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Iranian Space program

One can only think had him and his team still been around, Ghaem-120 would've already been complete.

I believe G-120 prototype was successfully completed months prior to the “accident” at the base. The issue is what information sharing did Moghdam team of missile experts have with other IRGC led teams like the Shahrud base teams.

If the information was silo protected due to sensitive nature then it is quite likely losing him and most (if not all of his team) created a massive brain drain regarding G-120. This ment other missile teams brought in had to redo much of the work setting the program back.

Plus you add political variables (JCPOA and anti IRGC Rouhani led government) and you add in a shift in focus by the IRGC (from range towards accuracy) and it makes sense in a way why the project took so long to be revived.

It’s a shame because it also indirectly set the Space program back even longer. Look at today without the IRGC launched SLVs, Iran wouldn’t have had any successful payload launches in last 3-5 years. ISA has been inept at solving issues for whatever reason.

I believe G-120 prototype was successfully completed months prior to the “accident” at the base. The issue is what information sharing did Moghdam team of missile experts have with other IRGC led teams like the Shahrud base teams.

If the information was silo protected due to sensitive nature then it is quite likely losing him and most (if not all of his team) created a massive brain drain regarding G-120. This ment other missile teams brought in had to redo much of the work setting the program back.

Plus you add political variables (JCPOA and anti IRGC Rouhani led government) and you add in a shift in focus by the IRGC (from range towards accuracy) and it makes sense in a way why the project took so long to be revived.

It’s a shame because it also indirectly set the Space program back even longer. Look at today without the IRGC launched SLVs, Iran wouldn’t have had any successful payload launches in last 3-5 years. ISA has been inept at solving issues for whatever reason.
This explanation makes more sense...
I don’t believe that’s true. He was a manager and leader of men. The impact was more the Rohani government or to a lesser extent the cadre of scientists that lost their lives in the accident.

Note, things picked up after Raisi was elected. Not some coincidental maturation of science and scientists.
do you knew how many top engineer in the field lost that day , ow long it take to train replacement nd how long it take for them to become experienced?
I don’t believe that’s true. He was a manager and leader of men. The impact was more the Rohani government or to a lesser extent the cadre of scientists that lost their lives in the accident.

Note, things picked up after Raisi was elected. Not some coincidental maturation of science and scientists.
It's not an easy job to replace these experts. In the whole world their are only a hand full of people that are experts in rocket science & space physics.
It's not an easy job to replace these experts. In the whole world their are only a hand full of people that are experts in rocket science & space physics.

I think that’s a bit of a gross exaggeration lol. I think you are confusing aerospace engineering with String Theory.

Aerospace engineering while remarkably difficult is still an engineering degree at its heart. There are a plethora of ‘experts’ in this field. Just look at NASA, SpaceX, Lockheed Martin, Virgin Galatic where there are many. Certainly way more than a ‘handful’.

I believe Virgin Galatic during their r&d lost a couple engineers I think to solid propellant explosion when building their spaceship.

What makes it seem difficult, is in instance of Iran, it’s extremely sanctioned and cannot easily learn from expertise gained by other nations who have had nearly a century of expertise in the field. Nor can it procure parts from outside without extraordinary measures. Equivalent of trying to build a working car by what you have around in your garage.

Or else look at Turkey, it is basically building an F-35 class fighter jet using the knowledge and resources and aid of countries (international companies) from around the world. Meanwhile Iran has to sit and tinker with an F-5 design from 1960’s. Why? because no one will even tell it how to build an ejection seat let alone provide special military grade metallurgy techniques.

If you looked at solely at Iran as a gauge of difficulty, you would think building a fighter jet is the most difficult thing in the world.
do you knew how many top engineer in the field lost that day , ow long it take to train replacement nd how long it take for them to become experienced?
Your question is pregnant with assumptions. Can’t answer.
Imagine they have managed to put the electronics for the Synthetic Aperture Radar in a satellite..WOW..I am impressed. IEI doing great..:azn:

here is Naheed_2

and Tolou-3 at more than 100 kilogram Iran's largest Sat


Chabahar Space port!..
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Iran HSEQ, Nahid 2 and IEI,Tolou-3 domestically made satellites​

"Nahid 2" is a telecommunications satellite, the service life of which will be two years. It is assumed that it will be put into orbit at an altitude of 500 km from the Earth's surface. Another satellite Tolou-3 is an earth observation satellite constructed by Iran Electronics Industries. With a weight of 150 kilograms, Tolou-3 is Iran's heaviest satellite. It is expected to be put into an orbit 500 kilometers above the earth,

Here are three example graphs, each with a different distribution of the 200 total launches delivered over the 15 years:

  1. Constant Delivery Rate: In this scenario, the units are delivered at a constant rate over the 15 years, resulting in a straight line graph. (y = x: unrealistic)
  2. Increasing Delivery Rate: In this scenario, the delivery rate increases over time, resulting in a curved line graph that starts slowly and gets steeper as time goes on. (y = x ^ n where n > 1 )
  3. Decreasing Delivery Rate: In this scenario, the delivery rate decreases over time, resulting in a curved line graph that starts steeply and gets shallower as time goes on.( y = x ^ n where 0 < n < 1: unrealistic)
Note: Only option 2 is viable where n reflects speed of ramp-up:

Example: n - 5:

Example: n = 3
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