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Iranian missiles land within 20 miles of ship, 100 miles from Nimitz strike group in Indian Ocean: officials

@The Eagle I did not change the title. If you had even a basic understanding of what the title said, you would have left it alone. For some reason you are allergic to me putting that the missiles flew 1800km deep into the Indian Ocean, if you have a bias against Iran, keep it out of this thread. Thank you.

Reach GHQ and explain and we shall see. Told you to be careful but apparently, you are not interested to be civilized. I don't need your certificate. Served you a soft warning, you changed it again then served you a point so you will learn. Instead, you went on a tirade of blames and accusations for which, I already warned you. Next time, make sure you aren't repeating the same again. I am only allergic to the wrongs and violations. Decide for yourself. Thread title will remain as per Source unless, that is your article. Thread title as per Source to credit the author/news site.

Have a good time.

So really what Iran does with this missile launch is say, "We can launch an accurate strike upon ANY NATION within 1000 miles." Not so much a threat to the USA but rather a threat to Iran's neighbors.

This test was in the context of anti-ship roles hence why the missile(s) came to proximity to the USN carrier group.
Unless Iran plans on firing Sejill missiles from a container ship. No known Iranian Ballistic missile can reach Diego Garcia.

However, it’s cruise missiles might be able to reach it.
Are you kidding me?
If you were an engineer then saw the video of Salman engine then you wouldn't have said such thing.
So really what Iran does with this missile launch is say, "We can launch an accurate strike upon ANY NATION within 1000 miles." Not so much a threat to the USA but rather a threat to Iran's neighbors.
It's an open threat to the USN and the US forces in the Middle East and of course their allies itching so badly for a US-Iran war that in case of an all-out war, they won't remain safe from the consequences of it.
Are you kidding me?
If you were an engineer then saw the video of Salman engine then you wouldn't have said such thing.
Salman has not been used in a military application and is mostly discussed as a 3rd stage space launch vehicle with anti satellite capability. Of Course it can be upper stage of an icbm that Iran could assemble in a short time or might have already but not publicly shown. So basically in line with the official 2k km limit, there are no missiles that reach that far but such a missile probably exists secretly or can easily be made in a very short time.
Salman has not been used in a military application and is mostly discussed as a 3rd stage space launch vehicle with anti satellite capability. Of Course it can be upper stage of an icbm that Iran could assemble in a short time or might have already but not publicly shown. So basically in line with the official 2k km limit, there are no missiles that reach that far but such a missile probably exists secretly or can easily be made in a very short time.
Its a long time that we have developed tactical ICBMs. Shahab family didn't Stop at 2000 KM range. Sejjil never stops at 2500 KM. Economy is the key point in hiding the real capability of Iranian missile forces, political reasons have their roots in there. But i can't claim that they are as accurate as a Sejjil hitting a moving ship with hypersonic speed. They surely are less accurate.
Iran's Khorramshahr missile has a range of around 2000km with a 1800kg warhead. Those that are familiar with the history of this system know that it is capable of reaching estimated ranges up to 4000km. This is one of the reasons why Iran's Khorramshahr has such a large warhead, this was to reduce its range to the claimed 2000km, which is Iran's openly claimed range limit.

There is another view point that is jumping for people to notice. Do people actually believe that Iran's missile are indeed restricted to 2000km? To believe that you must think Iran does not resort to smoke and mirrors and it is indeed being open about the range of its systems. No sane nation would do this. There is no doubt in my mind that the true range of Iran's longer range systems are bigger than openly claimed.
Iran's Khorramshahr missile has a range of around 2000km with a 1800kg warhead. Those that are familiar with the history of this system know that it is capable of reaching estimated ranges up to 4000km. This is one of the reasons why Iran's Khorramshahr has such a large warhead, this was to reduce its range to the claimed 2000km, which is Iran's openly claimed range limit.

There is another view point that is jumping for people to notice. Do people actually believe that Iran's missile are indeed restricted to 2000km? To believe that you must think Iran does not resort to smoke and mirrors and it is indeed being open about the range of its systems. No sane nation would do this. There is no doubt in my mind that the true range of Iran's longer range systems are bigger than openly claimed.
in other words....Can Iran reach Diego garcia......The answer: would be very foolish not to obliterate such a Juicy, static target just because you limited your range to 2000 Km.. Iranians are nice people but not that nice!..:azn:
It's an open threat to the USN and the US forces in the Middle East and of course their allies itching so badly for a US-Iran war that in case of an all-out war, they won't remain safe from the consequences of it.

but it isn't a threat to the USN and US military. They can just pull back and bomb Iran into oblivion.
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but it isn't a threat to the USN and US military. They can just pull back and bomb Iran into oblivion. Any chemicals Iran decides to use the USA can use 100x more. Persian Cats (beloved of the Cat Holics in Italy and Spain) and their David Cross/Groucho Marx look alike leader SayYID Ali Hosseini Khamenei are probably allied with the New York and European YIDdish, who nobody believes are real Jews.
Well, it is a threat to them because once the war starts, Iran will deny a wide area of free waters from the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean to commercial ships and oil tankers, effectively forcing the USN to intervene and as soon as they do that, they will be within our missile range. And the USN can't do much to Iran from a distance of 2,500 kilometers, let alone oblivion. The US military bases around Iran can, but they're already well within our missile range and you can see how accurate those missiles are.
And the USN can't do much to Iran from a distance of 2,500 kilometers, let alone oblivion. The US military bases around Iran can, but they're already well within our missile range and you can see how accurate those missiles are.

I don't know. The USAF seems to have an awful lot of heavy payload very long range bombers. Think they found planes like that really useful when they decided to bomb the crap out of Germany and Japan.
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