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USA don't want Russian Air strikes in Iraq against ISIS terrorists. Now you can see that USA trying to protect ISIS. USA = terrorists supporters.
USA don't want Russian Air strikes in Iraq against ISIS terrorists. Now you can see that USA trying to protect ISIS. USA = terrorists supporters.

true :)
40% terrorist infrastructure has been destroyed by russian
the war is not over but it is doing good and long way to go

it is time for NATO USA to work with Russia and work with SAA
they dont like assad i understand and get it but they dont need to hate SAA it is the army of Syrian people not assad personal army
soon wish the russia are in iraq and the parliament approves it
USA don't want Russian Air strikes in Iraq against ISIS terrorists. Now you can see that USA trying to protect ISIS. USA = terrorists supporters.

No, they were smart because next Russians would have said that US is supporting Assad.

Iraqi CH-4B drones.
Syrian Strikes: Why Iraq Leaning Toward Russia, Turning Away From US

Frustrated with the US-led coalition's ineffective anti-ISIL campaign, Iraq is turning to Russia, viewing Moscow as a much more trustworthy partner than Washington, US author Eric Zuesse notes.
Yes, Iraq wants Russia to play a bigger role than the US in the war against Islamic State, and for good reason, US author and investigative historian notes.
Indeed, Iraq's security and economic development are not on the foreign policy agenda of Washington. Substantially weakened due to the American invasion of 2003, the country is currently suffering from the ISIL advance.

"It is also an unequivocal statement from the majority-Shiite nation of Iraq, that the US is too heavily committed to the rabidly fundamentalist Sunni royal family of Saudi Arabia (who provide the overwhelming bulk of the funding for al-Qaeda and other jihadist movements), to be willing to do what must be done in order to defeat in Iraq the Sunni extremists who have destroyed Iraq, and who are now possibly turning Iraq into a failed state, like Libya has become after NATO’s bombing campaign there in 2011," Eric Zuesse pointed out in his article for Strategic Culture Foundation.

To complicate matters further, in February 2015, Head of the Iraqi Parliament's National Security and Defense Committee Hakem al-Zameli reported that there was evidence showing that the US Apache helicopters had repeatedly dropped food and weaponry for Islamic State.

"We keep finding documents, pictures, and information confirming that the [US-led] coalition aircraft violate Iraqi sovereignty and international norms in order to prolong the war with ISIL by providing it with aid by air or on land," al-Zameli said as quoted by Zuesse.

And it is not the first time that Washington and Riyadh have covertly supported Sunni extremists in order to shift the balance of power in the region, the investigative historian remarked.

"The Saudi royals had co-founded al-Qaeda (working through the CIA and Osama bin Laden) in order to defeat the pro-Russian Afghan government of Nur Muhammad Taraki back in 1979," Zuesse reminded.

Remarkably, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya had blocked jihadists and Islamic extremists from operating in their countries. By toppling Hussein and then Gaddafi the US has played straight into Islamists' hands. So far, it was Washington who facilitated the rise of Islamic State, not Iraqis, the US author underscored.
Meanwhile, the Saudi monarchy, backed by the US, is imposing its own ultra-conservative form of Sunni Islam – Salafism – in the Middle East and beyond. This Western support to Sunni jihadists is predictably frustrating Iraqi Shiites.

"The United States is allied with the Saudi royal family's political movement, against Russia, and against Iran — and, therefore, against Baathist Syria, which allies with both Shiite Iran and secular Russia… And Iraq that has moved more firmly into the Iranian camp is moving toward Russia and away from the United States," Zuesse explained.

Today, Washington is snubbing both Russia and Iraq, blaming the first for what the Pentagon calls a "flawed" military strategy in Syria, and the latter for its "unwillingness" to fight Islamic State. However, it cannot divert public opinion from the US' evident failure to eradicate ISIL as well as Washington's efforts to re-draw the map of the region.

Read more: Syrian Strikes: Why Iraq Leaning Toward Russia, Turning Away From US
Sputniknews is Kremlin sponsored propaganda outlet. I guess Pravda got old.
ISIS leader al-Baghdadi injured in Iraqi airstrike on terrorist convoy

Iraq’s Air Force struck the convoy of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as he was about to meet with the terror group’s top commanders, Reuters cited a military statement. The Baghdad Information Center has confirmed that the strike injured al-Baghdadi.
"Iraqi air forces have bombed the convoy of the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi while he was heading to Karabla to attend a meeting with Daesh [ISIS] commanders," read the initial military statement cited by Reuters.

The military gave no information about the fate of the terrorist leader.

Al-Baghdadi was “wounded” in the airstrike, while three of his deputies were killed, Iranian news agency IRNA claimed, citing an informed source.

ISIS leader al-Baghdadi injured in Iraqi airstrike on terrorist convoy — RT News
latest ISIS commander dead in Iraq and Syria that will be bad for morale

ISIS leader was injured so it is bad for morale for terrorist

i would say Iraq did good finding ISIS leader is not easy task and bombs them
ISIL Propaganda Mastermind Killed by Iraqi Air Forces

Read more: ISIL Propaganda Mastermind Killed by Iraqi Air Forces

A leading figure of the Islamic State (ISIL) terrorist group Abu Omar al-Shishani was killed during the bombing of an ISIL convoy, IRNA reported citing an Iraqi source.

According to the source, al-Shishani, a Georgian-born Chechen, was in charge of ISIL propaganda activities.
On Sunday, the Iraqi Air Force attacked the convoy of ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the Western Iraqi province of Anbar. The motorcade was heading to a meeting of ISIL commanders.

The Iraqi military reported that al-Baghdadi was injured as a result of the bombing.

Karim Nihaya, an artist in Baghdad, wrapped a painting of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia last week. Mr. Putin's popularity is soaring in Iraq's Shiite heartland for his military raids in Syria.
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