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Is India itching for a fight?

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Jun 14, 2010
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Is India itching for a fight?

Islamabad, Friday, 09 July, 2010

RECENT Indian actions indicate that its hawks are prevailing on the doves and are itching to have a go at both Pakistan and China. Former Indian Chief of Army Staff General Deepak Kapoor’s statements of India developing a strategy for a two front war involving both China and Pakistan were dismissed as a madman’s ravings. However, fresh developments indicate a method in the madness. India’s indiscriminate and unprovoked firing across Pakistani villages in the border area wounding scores and killing at least one soldier, its belligerent statements and discrete leaks to the media reveal war preparedness.

The Daily Mail finds Nitin Gokhale’s July 6th Op-Ed, ‘India Readies for China Fight’ highly provocative as well as informative regarding Indian aspirations to become a bully of the block. The Indian analyst reveals that in May 2009 it had formulated a strategy to avenge the 1962 drubbing it received at the hands of China as well as take down Pakistan in one stroke. Nitin’s exposé may be either to browbeat China and Pakistan simultaneously or announce to its new found ally USA that India is now ready to become the policeman of the region and counter China and subdue Pakistan. Nitin indicates that just days before India’s general election results were announced; the country’s highest policy making body for security matters was convened by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Its mandate: Find ways of enabling India’s military to take on an increasingly powerful China and tackle Pakistan. He lets on that at the end of a marathon meeting, the Indian Cabinet Committee on Security initiated a comprehensive, well-funded plan to bolster India’s land, air and naval forces to counter China’s rising military prowess.

The Daily Mail finds that since the CCS plan was launched, there have been significant and wide-ranging signs that Indian hawks have dominated through various hostile measures like the establishment of a new division of troops aimed exclusively at the Chinese border region. India is now mid-way through raising two mountain divisions for the north-eastern border area with China, with the two divisions penciled in to be ready for deployment by the middle of next year. The Daily Mail would like to remind its readers that the location India has chosen to insert its new inductions is the Arunachal Pradesh, where its troops received a bloody nose in 1962. The two divisions, consisting of about 20,000 well-armed troops, will include a squadron of India’s armoured spearhead—Soviet-built T-90 tanks and a regiment of artillery. They will be backed by enhanced command, control, communications and intelligence (C4I) capabilities aimed at covering the Tibet region.

The Daily Mail’s investigative team has dug up details for beefing up the Indian Air Force by constructing additional air bases along the Pakistan border as well as in the Arunachal Pradesh region. India has also launched a highly ambitious induction plan for the IAF which includes fifth generation fighters, and force multipliers like additional AWACs and air-to-air refuellers. Indian Navy, not to be left behind, according to India’s naval leadership has been working to break free of its traditional ‘continental construct’ mindset and start looking at the bigger picture, taking into account the full gamut of geo-strategic and geo-political realities. The Indian Navy is working to build and acquire new, varied and potent platforms including an aircraft carrier, nuclear submarines, stealth frigates and long-range maritime reconnaissance planes. By 2014, it hopes to have 160 ships in its fleet, up from its current strength of 136. But the most surprising revelation to many analysts was India’s public admission that it was inducting a Russian Akula-class Type 971 nuclear submarine into its forces, in addition to an indigenously designed and built submarine, earlier called the advanced technology vessel but now officially named the INS Arihant (The Destroyer).The Daily Mail considers it to be in actuality a cover up for the Indian macabre plans for enforcing a blockade both on China and Pakistan. Indian ambitions rest on attempting to strangle its traditional foes China and Pakistan economically and subjugate them into surrender or accepting Indian supremacy. The Daily Mail would like to remind India that it is living in a fool’s paradise. Neither China nor Pakistan desire war in the region but are fully prepared to defend themselves against the evil designs of any aggressors.
Is India itching for a fight?
No comments..............:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hating myself for reading lengthy crap...........
Moin Ansari....?? Ahmed Qureshi..?? or the imaginary Christina Palmer..?......:rofl:

Instead of writing imaginative Anti-India crap ask them to come to Bollywood which is in dire need of some imaginative scripts..:lol:
Not to forget The Infamous Rupee News Articles :lol: :rofl:
Aww, how provoking can you get? but if only if thats the case in real scenario, simple end result="Once upon a time there was a country named India".:azn: :argh:

are u sure abt that i think u missed ur chance at 65 and 71
anyways give it a try buddy this time
i remember alexander when defeated porus he thaught he can win india too but 2nd time when he came further inside india , he got real taste of war
my advice to china keep away rit now you can say that last war u won don know what will happen in next war
not to forget china is sitting on ticking time bomb you cannt keep ur middle class population suppressed for long dont give us any excuse to throw fire on the gasoline on top of which u r sitting:sniper:
Can't the same thing be said about the US using india to contain China's growth?

In what way? mind opening the secret?

USA is trying to make India a Weapon for itself in the Fight against china For Which India is not bending.... India is Not anyones strategic asset buddy, we are free,and We have our Voice in this world....
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