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Is China Creating A Capability for Copter-Borne Operations Across Tibet?

As for artillery,
bofors gun 155mm


its high altitude capable and can be air lifted

Also in the recent times IAF has made several Landing strips including more than 6 Advanced landing Strips along with several maintenance,fuel and ammo depoes on the regions next to LAC.


AN-32 in Nyoma landing strip
lol mark a clueless Indian's word? you might as well mark a cow's word in that case```when was the last time incompetent indians have achieved anything that you bragged about, even with direct western masters help?

reality is none``

The greatest achievement of china is 2 cent army..........they give china the capability to brain fart 24/7 about nothing.......:D
Chinese copters will break down within a day, no need to worry. China's biggest enemy will be its piece of shyte weapons.
lol as always, a simpleton Indian thinks a Russian knok-off missile is the answer to 'everything'````and an underpowered foreign made LCH is 'key changer'````3 years old may have more common senses than you
Russian knock off Missile!!?U guys really should get a life. . . . Man!! just because the Chinese produce their World famous knock off products does not mean that every country does it.Have u sen the Brahmos in action,I guess u should take a look at this video,and u know whats more to this??This is the oldest version of the Brahmos,i.e.,Brahmos Block-I and we have deployed the Block-III version in AP:woot:
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From Tibet?? No way.... Tibet is a plateau - that means air will be very thin so for a chopper to actually be able to take off it will need to drastically reduce its payload. Low payload means it will need to make lots of incursions into indian territory to do much damage - again and again putting itself in danger from indian SAMs. They will lose far too many choppers this way.
lets cut out this cr@@p and lets talk sense..all right???a heli borne operation couldn't mount until all air defence is down.even if it can be achieved,sholder fired rockets are big risk.and as we know Arunachal is "Flying over the Hump",underpowered helos couldn't be used in this ops.also,they have to fly light,that means either lower weaponsload or high no of helos have to be used.plus,heliborne troops can't survive without ground troops as they fly light and they have no means to carry rations and weapons for weeks.plus as they will be dropped in India,they have to face thousands of ground troops deployed in that area,not to mention gunships and tanks..in short,it'll be nightmare..

From Tibet?? No way.... Tibet is a plateau - that means air will be very thin so for a chopper to actually be able to take off it will need to drastically reduce its payload. Low payload means it will need to make lots of incursions into indian territory to do much damage - again and again putting itself in danger from indian SAMs. They will lose far too many choppers this way.

you snatched my words from my mouth,my friend.. :tup:
You pray to Brahmos to save you from China? :rofl:

China has already launched our attack!

I've heard of people who touch themselves to ****, images, or their partners to get off, but you must be the only thing on here that I've observed so far that gets a hard on and touches itself to the thought of war. Grow up little virgin and stop jizzing your pants. Really.
Hey you Forgot about our capabilities.... If you dare to cross the border then your chopper will be falling like dead flies hit by a fly killer Mat


India has one of the Best Air defence Capabilities.

Chopper killers.




For your information, the 15th Airborne Corp is also being upgraded to an Airborne Group Army,which will use the soon-to-be revealed Y-20 heavy transporter as its main workhouses。PLA Daily reports:

重装空投 岑卓骏摄


北京7月15日电 据解放军报 特约记者张力、记者李国文报道:你见过这样壮观的景象吗?夏日的西北大漠,大型运输机掠过蓝天,一簇簇硕大的降落伞遮天蔽日,携带着一门门重型火炮、一辆辆伞兵战车横空出世,从天而降。



2005年,中国空降兵史册翻开崭新一页。这一年,自动化指挥系统、伞兵突击车、伞兵战斗车陆续装备空降兵部队。随后,围绕如何“让战车飞起来、投下去”,中国空降兵脱毛换羽,接连实现跨越式发展: ——以国产运输机为平台,空降兵突破“小件连投技术”,成功进行了一次连投30个小件的试验,超过了国外一次连投最多22件的纪录。



10年来,从东北雪原到南海岛屿,从十万大山到世界屋脊,从平原湖泊到山区森林,空降兵部队在广袤国土征战演练的步伐越迈越宽。随着某型伞兵伞、武装翼伞、动力翼伞等10余种新型伞具列装部队,我军空降兵跳伞安全率之高达到世界先进水平。 10年来,中国空降兵还飞向世界舞台。“和平使命—2005”联合军演,中国空降兵与俄罗斯空降兵同台竞技,空投到地面的官兵们驾驶新型战车快速准确摧毁120多个目标。“和平使命—2007”联合军演,中国空降兵首次万里机动飞出国门,实现了空降兵在异国复杂气象条件下精确跳伞着陆和重装连续空投。

正华快评 ■伍正华 远飞者当换其新羽 这个从天而降的惊叹号,让我想到了一只老鹰的重生。活到30多岁时,老鹰的爪子和喙开始老化,翅膀越来越沉重。为了继续搏击长空,它在岩石上啄碎其喙,拔掉指甲和羽毛,待其新生。

从“背伞的步兵”到“飞行集团军”,我军空降兵之所以能铸剑长空,笑傲苍穹,那是因为它跟雄鹰一样,也经历了拔羽重生的考验和蜕变。在军队转型的大潮中,这种考验无处不在,这种蜕变无以计数。正是在这种考验和蜕变中,我军现代化建设实现了历史性跨越。 古语云:“远飞者当换其新羽,善筑者先清其旧基。”如果说装备更新换代是一次次“换羽”,那么,头脑的“脱毛”则显得更为紧迫。

Brahmos is present to counter every move of Dragon.

LCH will be a key changer as well.

Brahmos?That piece of junk that the Russians have steadfastly refused to induct into their own forces?:cheesy:

It's more like this happening the other way round.

Will china be able to defence Chengdu or Lhasa from an Indian air invasion (assuming the battle is localized to these areas; nuclear threats and forces don't come into the picture).

It's good keep the threat on .. and keep the chinese on tenderhooks.

Chengdu?You won't come as far as 10 km from the base。

By the way, the simplest and most cost-effective way to deal a blow to India is raining long-range rockets on New Delhi which is a bare 250-300km from the Chinese border。 Always strike at your enemy's heart and strategy centre。
For your information, the 15th Airborne Corp is also being upgraded to an Airborne Group Army,which will use the soon-to-be revealed Y-20 heavy transporter as its main workhouses。PLA Daily reports:

重装空投 岑卓骏摄


北京7月15日电 据解放军报 特约记者张力、记者李国文报道:你见过这样壮观的景象吗?夏日的西北大漠,大型运输机掠过蓝天,一簇簇硕大的降落伞遮天蔽日,携带着一门门重型火炮、一辆辆伞兵战车横空出世,从天而降。



2005年,中国空降兵史册翻开崭新一页。这一年,自动化指挥系统、伞兵突击车、伞兵战斗车陆续装备空降兵部队。随后,围绕如何“让战车飞起来、投下去”,中国空降兵脱毛换羽,接连实现跨越式发展: ——以国产运输机为平台,空降兵突破“小件连投技术”,成功进行了一次连投30个小件的试验,超过了国外一次连投最多22件的纪录。



10年来,从东北雪原到南海岛屿,从十万大山到世界屋脊,从平原湖泊到山区森林,空降兵部队在广袤国土征战演练的步伐越迈越宽。随着某型伞兵伞、武装翼伞、动力翼伞等10余种新型伞具列装部队,我军空降兵跳伞安全率之高达到世界先进水平。 10年来,中国空降兵还飞向世界舞台。“和平使命—2005”联合军演,中国空降兵与俄罗斯空降兵同台竞技,空投到地面的官兵们驾驶新型战车快速准确摧毁120多个目标。“和平使命—2007”联合军演,中国空降兵首次万里机动飞出国门,实现了空降兵在异国复杂气象条件下精确跳伞着陆和重装连续空投。

正华快评 ■伍正华 远飞者当换其新羽 这个从天而降的惊叹号,让我想到了一只老鹰的重生。活到30多岁时,老鹰的爪子和喙开始老化,翅膀越来越沉重。为了继续搏击长空,它在岩石上啄碎其喙,拔掉指甲和羽毛,待其新生。

从“背伞的步兵”到“飞行集团军”,我军空降兵之所以能铸剑长空,笑傲苍穹,那是因为它跟雄鹰一样,也经历了拔羽重生的考验和蜕变。在军队转型的大潮中,这种考验无处不在,这种蜕变无以计数。正是在这种考验和蜕变中,我军现代化建设实现了历史性跨越。 古语云:“远飞者当换其新羽,善筑者先清其旧基。”如果说装备更新换代是一次次“换羽”,那么,头#24471;更为紧迫。


Can you post its english?
Can you post its english?

used google translator.. :angel: :angel: :angel:

Beijing, July 15 special correspondent tension Liberation Army Daily reporter Li Guowen reported: Have you ever seen such a spectacular sight? The northwestern desert of the summer, large transport aircraft passing the blue sky, a huge clusters of parachute blotting out the sun, carrying a door heavy artillery, a vehicle of paratroopers fighting vehicles turned out to heaven.

Chariot airborne, hanging in the sky like an exclamation point. It declared to the world: after 10 years of transition, building airborne from a single arm back umbrella infantry, the development by the artillery, aviation, missiles, soldiers, scouts, chemical defense, engineering, electronic countermeasures (ECM), "flying army" composed of the Signal Corps, more than 20 professional branches, more than one branches of synthesis, to quick response, remote direct, reinstall the strategic air assault strike force is quietly rising.

Lifeng Biao, the airborne unit commander, told reporters: "The so-called 'flying army group', equivalent to an army moved to heaven." This change is meaningful: the past, our military airborne has remained at the level of "one shot" lightly armed, the paratroopers addition can parachute, and the remaining skills like traditional infantry. Once airborne forces leaders to visit to see a Russian airborne division a few female soldiers in the exercise, the use of airborne heavy tanks played opponents to pieces, small pieces of equipment of our army airborne was only airdrop thin ...

In 2005, the annals of Chinese airborne troops opened a new page. This year, the automated command system, paratrooper assault vehicles, paratroopers combat vehicles fielded to airborne troops. Subsequently, focusing on how the chariot to fly, cast down, airborne hair removal molt, a series of leaps and bounds: - domestic transport aircraft as a platform, airborne breakthrough small pieces even investment and technology ", has successfully conducted even the cast of 30 small test, more than abroad, once even cast a maximum of 22 records.
Time for India to concentrate on stinger missiles or other such portable missiles to down heli's. Learn from the Taliban and iraqi insurgents who took out a few Apaches and apply that knowledge.
how long china can use force to keep people under their one party system....I dont think, one china is gonna be a long lasting solution.
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