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Iranian Computer Games


Feb 5, 2009
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
I don't really know much about military affairs. So I would like to introduce some of Iranian computer games that were made in Iran to our friends. Not all of these games necessarily fall into military genre.



YouTube link:

This game took almost 5 years to complete (it was created by a group of friends, they didn't really have a backing of any company, later some people in Iranian government helped them). Although before this game there were other Iranian games, but this was the most serious attempt at creating a game that could actually sell in Iran.

@WebMaster Please make it a sticky thread.

Thank you
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These looks good considering no major companies are funding it.

Why don't they make some FPS patriotic games depicting Iranian military or something, its bound to get government attention and funding.
Saving the Port


Special Operation 85: Hostage Rescue
Two young Iranian nuclear scientists, Saeed and his wife Maryam, are kidnapped by US military forces while on a religiouspilgrimage to Karbala, Iraq, and are sent to a prison in Israel. Bahram Nasseri, an Iranian special operations agent, is sent to Israel to save the scientists and four other Iranians.[2] While in Israel, Nasseri also exposes an Israeli-Iranian responsible for leakingclassified information about Iran's nuclear program to Western powers.[3] The name of Nasseri's mission is "The Special Operation".[1]

well you must have expected it

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People can't find funding, no funding =no advanced game = no popularity, no profit.

Same problem for both of our countries, Taleworlds, the developer of Mount&Blade had so much hardships in the beginning, but they had a quite good idea and with limited resources they managed to present a relatively good stuff, now they have their own proper office and studios and around 50+ developers, they're developing their new game in better environment, hopefully it will be even more successful.
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