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Iranians chant ‘Death to Israel & America!’ on Quds Day as Rouhani joins rally (PHOTOS, VIDEO)


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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iranians chant ‘Death to Israel & America!’ on Quds Day as Rouhani joins rally (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Published time: 23 Jun, 2017 15:56Edited time: 25 Jun, 2017 08:20
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© Nazanin Tabatabaee Yazdi / Reuters
reported that "millions" took to the streets in Tehran and other Iranian cities on Friday, shouting "Death to Israel."

Demonstrators held banners with slogans including "Israel should be wiped off the map." Some could be seen burning the Israeli flag, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Protestors also took aim at the US, UK, Saudi Arabia, and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

READ MORE: ‘Death to Saudi & US’: Thousands of mourners attend funeral for Tehran attack victims

"Death to the House of Saud and Daesh (IS)," the protesters chanted, along with "Death to America" and "Death to the UK."

Protesters could also be seen burning the IS flag, after the terrorist group claimed responsibility for a deadly attack in the country's capital earlier this month.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have pointed the finger at arch rival Saudi Arabia for the attack, though Riyadh has denied playing any role.

READ MORE: Iran says it built 3rd underground ballistic missile factory, vows to increase capabilities

Many protesters on Friday carried photos of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who also founded Quds Day. Others were carrying photos of his successor, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani joined the march through Tehran.

President @HassanRouhani joins #Quds_day_2017 rallies in #Tehranhttps://t.co/6vm0I4kzsD#irna#Iranpic.twitter.com/Bhs1oS1EWY

— IRNA News Agency (@IrnaEnglish) June 23, 2017
"The message of Quds Day is that of hatred towards the occupying and usurping regime as well as support for the oppressed nation," he said, as quoted by Press TV.

Parliament speaker Ali Larijani was also scheduled to address crowds before midday prayers.

Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards also took part in the event, displaying three mid-range surface-to-surface ballistic missiles in Tehran.

#Iran displays domestic missiles during #Quds_day_2017#irnapic.twitter.com/8tFskoOHSK

— IRNA News Agency (@IrnaEnglish) June 23, 2017
The country's nuclear and ballistic missile programs have long been a point of contention between Tehran and Washington, and are behind American sanctions against Iran.

Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile.Should have been thankful for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2017
Quds Day, founded by Khomeini in 1979, is held each year on the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The holiday has since been adopted by Muslims in other countries across the globe.

P.s I was banned lately. Free Qods, Qods day and Eid mubarak for every Muslim brother
Yeah, Rouhani joind the rally but later the protestors called to overthrow Rouhani ...

Yeah, Rouhani joind the rally but later the protestors called to overthrow Rouhani ...

Shame of Saudia.

Saudia give a lot of threats against Yemen, Qatar, Syria, Iran ... but perhaps never fired a single bullet against Israel.

In fact Saudia is a indirect slave of Israel. Saudia polishes the shoes of US and chants US AKBAR and give 300 Billion Dollars to Trump. And Trump gives away Billions of USD to Israel then.

What has Saudia done up till now for the Muslim Ummah? Nothing, except giving billions to it's master US.
Iranians chant ‘Death to Israel & America!’ on Quds Day as Rouhani joins rally (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Published time: 23 Jun, 2017 15:56Edited time: 25 Jun, 2017 08:20
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© Nazanin Tabatabaee Yazdi / Reuters
reported that "millions" took to the streets in Tehran and other Iranian cities on Friday, shouting "Death to Israel."

Demonstrators held banners with slogans including "Israel should be wiped off the map." Some could be seen burning the Israeli flag, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Protestors also took aim at the US, UK, Saudi Arabia, and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

READ MORE: ‘Death to Saudi & US’: Thousands of mourners attend funeral for Tehran attack victims

"Death to the House of Saud and Daesh (IS)," the protesters chanted, along with "Death to America" and "Death to the UK."

Protesters could also be seen burning the IS flag, after the terrorist group claimed responsibility for a deadly attack in the country's capital earlier this month.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have pointed the finger at arch rival Saudi Arabia for the attack, though Riyadh has denied playing any role.

READ MORE: Iran says it built 3rd underground ballistic missile factory, vows to increase capabilities

Many protesters on Friday carried photos of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who also founded Quds Day. Others were carrying photos of his successor, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani joined the march through Tehran.

President @HassanRouhani joins #Quds_day_2017 rallies in #Tehranhttps://t.co/6vm0I4kzsD#irna#Iranpic.twitter.com/Bhs1oS1EWY

— IRNA News Agency (@IrnaEnglish) June 23, 2017
"The message of Quds Day is that of hatred towards the occupying and usurping regime as well as support for the oppressed nation," he said, as quoted by Press TV.

Parliament speaker Ali Larijani was also scheduled to address crowds before midday prayers.

Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards also took part in the event, displaying three mid-range surface-to-surface ballistic missiles in Tehran.

#Iran displays domestic missiles during #Quds_day_2017#irnapic.twitter.com/8tFskoOHSK

— IRNA News Agency (@IrnaEnglish) June 23, 2017
The country's nuclear and ballistic missile programs have long been a point of contention between Tehran and Washington, and are behind American sanctions against Iran.

Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile.Should have been thankful for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2017
Quds Day, founded by Khomeini in 1979, is held each year on the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The holiday has since been adopted by Muslims in other countries across the globe.

P.s I was banned lately. Free Qods, Qods day and Eid mubarak for every Muslim brother
Lol, the Iranians are so brave
hhhh Iran is stronk
Lol, the Iranians are so brave
hhhh Iran is stronk
We haven't limited it only to some slogans, Hizbullah thanks to Iranian Fateh-110s and other ballistic snipers are ready to wipe you off the world map.
Our military, ideological support will always be behind Hamas and Hizbullah. Enjoy :
Iranian made fajr-5 hit Tel Aviv& Haifa from Gaza :

My opinion has nothing to do with the religion. I merely the Palestinian cause while Israel did usurp their right and their land.
Unfortunately, religion is involved on both sides which is making things worse.

Why are you proud of this?

So, what should be done according to your views in this Palestinian/Israel issue?

US has no problem in supporting Israel right and left with weapons and doing VETO against all the motions in the UNO against the Israeli crimes against the humanity.
We haven't limited it only to some slogans, Hizbullah thanks to Iranian Fateh-110s and other ballistic snipers are ready to wipe you off the world map.
Our military, ideological support will always be behind Hamas and Hizbullah. Enjoy :
Iranian made fajr-5 hit Tel Aviv& Haifa from Gaza :

Wow, Lebanese Arabs fired a rocket at Israel
Iran is strong lol
The Mossad liquidated people one by one inside Iran
Iran is stronk?
Israel broke into Iran's nuclear reactor
Iran is stronk?
Iran did not fire a single bullet at Israel
Iran is afraid ??

My opinion has nothing to do with the religion. I merely the Palestinian cause while Israel did usurp their right and their land.
Unfortunately, religion is involved on both sides which is making things worse.

So, what should be done according to your views in this Palestinian/Israel issue?

US has no problem in supporting Israel right and left with weapons and doing VETO against all the motions in the UNO against the Israeli crimes against the humanity.
So your solution is to destroy Israel?
And Israel does not commit war crimes, all according to international law

Because first Qibla of us is occupied.
No it's not
Death to America!! Death To Israel!!

Meanwhile IRL... 400K Death ( Muslim Kids-Woman-Old ) in Syria by ASSad ( + Supporters Iran+Hezb+RU)

One man said : "Barking =/= Action"

Try Again + Have Fun

Ps: For those waiting to jump on your horses... Be Happy the OTher side is no better and even Equal... Same Sh*t... Same Cancer...
Whaat Hannibal troll? Your nerves are hurt? ISIS is being defeated, Israelis are dead and i know, you are hurt by that truth and actually you are barking.

Try Again + Have Fun

Ps: For those waiting to jump on your horses... Be Happy the OTher side is no better and even Equal... Same Sh*t... Same Cancer... Hannibal, ISIS and Israel
Wow, Lebanese Arabs fired a rocket at Israel
Iran is strong lol
The Mossad liquidated people one by one inside Iran
Iran is stronk?
Israel broke into Iran's nuclear reactor
Iran is stronk?
Iran did not fire a single bullet at Israel
Iran is afraid ??

Their country has serious inflation
Their country is a pariah state
Hell, even GCC Arabs side with Israel over them
They have ZERO allies besides Hezbollah
Don't worry though iran is STRONK
Their country has serious inflation
Their country is a pariah state
Hell, even GCC Arabs side with Israel over them
They have ZERO allies besides Hezbollah
Don't worry though iran is STRONK
Believe me, I don't worry about them
I'm here to laugh and prove the truth
same drama every year by iran.they don't have power to do anything against these countries but always say things lol.

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