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Iranian-flagged oil tanker seized at Greece

You cleverly ignored the fact that there's a suspicious history behind this ship,that had Americans order it seized again,because it violated a EU embargo on Russia. And you blamed Greece for "lawlessness".
Who exactly gave USA the ability to order confiscating other countries ship

It's NOT about Iran. If you've read my post,it's about this ship being involved with Russia and the EU sanctions on Russia.
Eu sanction on Russia only applicable to EU members
Well , we should do the same , and even if we suspected some ships are doing business with Greece , then we should seize them ...

if seizing the ship is not an option , always a stray drone with some pgm can hit the ships ... in less then 3 month and by coming of autumn and winter , their people will have spend twice for sea transportaion of oil ...

Who exactly gave USA the ability to order confiscating other countries ship

Eu sanction on Russia only applicable to EU members

These idiots see themselves as master of world and others as slave who should follow their order ....
It was expected as N talks has got no where due to americans insisting on Trump policy so they wanna put pressure on Iran be it sea piracy or joint military exercise ... but as we know Iran would not leave these sort of actions without proper response ... what wonder me is how long these thefts and bandits could go on with their cruelty and ill-gotten money ...
It was expected as N talks has got no where due to americans insisting on Trump policy so they wanna put pressure on Iran be it sea piracy or joint military exercise ... but as we know Iran would not leave these sort of actions without proper response ... what wonder me is how long these thefts and bandits could go on with their cruelty and ill-gotten money ...
basically , the western civilization is based on piracy and ill-gotton money ... especially the anglo-saxons ...
They are children of their forefathers who were pirate , mercenary , genocidal criminals who started countless war , created modern chemical weapons , nukes , and all sort of killing weapons ... they started 2 massive war ( so called World war ) which millions of people perished in there ....

the biggest mass murder and mass rapes was done by the europeans ( the westerns ) ...
I cannot think of a more cowardly move. Iran humiliates the British and detains american soldiers with their hands on their heads and on their knees when they breach Iranian security

US destroyers trying to steal Iranian oil get humiliated by IRGC boats , And the Americans respond by forcing one of their weak allies to take cowardly advantage of a broken down ship to steal from Iran, and ruin Iranian greek relations in a single move

The US is an absolute parasite to the euros. Constantly provoking conflict that benefits them at the expense of their “nato allies”

Hopefully no greek ship intends on visiting thr persian gulf anytime soon. Iran doesnt hesitate to humiliate the americans and the brits when they make a wrong move, let alone greece.
apparently Iran has seized 2 greek tankers:
US destroyers trying to steal Iranian oil get humiliated by IRGC boats , And the Americans respond by forcing one of their weak allies to take cowardly advantage of a broken down ship to steal from Iran, and ruin Iranian greek relations in a single move

The US is an absolute parasite to the euros. Constantly provoking conflict that benefits them at the expense of their “nato allies”
Apparently,the ship was involved with Russia and the Americans were nagging about the sanctions. While we had been buying oil from Iran for ages,a few years ago,our government decided to stop buying probably to show how loyal allies we are. Even if the Americans didn't include Greece and Italy in the Iranian oil sanctions list. It's ridiculous.

Now there's escalation,because the Americans are nagging about Russians and Iranians.

Check this out:

The United States has confiscated Iranian oil held on a Russian-operated ship near the Greek island of Evia in the Aegean Sea, according to news reports quoting Greek sources.

Following a "judicial intervention by U.S. authorities concerning the ship's cargo," the process is currently under way for the oil "to be handed over" at U.S. government expense, an unidentified official quoted on May 26 by the AP news agency said.

The vessel was temporarily seized by Greek authorities on April 15 when it anchored off the port of Karystos on Evia. At the time, it was flying a Russian flag and was carrying a crew of 19 Russians.

The Greek Coast Guard said it was seized due to suspicions it had breached EU sanctions imposed against Russia due to the war in Ukraine.

It was unclear whether the oil was confiscated because it was Iranian oil subject to U.S. sanctions or whether the action was due to the sanctions on the tanker, which recently changed its name from Pegas to Lana and which has been flying the Iranian flag since May 1.

A source at Greece's Shipping Ministry quoted by Reuters said the U.S. Department of Justice had "informed Greece that the cargo on the vessel is Iranian oil."

"The cargo has been transferred to another ship that was hired by the U.S.," the source added without providing further details.

The United States on May 25 imposed sanctions on what it described as a Russian-backed oil-smuggling and money-laundering network for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' Quds Force.

When the Greek state pays for the oil it stole with a formal apology and stops detaining the tanker, probably the Greek shipowner will also get his ships.
That should be the fair thing to do. The Americans should pay for it or recompensate the Iranians in some way.
Really,champ? When you harassed the Nautical Geo,right next to Crete,you were the example of a lawful nation?

Right here:

View attachment 848215

Ah,what about when the Turkish Navy escorted ships full of weapons and ammunition to Libya,in violation of the UN embargo? And the fact that you threatened NATO-ally countries like France and Germany,when they demanded to stop and search these cargo ships?

Let me remind you also,that your great leader Buyuk Sultan Erdogan is the one who has deemed it necessary for Turkey to educate and harness the Somalis. So any complaints about the Gulf of Aden's piracy problem by Somali pirates,should also be directed to you. What happened? I thought you had influence in Somalia. All that money spent.

It's NOT about Iran. If you've read my post,it's about this ship being involved with Russia and the EU sanctions on Russia.

Turkey had nothing to do with the piracy on the Somali coast. It started as fishermen defending their coastal fishing lines from mostly European overshiping. After a few ships were caught, criminal elements joined in and took advantage of it. There were reports that European insurance firms were working with the some of the pirates in order to charge maritime shipping with high fees.
Turkey had nothing to do with the piracy on the Somali coast. It started as fishermen defending their coastal fishing lines from mostly European overshiping. After a few ships were caught, criminal elements joined in and took advantage of it. There were reports that European insurance firms were working with the some of the pirates in order to charge maritime shipping with high fees.
I know. I'm saying that the Turks with all their help and money their,haven't stopped the piracy.

Wasn't this a russian-owned tanker which was seized?
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