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Iranian Chill Thread

Iranian border posts in Kurdistan one of the most dangerous border regions of Iran:

As you can see Iranian border guards are fully equipped with latest 19 century equipment to defend Iran. and they are very happy that their extra gears are sent abraod to defend far away lands..:p:

The money used to buy all that blown up ammo could have been used to buy some cold weather protection and weapons for Iranian border guards . I suppose defending Arab lands is more important than defending Iranian land for the Arab worshipping mullahs of Iran..

I do not shy away from legitimate criticism of Iran's government and military, but you are decidedly incorrect here, as well as all Iranians who complain that money is "going to Arabs" and not home.

For the preliminary basics:

- Iran is surrounded by U.S. military bases
- Azerbaijan is a Mossad operations base
- Iran has been under attack by Western proxies
- Iran suffered 500,000 deaths in the war with Iraq. Mass rape, chemical weapons, bombing of civilians, and torture were part of this.
- Iran's cities are all targeted by Isra"el"i nuclear weapons which remain ready for launch.

As such, Iranian leadership has realized that Iran must defend itself outside of its borders. This is very similar to the Ben-Gurion doctrine of the Lie-DF. The point is to fight threats away from Iran's borders, such that Iran itself is not invaded or destabilized. And it's ideal. Iran creates fifth columns in every Arab state in the region to this end, and in order to respond to provocations from said countries. If Iran did not create proxies around Isra"el", the United States and Isra"el" would have attacked Iran during the "GWOT" days and/or have fomented ethnic civil war. Keeping your enemies off your back is smart policy. This is why HezbAllah, for instance, is better at fighting and has better equipment than the Artesh or even most of the Sepah's units. They are the first line of defense and a node of influence.

You probably do not care for Arabs, but look at what is happening in Gaza, and soon Lebanon. The Isra"el"is are genocidal, and have always been. Have you seen videos of the babies who could not be incubated due to deliberate cutting of power by the "I"-DF? Imagine if those babies were your children, or your friends, or your nieces or nephews. No population deserves this level of satanic cruelty, and yet this is normal for Isra"el". it's just another Tuesday for them. This is what the West has wanted to visit on Iran for 40 years. The cruelty of Saddam does not compare with what Isra"el" deliberately and flippantly does. Iran is under constant threat from these racial supremacists and exterminists. It's not enough for them to do a regime change, it's their goal to destroy Iran as an entity. This became a goal the moment that the Shah said he wanted Iran to be like France, developed, literate, militarily strong, and a regional power. And simply because the Islamic Republic pursues its agenda and does not care to please or serve the hegemon, it is being targeted. In their calculation, Iran has shown an independent streak, and reverting to a puppet regime is not an option anymore. Once independent, and Iran will always have the potential to go independent again. It is simply too resource-rich, human capital-rich, and strategically located to not be addressed. Remember the infants without incubators, who are most likely breathing their last breaths right now, as life leaves their fragile bodies. Then never complain about the measures Iran takes to defend itself.

Let that sink in and inform your decisions moving on. A bunch of border guards on Iranian territory will not make the genocidal entity think twice about harming Iran.
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I feel that if even Iranian advisors were killed, it would be announced. Most of these proxy groups are strong and connected enough to act independently without Iranian operatives.
Iran invariably announces its martyrs, anonymous US "defence officials" make reference to "Iranian proxy fighters" or "Iran-led proxy fighters" as a way of avoiding having to admit that they murdered Iraqis/Syrians resisting the US' illegal military occupation of their territory

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