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Iranian Chill Thread

Hezbollah has given a lot of martyrs in the past few days without any major tactical victories. They may want to reassess their approach here. Settler communities near the border have been evacuated and IDF troops are in hiding as usual.

Interesting news that IRGC flights are landing in Russia's Khmeimim airbase in Syria after Israel bombed Damascus and Aleppo airports. Has this happened before?

Turkey denies this
Nonsense. Hezbollah has already won. Seize nagging garbage.
Strategic situation report:
- there are now two battles brewing. 1. Of course Hamas vs Zionia and 2. The more nuanced yet as significant one: the messaging war between US and Israel. Keep an eye on that. I.e US doesn’t want war where Zionia is doing everything to drag the US in.
- The Resistance is actively and physically engaged in a distraction operation and successfully. Where is ‘the invasion’?
- Hamas is dominating the information war—albeit our local numbnut is too thick to comprehend that and continues throwing shade on our allies.

Finally, all the cards are in the hands of those who have the initiative. The Resistance.
- meanwhile the breakaway province is bleeding profusely.
In my opinion there is no need for Hezbollah or other groups for Hamas/PIJ to repel ground invasion from Israel

Israel is very attached to their jewish Ashkenazi lives, once they will lose 10 personnel in a day, they will realize the reality of the ground and go back and do propaganda about how much they lost and killed and it will be declared as a "stalemate" with massive bias on medias and military propaganda etc, this isn't like Russia that allows the death of certain number of its soldiers

Israel has proven to completely lack ground urban combat capacity during 2006, they are battle hardened at killing civilians and kids, now imagine the number of SVD/.50 snipers and IEDs that awaits them, they took so long to prepare this ""invasion"", Hamas probably has still the time to prepare and ambush
Nonsense. Hezbollah has already won. Seize nagging garbage.
You are a potent mix of inbreeding and stupidity

In my opinion there is no need for Hezbollah or other groups for Hamas/PIJ to repel ground invasion from Israel

Israel is very attached to their jewish Ashkenazi lives, once they will lose 10 personnel in a day, they will realize the reality of the ground and go back and do propaganda about how much they lost and killed and it will be declared as a "stalemate" with massive bias on medias and military propaganda etc, this isn't like Russia that allows the death of certain number of its soldiers
that is Israel of old. now they have already suffered huge losses and their thirst for blood is high, they can tolerate marginal additional losses
Israel has proven to completely lack ground urban combat capacity during 2006, they are battle hardened at killing civilians and kids, now imagine the number of SVD/.50 snipers and IEDs that awaits them, they took so long to prepare this ""invasion"", Hamas probably has still the time to prepare and ambush
that was against Hezbollah in a much larger and different territory of forests and hills

this is an urban operation in a tiny besieged prison which they fully control, very different
Interesting news that IRGC flights are landing in Russia's Khmeimim airbase in Syria after Israel bombed Damascus and Aleppo airports. Has this happened before?

Yes both airbases and their naval ports. People forget that Russian navy escorted Iranian fuel tankers for their last leg into Syria to prevent interception.

But the airbase affair was slowly turned off by Russia after a series of meetings if I recall correctly.

Seems Russia has allowed it again.
The first images of the massive explosion at the base of the US terrorist army in Syria's al-Omar oil field


After drone attacks on three US military bases in al-Omar, al-Tanf and al-Shadada in northeastern Syria.
He made the points

🇮🇷 Iranian foreign minister Amir Abdullahian: Within the framework of humanitarian values and international laws, we support Palestine’s resistance to the Israeli occupation, and we will continue this support.International laws stipulate the right to use weapons by those whose land has been occupied, and we also support this right.

Some Western countries, most notably the United States, completely ignore the occupation issue and seek to condemn the Hamas movement.Resistance is an undeniable fact in this region and everyone must realize that We confirm today that the management of the war in Gaza against the Palestinians is in the hands of the Americans, militarily and security-wise. The region has become a powder keg that may explode at any moment, and we advise everyone to take urgent measures to stop the killing of civilians in Gaza. Iran does not seek to expand the war, but everyone is fed up with the continued bombing of civilians and the massacres committed against them.

Targeting civilian facilities aims to displace the residents of Gaza from the north of the Strip to the south and then deport them to the Egyptian Sinai. The Zionists believe that this dream of theirs is coming soon in light of the comprehensive support they received from the American side.We say loudly to the Zionists, just as you failed years ago against Hezbollah, you will fail today as well.Hezbollah has reached a level of strength that forced the Americans to send them dozens of letters demanding that they not open a front against the Zionists.

The United States has so far sent two messages to Iran in which it announced that it is not interested in expanding the crisis in the region. The United States has proven, by sending hundreds of military equipment and providing comprehensive support to the Zionist entity, that it is not neutral. The United States is exacerbating the crisis against civilians and innocent people in Gaza, and there is duality in the American position I am sending a direct message to the American President: Enough with the hypocrisy, and are the massacres, bombing of civilians, and destruction of hospitals consistent with your slogans?


The first images of the massive explosion at the base of the US terrorist army in Syria's al-Omar oil field
View attachment 964798
View attachment 964799

After drone attacks on three US military bases in al-Omar, al-Tanf and al-Shadada in northeastern Syria.

Old images, plus small drones aren’t going to make explosions like that. That’s hundreds of kg worth of explosions.


Old images, plus small drones aren’t going to make explosions like that. That’s hundreds of kg worth of explosions.

Also posting things from this iran observer which basically seems to either get it mostly wrong or just fabricates information and I highly doubt at this point Houthi are going to directly attack American forces, doesn’t mean I don’t agree with them hitting Israeli targets. I even said to @Stryker1982 awhile ago that the Houthi are far more capable of striking Israeli targets with less blowback than groups closer to Israel
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