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IRAQ with Saddam Hussein



IRAQ without Saddam Hussein



the beauty things you see they were built before Saddam Iraq destroyed with that maniac but since you are

foreigner and wahhabi you can't but give a credit to your friend since he was an enemy of shia

btw your maniac shaikh wahhabi announce that he is kafir when he took Kuwait and threaten al saud.

Reuters / Monday, October 24, 2016
A Kurdish Peshmerga fighter is seen bloodied following a road side bomb on their vehicle during a battle with Islamic State militants at Topzawa village near Bashiqa, near Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah


Reuters / Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Christian Iraqi special forces soldier walks in a church in Bartella, east of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic

Reuters / Sunday, October 23, 2016
Smoke rises at Islamic State militants' positions in the town of Naweran, near Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari

I hope you are understanding that no one is buying the bullcrap that is supposed to be conveyed with these pictures. It's too ironic that the same terrorists who have done this to Iraq post-Saddam (ISIS and Co) idolize Saddam. When Saddam was sent to hell, his minions began widespread terror Iraq (in form of ISIS and AQ) because they couldn't afford to simply see themselves not ruling Iraq anymore. Iraq is facing the same terror it faced under Saddam, same people, same ideology, different names.

The maniac was captured in a rat hole and hanged, whitewashing his atrocities won't work.

The current puppet regimes installed by Americans are so useless and corrupted that Saddam is dead for a decade now and they are still incapable of uniting the country.
Please comply with @Serpentine s instructions on graphic content. We will take stern action against any violations in this matter. Keep PDF clean, Keep it healthy!

Dear Horus, I have seen that you were a very important member of this community. I am Patrice d'Arras, the creator of the youtube channel "Politis" (the one about international relations on Youtube), and I wanted to know if you felt that the content of this channel could fit here. I feel like it does ! Could you tell me your opinion? I would be very glad if we could discuss about it ! Thank you !
Forces from the elite counter-terrorism service (CTS) retook areas close to the eastern outskirts of Mosul.

"On our front, we have advanced to within five or six kilometres (three to four miles) of Mosul," their commander, General Abdelghani al-Assadi, told AFP.

"We must now coordinate with forces on other fronts to launch a coordinated" attack on Mosul, he said, speaking from the Christian town of Bartalla.

Kurdish peshmerga forces are making gains on the northeastern front, but federal forces advancing from the south have some way to go before reaching the outskirts.

Meanwhile, thousands of men from the Hashed al-Shaabi paramilitary umbrella group dominated by Tehran-backed Shiite militias were preparing for a push to the west of mainly Sunni Mosul.

The Hashed`s mission will be to "cut off and prevent the escape of (IS) towards Syria and fully isolate Mosul from Syria", said Jawwad al-Tulaibawi, spokesman for the Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia.

"We expect that it will be a difficult and fierce battle," he said.Iraqi Kurds and Sunni Arab politicians have opposed the Hashed`s participation in the operation, as has Turkey, which has a military presence east of Mosul despite repeated demands by Baghdad to withdraw its forces.

Tensions have risen between Baghdad and Ankara, whose foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, warned Tuesday that if there is a threat to Turkey, "we are ready to use all our resources including a ground operation".


Bodies thrown into river

In a village called Safina, about 45 km south of Mosul, IS was blamed for executing 15 civilians before throwing their bodies in a river, possibly to strike terror among other residents.

On October 19 also in Safina, extremist fighters “reportedly tied six civilians to a vehicle by their hands and dragged them around the village, apparently simply because they were related to a particular tribal leader fighting against [IS]” Mr. Colville said.

Iraqi security forces found another 70 bodies riddled with bullet wounds on October 20 in the nearby Tuloul Naser village. Mr. Colville said it was not immediately clear who was responsible for their deaths.

And on Saturday, IS gunmen allegedly shot dead three women and three girls during a forced march in Rufeila village south of Mosul.

Disabled women killed

The group was killed because they were struggling to keep up, likely because one of the girls who was ultimately shot dead had a physical disability, the rights office said.

The 50 police officers who had been held hostage by IS were reportedly executed in a building outside Mosul on Sunday, Mr. Colville told reporters in Geneva.

“We very much fear that these will not be the last such reports we receive of such barbaric acts by [IS],” he said.

He added that all the allegations “need a bit more [investigative] work” before the UN can conclusively say they took place. The rights office also restated its fears that IS will use civilians in Mosul as human shields as Iraqi forces fight to retake the city in an operation backed by a U.S.-led coalition.
Reuters / Tuesday, October 25, 2016
An American soldier takes a selfie at the U.S. army base in Qayyara, south of Mosul. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani

Arbil: The United States said Thursday that up to 900 Islamic State group jihadists have been killed in the offensive to retake Iraq`s Mosul, as camps around the city filled with fleeing civilians.

Backed with air and ground support from a US-led coalition, federal forces allied with Kurdish peshmerga fighters have taken a string of towns and villages in a cautious but steady advance.

General Joseph Votel, who heads the US military`s Central Command, told AFP on Thursday that the offensive was inflicting a heavy toll on the jihadists.

"Just in the operations over the last week and a half associated with Mosul, we estimate they`ve probably killed about 800-900 Islamic State fighters," Votel said in an interview.

There are between 3,500 and 5,000 IS jihadists in Mosul and up to another 2,000 in the broader area, according to US estimates.

The offensive has so far been concentrated in towns and villages around Mosul, with Iraqi forces later expected to breach city limits and engage the jihadists in street-to-street fighting.Aid workers have warned of a major humanitarian crisis when fighting begins in earnest for Mosul, which is home to more than a million people, but thousands have already been fleeing surrounding areas.

Iraq`s ministry of displacement and migration said Thursday that more than 11,700 people had been displaced since the operation began.

"There`s been quite a dramatic upturn in the last few days. As the Iraqi troops get closer to Mosul, more people are getting displaced, there are more populated areas," said Karl Schembri, regional media adviser for the Norwegian Refugee Council.

At a camp in Khazir, about mid-way between Mosul and the Iraqi Kurdish capital Arbil, Massud Ismail Hassan peered through a chainlink fence, looking for family members as peshmerga fighters registered the displaced.

"Once all these procedures are finished we will be able to give them food and drink and blankets we brought with us," he said.

Other families had already found each other, and tearful relatives clutched hands through the links of the fence.

Saddam Dahham, who lived under IS control in a village near Mosul for more than two years, fled to Khazir with his wife and their three children.

"We were not allowed to smoke, to use phones, not allowed to watch TV and we had to let our beards grow long," the 36-year-old said.

One of the first things he did after arriving at the camp was joyfully shave the "heavy thing dangling from my chin," Dahham said.

"I`m finally going to resume a normal life," the former truck driver said.Schembri said the Norwegian Refugee Council, other aid agencies and the United Nations were planning for 200,000 people to be displaced in the next few days, though it may not reach that figure.

If anything close to 200,000 people are displaced in the immediate future, there will be a major shortage of places in camps.

"In terms of... camp facilities, there are only spaces available for 60,000" people, Schembri said.

Human Rights Watch on Thursday accused Kurdish authorities of arbitrarily detaining fleeing men and boys over 15 for indefinite periods as they checked them for possible ties to IS.

Kurdish authorities "are ignoring basic due process guarantees," said Lama Fakih, HRW`s deputy Middle East director. "No one should be detained unless there is reason to suspect them personally of criminal activity."

After seizing control of large parts of Iraq and neighbouring Syria in mid-2014, IS declared a cross-border "caliphate", imposed its harsh interpretation of Islamic law and committed widespread atrocities.

Its rule was especially harsh for religious minorities and on Thursday two Yazidi women activists who survived a nightmare ordeal at the hands of IS won the European Parliament`s prestigious Sakharov human rights prize.

Nadia Murad and Lamia Haji Bashar have become figureheads for the effort to protect the Yazidis, against whom IS pursued a brutal campaign of massacres as well as enslavement and rape.


First Published: Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 21:45
Reuters / Wednesday, October 26, 2016
A detained man accused of being an Islamic State fighter sits in front of newly displaced men near a check point in Qayyara, east of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic

Reuters / Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Federal police forces launch a rocket during clashes with Islamic State militants in south of Mosul. REUTERS/Stringer

Reuters / Wednesday, October 26, 2016
A detained man accused of being an Islamic State fighter sits in front of newly displaced men near a check point in Qayyara, east of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic

Reuters / Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Federal police forces launch a rocket during clashes with Islamic State militants in south of Mosul. REUTERS/Stringer

Reuters / Wednesday, October 26, 2016
A view of Al Khazar camps for newly internally displaced people near Hassan Sham, east of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra

The United Nations' refugee agency is shipping tents, blankets and other aid from the United Arab Emirates to northern Iraq to help those affected by the military campaign.

Lift truck drivers upload family tents for the Mosul refugees at the UNHCR warehouses, part of the International Humanitarian City (IHC) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Thursday. (Source: AP Photo)


The United Nations’ refugee agency is shipping tents, blankets and other aid from the United Arab Emirates to northern Iraq to help those affected by the military campaign. The UNHCR shipment, which left Dubai’s International Humanitarian City on Thursday, is expected to reach those affected as soon as Friday.

Soliman Mohamed Daud, a senior UNHCR supply officer, told The Associated Press that 7,000 units of the relief aid will be sent to northern Iraq. The UAE shipment that left Thursday includes some 1,500 kits. Iraqi and Kurdish forces, backed by US advisers and airstrikes, began the operation to retake Iraq’s second-largest city earlier this month. Aid groups fear that a mass exodus from Mosul could overwhelm camps for displaced people set up around its outskirts.
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