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Iranian Chill Thread

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran :


Iran TV interview:

We told the United Nations to use the limited opportunity to stop the crimes otherwise new fronts
will be opened against Israel.

Question: Iran cannot be a spectator in the Gaza war? and other questions, will Iran enter the war?

Amir Abdollahian: Anything is imaginable and no one can remain silent about
these crimes.

Can you tell us a little about Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah's and yours?

Amir Abdollahian: I had a conversation with Seyed Hassan Nasrallah for three hours, of course, Hezbollah plays a very important role. Regarding the scenarios he has set up against the resistance in Lebanon, all options and scenarios are in front of Hezbollah.
Amir Abdullahian in response to the possibility of Iran entering to the war:

Every thing is possible , we cannot be indifferent to Israel crimes.
No reports about how much death? The soldier at the right was probably standing at 50-100m of the explosion

Double Merkava Tank/IFV?
i couldn't find any reports about the casualties. seems like HZ i getting more and moren involved and the zionist casualties r higher than we think.

another interesting fact is that Abu Alaa Al-Walae the leader of Kataeb Seyyed al Shohada was at the lebanon-zionist border

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I think it’s almost certain now that the war will expand. Hezbollah will be invading northern Israel soon.
The best scenario would be Hezbollah taking northern settlements and waiting for Israel to attack with gunships as they usually do (Apache and AC) and shoot them down, destroy as maximum armored vehicles, Israel is not used to ground warfare, Hezbollah has a ton of ATGMs, i hope manpads too and domestic SAMs to try scoring down F-16s

Bringing down Apache and AC-130 should never be a problem for HZ, they are flying metal

Israel as usual would carpet bomb random areas in southern Lebanon, Fateh BM and AshCM to keep their navy at bay

This is the "offensive-defensive" doctrine that has been discussed here about Iran itself, taking land and waiting for a counteroffensive from the enemy
خوار شد کسی که در خانه با دشمن جنگید . امام علی ع
راز قدرت آمریکا اینه که جنگ خاش رو بیرون خاکش انجام می ده

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