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Iranian Chill Thread

The mighty Zionia carrying out ‘operations’. Absolute incompetence in both messaging and action:

It stands to reason that the Isra"el"i entity's army used Command & Conquer: Red Alert as their strategic simulator rather than professional study of warfare. This level of incompetence far surpasses that of the Russian Armed Forces on the eve of their Special Military Operation against the NATO-funded Nazi regime. Hence, this is the outcome of a "nation" of part-time vacationers and social media wannabe influencers given assault rifles to play make-believe soldier. It's but a shame they have no doctrine of martyrdom, as their way of war is the ideal strategy to ascend en masse into paradise. We shall have to see whether the Zionist infestation can produce better soldiers capable of adapting, but my assessment at this point, given HezbAllah and Hamas' doctrine of momentum and rapid adaptation to tactical realities is that prognosis for Isra"el" is poor. They should invest in life rafts instead of ammunition, as their soon to be migration across the Mediterranean and into their European homeland will be a larger flight than Dunkirk. This is a major travesty for them, as both Delta Force and GSG-9 are on the ground attempting to minimize the Zionist army's idiocy.

Glory to the heroes of West Asia, as they eject the colonial infestation from the Fertile Crescent. The commanders of the oppressed have demonstrated their zeal, bravery, gallantry, and warfighting prowess, all without Iran lifting a finger. Should our advisors and expeditionary forces join the fray, you can guarantee the Isra"el"i colonists won't feel safe even in decadent Europe, and will have to cross the Atlantic back into New York City.

The poisonous entity is fracturing from within, like a tumor subjected to radiotherapy. It stands to reason that Netanyahu's days are numbered, and he will finally rot in a prison cell where he belongs. It is but a shame that Isra"el"i prisons offer apple juice and knishes as meals, and not urine and shit, which he deserves. Though I am not sure their "food" is any different. We all know the best Isra"el"i food was appropriated from Arabs and Persians, such as "Isra'el'i Salad", a mere Shirazi salad with added bell pepper to serve as some sort of excuse of a distinction.
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No way these comments aren't liked by bots/keyboard armies (specially the first) and the second is a fake news
View attachment 966397
View attachment 966398

No way these comments aren't liked by bots/keyboard armies (specially the first) and the second is a fake news

There is a not so surprising amount of Tehrangeles diaspora comments and memes. The Reza Pahlavi cyber force (branch of Hasbara) is in full-force. I wonder when Yasmine will post an Isra"el"i settler woman with an M-16 shooting a line up of Palestinian babies with "Women. Life. Freedom". These jackals are certainly allowed an internet presence by the leadership of the Islamic Republic so as to discredit the "opposition" in a brilliant tactical chess move worthy of Kasparov. I encourage more of these bootlicking worms to engage in said spectacles as their ravings merely serve to further legitimize the Islamic Republic.
For those who have bought into the ongoing manufacturization of Zionia’s ‘victories’ (ie killing women and children) and those that believe the rhythms and pacings of war correspond to that of Hollywoodian ‘shock and awe’ (ie The Resistance’s supposed inaction) and those that believe victories are free and painless (high cost and enormously painful) below is a more strategic perspective that I believe is within their intellectual range. The forest is a lot bigger but this is a good starter tree patch.😀

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impossible to know what’s going on. IDF military censor is in place, I think I have read one death in last week which firmly points to the censor being back after an unprecedented amount of openness in the days that followed 10/7.

As for Hamas claims of attacks. It’s all with a bucket of salt. No internet. And the video everyone here is posting of recent attack on the mechanized column is from early days of war.

If Iran approved this operation by Hamas they should be ashamed of themselves. A likely strategic and humanitarian blunder. Also attacking Israeli civilians was the dumbest shit I’ve seen.
impossible to know what’s going on. IDF military censor is in place, I think I have read one death in last week which firmly points to the censor being back after an unprecedented amount of openness in the days that followed 10/7.

As for Hamas claims of attacks. It’s all with a bucket of salt. No internet. And the video everyone here is posting of recent attack on the mechanized column is from early days of war.

The forum can do without you spilling a gargantuan bucket of piss on every kindling hope the glorious Resistance has.

Perhaps you should negotiate a raise with your handlers.
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