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Is Chinese threat to India real?

what is India without Russia and Israel ...??...

It would have show case indegenous weapons like j-10,....... to show its strength.
India would not have good quality weapons like t-90's , phalcons , mki's.
Instead it would had made Tejas as popular as J-10 and Tejas Mk2 as J-XX.
why will the be no oil for india?

in mean to say, in a full scale war ,it ll be difficult for India to get oil from middle east Muslim countries including Iran...i can assure you..Also that sea route ll be blocked by pak navy....apart from that oil reserves in India...like in Rann of Kutch will be target of PAf as it is close to border...other one in Assam ,which is under separatist movement....it is my point of view....I may be wrong ..
in mean to say, in a full scale war ,it ll be difficult for India to get oil from middle east Muslim countries including Iran...i can assure you..Also that sea route ll be blocked by pak navy....apart from that oil reserves in India...like in Rann of Kutch will be target of PAf as it is close to border...other one in Assam ,which is under separatist movement....it is my point of view....I may be wrong ..

Pakistani Navy will block OUR sea routes?
in mean to say, in a full scale war ,it ll be difficult for India to get oil from middle east Muslim countries including Iran...i can assure you..Also that sea route ll be blocked by pak navy....apart from that oil reserves in India...like in Rann of Kutch will be target of PAf as it is close to border...other one in Assam ,which is under separatist movement....it is my point of view....I may be wrong ..

our less than half part of navy can block ur entire navy
Is Chinese threat to India real?

Yes, we went into the future and bought some Godzilla robots.

Watch out.
if there is going to be a full out war with india, we will ask Russia and Israel to consider whether they want to be with us or with india. this is a no brainer really:

1. russia needs our support in UNSC in all those big matters. otherwise it is singled out.
israel knows it need China's silence in middle east.

what india can offer in terms of the above stuff?

2. they are close to india, because of $$$.
however when it comes to $$$, China has far more

the request will be simple: stop selling weapons to india, we buy whatever india wants, with all prices doubled and we pay cash.

And yet no western nation will sell you weapons. You must have heard of the saying "Money cannot buy everything", especially respect & love.

And about Israel, yes yes yes ...China holds lots of clout with the "Juice" .................................................... NOT!!
what is India without Russia and Israel ...??...
I know this that Pakistan is nowhere even if it is with China. Not to mention the support you guys have from China and US is way too much as compared to what we have with Russia and Israel. I just don't get it, why you guys are so afraid of a small country like Israel ??:)

1. as of writing, india doesn't have any reliable nuclear delivery method. as an indian, do you trust your missiles when your rocket can become fireworks?
I think you should brush up your knowledge. The new missiles ballistic missiles like k series, sagarika etc. are way too better. They are a huge success.

2. as of writing, our mid course anti ballistic missile can shoot down your incoming nuke missile.
And as of writing, nobody told you this but please beware of our BMD system, its way too better. It is really good. Don't be overconfident of your techs, we are coming.

as of writing, you don't have any missile that can hit our population centers in the east coast, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, your missiles can not reach any of these cities.
So you intend to start your war with nuclear weapons ??/ Good i don't know how far are these cities but i will tell you longest range of our missile and its >3500 km. Just do your calculations.

We owe Pakistan. We owe Pakistan a lot. We are going to repay it by providing more financial, technical, political supports.
Good for you, but do you know in reply for your help Pakistan keeps away the terrorist from your Muslim dominated provinces. Those all terrorist gets their training in Pakistan. The day you also begin to follow the US path, you will suddenly see a rise in terrorists attacks in your country.

we had a discussion on a Chinese forum that "what happens if india choose to block the indian ocean, how we are going to get oil from ME".
the conclusion is our army will be able to cross the border, push forward to new delhi and capture it within a few days.

let me remind you dude, you don't have any single weapon to match our: Type-99 MBT, WS-2 rocket launcher, CJ-10 missiles. and the experience of the 1962 war also tells something.

Delhi....:rofl:. There is a saying in history "Abhi delhi door hai". It means Right now delhi is too far...
I think should try such a misadventure and see yourself. You guys will never get it. If it was so easy, your government would have attacked us, but they know attacking us is calling your own destruction.

No matter whether you like it or not, there are several facts you can not deny:

with a comparable population,

1. our economy is 4 times as big as yours. this means if we allocate 1% of our GDP on defense, you have to allocate 4% to match it. If we do 4%, you have to spend more than 15%, this will bankrupt your economy.

2. our land is 3 times as big as yours. this means we can launch short range missiles from our border, hit Singh's office. yet you need ICBM to hit our population centers.
I have one answer for you...enjoy
China says ties with India friendly, cooperative despite AGNI-3 testing - Economic Times

You know we are neighbors we don't need 10000km or 14000km range missiles to hit your cities. Its well within our range. Not to mention, Agni 5 is coming. Also regarding economy and your military might, we all agree that you are way too stronger than us but don't misinterpret that as you can win on us.

3. our technology is several times more advanced than yours. we build J-10, you bought Mig-29. We built J-20, you pay for T-50. our spending is pushing our technology to a higher level, you are paying to widening the gap.
Yeah you are right we purchased Mig29 and became partner with with Russia in PakFa while you stole designs of fighter jets from your friends and name them your own.
I also don't get this. You guys have already started to consider J20 a success while nobody knows what it is capable of and not to mention it was just a first flight and projects get cancelled in defense and aerospace sector all the times, many projects are left in between. So, in short don't be too confident, right now success is far.
No. Chinese planes are cheap low quality copies of the awesome, godlike white man's designs and will probably fall apart in flight and give some kids lead poisoning. :rofl: India has nothing to worry about.
India provides Tibetan terrorists a haven and train them to fight China.
Tibetans are never involved in any terrorist act. On the contrary you know why Chinese government help you ?// Its because in response to this help, you make sure that the terrorist from Muslim dominated China whom you guys are training will not attack China. You guys are spreading terrorism everywhere. Its like you guys have Howard and MIT of terrorism.

This is based on a huge false assumption: China will never across Burma to attack india.

Let's be honest, in case of a full out military conflict with india, China is not going to seek permission from Burma whether we can across their country or not. We would make a simple and easy choice for them: 1) allow PLA access, we promise for 20 years of economic & infrastructure support, we block all crap in the UNSC against the regime in Burma. 2) PLA cross Burma, take your capital, install a pro-China puppet regime, and then fight with india.

This has been discussed about a million times on Chinese forums, we don't see any reason how Burma would reject the first offer.
I wrote only 3 lines and were did you saw me writing that PLA will have to take Burma's permission ??
I wrote clearly,you are not capable of attacking us from Himalayas and maintaining those territories.

if there is going to be a full out war with india, we will ask Russia and Israel to consider whether they want to be with us or with india. this is a no brainer really:
Oh really. Well you don't need to do that because we will be fighting alone with you.

1. russia needs our support in UNSC in all those big matters. otherwise it is singled out.
israel knows it need China's silence in middle east.
Ohhh really...:rofl:. You know this Russia is also permanent member of UNSC ??/ I hope you atleast know this. According to UNSC rule every permanent member has a veto power. If any of the country says no, the decision is not passed. Just like recently, during Libya crisis all BRIC nations opposed No fly zone including China but during UNSC meet it was only Russias vote which has stopped this for right now.
Russians don't need anyone atleast for UNSC because even 1 vote is enough to cancel a proposal in UNSC.

2. they are close to india, because of $$$.
however when it comes to $$$, China has far more
I don't know why they are close to us ??? As far as i know China is one of their biggest trading partner. I think it has to do with the fact that China can not be trusted when it come to security.

the request will be simple: stop selling weapons to india, we buy whatever india wants, with all prices doubled and we pay cash.
Way to go....try this. You are talking as if Russians have not learnt from the fraud that you have committed. Not to mention you can offer any amount of money to Israel, its US who will decide whether to give you weapons or not.

btw, we Chinese do not want war with india or any nation, the problem is your regime and media is keep cooking up such China threat stories as if we want a fight. I am telling you: this is killing your economy & growth, this is like the cold war version 2. india is not having a up hand because our economy is 4 times as big as yours.
Yeah the problem is our Government, we should oppose more strongly. And the problem is your media who is not allowed to telecast any news. I think you should visit Indo-China border and talk to your army. I have done, my brother is posted on Indo-china border and let me tell you that its chinese army who is creating all this mess. The only possible explanation is your government and people have no control over your own army ohh wait China is not a democracy.
Tibetans are never involved in any terrorist act. On the contrary you know why Chinese government help you ?// Its because in response to this help, you make sure that the terrorist from Muslim dominated China whom you guys are training will not attack China. You guys are spreading terrorism everywhere. Its like you guys have Howard and MIT of terrorism.

I wrote only 3 lines and were did you saw me writing that PLA will have to take Burma's permission ??
I wrote clearly,you are not capable of attacking us from Himalayas and maintaining those territories.

Oh really. Well you don't need to do that because we will be fighting alone with you.

Ohhh really...:rofl:. You know this Russia is also permanent member of UNSC ??/ I hope you atleast know this. According to UNSC rule every permanent member has a veto power. If any of the country says no, the decision is not passed. Just like recently, during Libya crisis all BRIC nations opposed No fly zone including China but during UNSC meet it was only Russias vote which has stopped this for right now.
Russians don't need anyone atleast for UNSC because even 1 vote is enough to cancel a proposal in UNSC.

I don't know why they are close to us ??? As far as i know China is one of their biggest trading partner. I think it has to do with the fact that China can not be trusted when it come to security.

Way to go....try this. You are talking as if Russians have not learnt from the fraud that you have committed. Not to mention you can offer any amount of money to Israel, its US who will decide whether to give you weapons or not.

Yeah the problem is our Government, we should oppose more strongly. And the problem is your media who is not allowed to telecast any news. I think you should visit Indo-China border and talk to your army. I have done, my brother is posted on Indo-china border and let me tell you that its chinese army who is creating all this mess. The only possible explanation is your government and people have no control over your own army ohh wait China is not a democracy.

Yeah our military has gone rogue and doesn't listen to the government so better watch out, don't push them since it's their hands on the nuclear dial. best not to provoke a crazy rogue military that's far superior to yours.
we Chinese are in general peaceful people, we didn't invade your country even when we were at our peak times in Tang and Han. We built the great wall of China for defense, not invasion. such mindset is not changed today, we want peace.

however, your media and the Singh regime wants you to see China as a threat, why? because you will thus question less on their failure and corruption.

let's just face the fact even your far right nationalists can never deny: China beat you hard in the 1962 war, but we didn't take any single inch of your land after the war. why we want to threat you now when we are focusing on development?

your biggest enemy is the Singh regime, an middle east style uprising against the Singh regime will change the life of yourself, your children and grandchildren.
Nice words but its not true, your army is really creating a mess and i have seen with my own eyes, the messages written by your army on indian Territory. I think your government don't have any control on its army or the other explanation is all this is government sanctioned.
FYI Great wall of china was meant to protect yourself from MOngols, if it was not build your a** would have been kicked.

in mean to say, in a full scale war ,it ll be difficult for India to get oil from middle east Muslim countries including Iran...i can assure you..Also that sea route ll be blocked by pak navy....apart from that oil reserves in India...like in Rann of Kutch will be target of PAf as it is close to border...other one in Assam ,which is under separatist movement....it is my point of view....I may be wrong ..
:rofl: And you are... mr.??? What you have been given right to talk on behalf of whole middle east ??/ funny...
Also PAF....1972 yaad nahi hai. KArachi port burnt for the one whole month. You guys will never learn, defeat after defeat.
Here is a suggestion, don't do any mis-adventure otherwise we would have to erase one country from the globe.

yes i mean the gulf of Oman and Gwader port area....this is very strategic sea route...and all the Saudi ,UAE and Iranian oil goes through there...and it can be blocked....!
Why would our ship pass through Pakistani water ?? And with a dozen ships you are planning to block the whole Indian Ocean ?? :rofl:

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