheid law and then we can move on to others.

Coming from a man living in England.:astagh:

lol. Is this an argument? Israel is built on the Zionist ideology which is a union of Jewish and Christian Zionists. Christians have historically persecuted Jews but now Zionism has bought the two together. This new outpost is just disguised as the Jewish state. The Jewish religion forbids Jews from returning to the holy land until the Messiah returns, have you seen him?

How come this question is not being asked to Arabs states Turkey that have recognized Israel long before.Israel has never threatened pakistan Arabs on the other hand financed and supported terrorist in pakistan plus UAE continues to host Bloch separatist leaders.

More ignorance. Israel has become a very close ally of India against Pakistan ever since the butcher Ariel Sharon visited the then BJP government. The US on behalf of Israel along with India are supporting the terrorists in Pakistan.

Zionist Israel is fuelling the wars against Muslim nations, Pakistan having nukes isn't something which makes them smile. Pakistan made it's position very clear since Jinnah refused to accept this entity, this will never change now.
The only Muslim country that is seen by Israelis as a threat is Pakistan. It is the only country that has the capacity to hit Israel. India backed off at the last moment when Israel came close to attacking Pakistan’s nuclear insulations in Kahuta way back in 1999. Pakistan Air force Pilots have been the only ones who have inflected any harm on Israeli Air Force during both of the Arab – Israel conflicts. I think they feel more threats from Pakistan than Iran with its hollow rhetoric. The Indians, the Israelis and the Arabs know that the Pakistani nation is sleeping and to keep it asleep. The day they wake up with someone doing ‘PANGA’ that will be the day…
Aktavist is typical of British-based Pakistanis. They are some of the most extreme people and are disliked amongst the British population.

It's amazing to me that a Pakistani living in the UK is so obsessed about Israel.

All because he is Muslim.

It's like a Catholic Italian who lives in America and is fervently anti-British because of the Northern Ireland situation.

Aktavist leaving Pakistan is Pakistan's gain, but Britain's loss.

With extremists like him, no one would ever have relations and people would continue to hold ill-conceived grudges for their whole lives.
Pakistan should Modernize and Conquer India then Whole of middle east including saudi arabia they have a Real Chance at this May be in next 50 years but it can be possible and will solve all the problems of the middle east and the 90% of the world but its a very ambitious plan But its the only way pakistan can Survive for another 100 years or it will Be Gone Forever Because Every one is Plotting against Pakistan Because it is the only nuclear Nation that can potentially Help Arabs against Israel and we all the KNow the JEW WORLD ORDER where every Goyim is Meant to serve the jew. The way pakistan is now it wont last another 20 -30 years because of these illiterate non techinical advantage near sighted muslims that run the country and Armed forces During 9 year of Musharaf not one kilo watt of electricity was produced now pakistans industry(what ever it is) is Destroyed. ARABS are not True Friends of Pakistan they do More buisness in india then pakistan only Turkey is Friend when it wants to be and CHina is a true partner but how long you think china can fight the whole World against Pakistan may be 30 years tops I say in next 15-20 years if China doesnot partner up with another non nato country lets say brazil or some other country that is like pakistan. AFter 30 years China will be in trouble even with the economy booming you wont be able to hold a strategic foot hold like NATO

China Needs TO MAKE A ORGANIZATION BACKED BY MIlitary to survive its long term dominance over the world like UNCLE SAM

as far as pakistan is concern its a lost Cause i would be surprised if it last another 35 years

no diss to any one just my fair assesment
Im also shia...

@darkinsky how would u feel if i called u indian.. considering ur grand parents also migrated from india?it would suck right... so how can u talk shyt about cheetah ?

Lool But he knows he's Indian? then so is every other Pakistani :/ Apart from your Pashtuns and your Balochis. Plus trust me getting called an Indian is not the worst thing in the world.

Just the other day I got called that 4 letter P word. It's the worst thing a British Asian can get called :P
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Lool But he knows he's Indian? then so is every other Pakistani :/ Apart from your Pashtuns and your Balochis. Plus trust me getting called an Indian is not the worst thing in the world.

Just the other day I got called that 4 letter P word. It's the worst thing a British Asian can get called :P

Son... its baluch not balochi.. and im one..! as for Pak! .. worse is being called a g...di and other stuff.. wont go into details.
Son... its baluch not balochi.. and im one..! as for Pak! .. worse is being called a g...di and other stuff.. wont go into details.

Son? I'm not really sure if you just called me a son because you're old enough to have me as a son or you're just a condescending, pedantic sucker? Either way, please don't. Associating yourself with your kind has its own benefits :/

Plus heyy Mr. Baluch if you're gonna get your panties in a twist just because someone unintentionally spelled the spelling wrong, you better make sure at least "YOU" spell it right. B in Baluch should be capital. :P Get it Ali Hussein?

And yeah I'm really intrigued to know about what's the worst thing a P*k* can get called? :) It's 1 a.m. in the morning will catch up later :)
You speak of thousands of years ago but it seems that your kind has not evolved much in the thousands of years that have passed. You exhibit the same barbaric 7th century Arab mentality but with pretty words of "righteous hatred".

It is when Pakistan moves to the 21st century that there can be any relationship between the two nations. I might remind people that relationship does not mean friendship. Especially when the entire population is indoctrinated with pure hatred for a nation thousands of miles away.
The end result of this pointless hatred is evident in people like Developereo.

Compared to 7th century Arabia, your kind is still mired in the mythology of 5000 years ago. You massacred the Canaanites because Yahweh had bequeathed that land to the children of Abraham. And you repeated that 5000 year old claim in the 20th century to kick Palestinians out of their land. You rely on the evangelical Christians' religious belief in Jesus' return to claim their support for Israel.

Your kind may wear the fancy suits and use sophisticated language, but your ideology and mentality is still mired in 5000 year old bigotry and self-righteousness.
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