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IraQi WMDs


Sep 10, 2008
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When you can't do the work all alone by yourself get others involved that's what Iraq did back in 1990. However, some bad lucks & circumstances did prevailed & they weren't that successful as was Pakistan.
The book namely The Bomb in My Garden The Secrets of Saddam's Nuclear Mastermind was written by a renowned Iraqi nuclear scientist Dr. Mahdi who describes in detail the hardships faced by him & his colleagues for the procurement of many nuclear secrets from the international black market. Also described are the inclusion of private German & French companies who not only aided them out of money but actually provided them the technical men.
With an overview of AQ Khan & Pakistan indulgement in these markets he also describes a great deal about internal secrets of International WatchDog & for engineers like me a comprehensive view of the technology involved in Uranium enrichment.

I have read through the book & have filtered important lines for you to analyse & I be sure that you will find it greatly interesting that overall Iraq did got a potential similar to that of Pakistan to start its nuclear ambition!!


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