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Iranian chief of staff Major General Baqeri arrives in Moscow, New military deal on the way

You could have said this from the beginning and saved us from going back and forth. Yes, Pakistan is focused on India. Not Palestine or the Muslim world in general.

To be fair dadash (just going off the cuff here bro), I think Pakistan's intentions are in the right place from a "i'm with you but not actually with you" kind of way if you know what I mean.

It's true, Pakistan as powerful as it is, is tied up with India and cannot spare resources to fight the Zionist juggernaut like Iran is doing for many reasons one being that they probably don't want to face the sort of sanctions as well as international ostracizing Iran has been lest their already meager economy be even further straddled. Idk, Maybe somewhere down the line another strong Muslim nation will pick up the slack and help the fight against Zionism but as it stands currently. Iran is doing damn near all the heavy-lifting.

My position on Pakistan has been quite favorable, strong Muslim nations that are independent are necessary and Pakistan (although not flawless) is a good thing outside of their Saudi kowtowing.
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You are posting stuff from the 60's. I am talking about now. What has Pakistan done against Israel, for the Palestinians?

There is not much Pakistan can do to support Palestinians other than to support them morally and at the UN.

Pakistan shares no land border with the middle east as Iran does. Iran is more oriented towards the middle easter, whereby Pakistan is more oriented towards Afghanistan/Central asia. Had Pakistan been located where Iran is I can gaurantee you Israel would not exist today. Pakistani people are extremely anti-israeli and even if the govt did nothing many militias/military would take on Israel armed with nukes/air force/etc (Similar to what was done with the soviets/US in afghanistan). Israel would not be able to take such pressure for even a week.

Furthermore Pakistani being sunni would quiet easily be able to gain the support of sunni arabs in the region, while at the same time getting a long quiet well with shiites. Iran being exremist shia nation has led it to giving 90% of its energies against sunni nations and leaving very limited resources against Israel. Think about it Iran has been more focused on hurting nations such as Turkey, KSA, Bahrain, UAE, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, etc... than actually doing any sort of harm to israel :D so it is actually quiet laughable you claim Iran does so much against Israel when in reality it has benefited the zionist state with everyone of its actions in the region.

Pakistan would not face such an issue as all its attention would be to getting rid of the zionist state.

Iran- Pakistan have completely different spheres of influence. Some of which would naturally overlap (in central asia) but as of now its seems both nations are accomadating each other interest especially in Afghanistan.
There is not much Pakistan can do to support Palestinians other than to support them morally and at the UN.

Pakistan shares no land border with the middle east as Iran does. Iran is more oriented towards the middle easter, whereby Pakistan is more oriented towards Afghanistan/Central asia. Had Pakistan been located where Iran is I can gaurantee you Israel would not exist today. Pakistani people are extremely anti-israeli and even if the govt did nothing many militias/military would take on Israel armed with nukes/air force/etc (Similar to what was done with the soviets/US in afghanistan). Israel would not be able to take such pressure for even a week.

Furthermore Pakistani being sunni would quiet easily be able to gain the support of sunni arabs in the region, while at the same time getting a long quiet well with shiites. Iran being exremist shia nation has led it to giving 90% of its energies against sunni nations and leaving very limited resources against Israel. Think about it Iran has been more focused on hurting nations such as Turkey, KSA, Bahrain, UAE, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, etc... than actually doing any sort of harm to israel :D so it is actually quiet laughable you claim Iran does so much against Israel when in reality it has benefited the zionist state with everyone of its actions in the region.

Pakistan would not face such an issue as all its attention would be to getting rid of the zionist state.

Iran- Pakistan have completely different spheres of influence. Some of which would naturally overlap (in central asia) but as of now its seems both nations are accomadating each other interest especially in Afghanistan.
From where all these idiots came...where you live..in some alternative universe..for god sake Iran is only Islamic nation that actualy do something for Palestinians..while Arab nations literary do everything they can to hurt Palestinians...So get a **** off..Arabs are starving Lebanon same as West while Iran is giving all it can even they are themselves in hard position...same with Palestinians..Palestine is sharing 2 land borders with 2 Arab states so only way you can isolate them is with Arabs blesing...Turkey..heh..what to say..Israel and US bitch...Pakistan may only one be with genuine reason for not engage...but hey just claim to be super pawa..while US drones killed more your civilians than in country they were in war...Today Israel ships and companies are in Arab states...same Arab states are starving Palestine,Syria,Lebanon..but hey...here we go..some genius is claiming Iran is benefit from Israel...go find some very high place and jump...
I am so piss off..here we go again,all muslims..from all muslim nations fighting every day ever same things,I mayself jump every time in same trap...maybe we dont deserve better...world second religion....how many muslims now there is in the world..1.5 bilion...2 bilion..and we dont have 1 permament meber in UN
Quote from news
"Bagheri himself said upon his arrival in Russia that he will pursue the implementation of an arms deal for purchasing fighter jets, training jets, and combat helicopters from Russia. During a meeting with Iranian experts at the Iranian embassy in Moscow, the senior general pointed out that the deal had been signed in the aftermath of the lifting of a UN arms embargo on Iran in October last year.
So according to this,Iran and Russia signed a deal after embargo is lifted...
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Turkey got S400 in less than a couple years.
Because Russia was playing an important and sensitive move of "splitting" NATO ,and infiltrating it too (via compromised miilitary equipment or/and network), by selling the S400s to Turkey. that was a strategically important access Russia never thought it would have, and thats why Russia delivered the "s400s" quickly.
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Alright, so here's some concrete info. Apparently sardar Bagheri explicitly mentioned three items which Iran has intended to purchase from Russia, and actually signed contracts for:

* Fighter jets. Su-30? Su-35? Su-57? You guess.
* Trainer aircraft. Most probably this refers to the Yak-130.
* Combat helicopters.

It would be the terms of those deals that would interest me the most,For instance,would there be any localised production of these airframes,engines,avionics,weapons,etc?.Otherwise you`re reduced to being dependent on the russians for all of the logistics supply and after market back-up and support thats vital to keep these things running,or you then have to do what iran did with all of its western supplied airfleet,essentially reverse/reengineer an entire indigenous logistics production capability,which is both expensive and time consuming.
This is assuming of course,that anything actually comes from these deals.I for one would be somewhat dubious,and with good reason.Still this could be a useful experiment,just like the jcpoa was,basically an opportunity for the russians to show whether or not they`re truly sincere when it comes to improving and strengthening iranian-russian relations,or whether they`re just using iran to try and exact concessions from the west.
If they`re having to buy trainers,then it looks like the air forces indigenous trainer program is a failure,its a pity,but honestly not a big surprise.The airforce simply,and sadly,seems the least able out of all of the branches of the iranian military when it comes to successfully setting up and carrying through to completion a design and development program.
Quote from news
"Bagheri himself said upon his arrival in Russia that he will pursue the implementation of an arms deal for purchasing fighter jets, training jets, and combat helicopters from Russia. During a meeting with Iranian experts at the Iranian embassy in Moscow, the senior general pointed out that the deal had been signed in the aftermath of the lifting of a UN arms embargo on Iran in October last year.
So according to this,Iran and Russia signed a deal after embargo is lifted...
So this deal was actually signed a year ago!!.......no wonder hes paying the russians a visit
So in this case,they`re not just "a day late",they`re an entire fvcking year late.... :tsk:
China is not in a position to sell advanced arms to Iran. Everyone is terrified of the US sanctions.
This is so wrong.
Chinese never say no to selling anything to anyone, neither China is under any pressure from US, reality may be quite opposite.
Again, what has Pakistan done against Israel, for the Palestinians except some statements or humanitarian actions? Has Pakistan provided the Palestinian resistance with arms, like Iran?

I don't know how this question popped up in this thread that you keep repeating it. Pakistan hasn't got much to do with Palestinians other than political support. The country doesn't have the capacity to send anything that far and given Arab world's lack of interest on Kashmir, more and more people in Pakistan are calling for reciprocating that interest on Palestine.
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Dimensions and goals of General Bagheri's imminent visit to Moscow
Dimensions and goals of General Bagheri's imminent visit to Moscow's imminent visit to Moscow
General Bagheri's imminent visit to Russia after his recent consultations in Pakistan, in addition to signaling the Islamic Republic's integration with its neighbors to achieve lasting stability and security in the region, is a warning to those seeking to destabilize the region to achieve its ambitious goals.
NOURNEWS - General "Mohammad Bagheri" Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran is scheduled to visit Moscow at the official invitation of General Sergey Shoygu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to head a high-level military delegation to develop joint cooperation with Russia.
This trip is remarkable from several perspectives:
First; This visit, which took place at the official invitation of the Russian Minister of Defense, reflects Iran's valuable role and position in achieving regional stability and security, and the recognition of global powers on the need for Iran to play a role in regional and global equations.

In this context, Russia has repeatedly stated that no plan in the region will be completed without the presence and planning of the Islamic Republic.
Second; This trip can be considered as a continuation of the interactions between the two countries to increase and utilize the capacities of the two sides to strengthen each other's defense and military capabilities.

Since October last year, when UN Security Council Resolution 2231 ended the ban on arms sales, the Islamic Republic's indigenous capabilities and achievements in the construction and modernization of defense and military weapons have paved the way for many countries to engage in arms deals with Iran. One of the dimensions and goals of General Bagheri's visit to Moscow can be evaluated in the context of strengthening these interactions.

Third; As the holding of joint ground and naval exercises and the participation of the Iranian navy in the parade of the Russian Navy in St. Petersburg showed, this unified attitude has been created between the two countries that the solution to achieve stability and lasting security is in the form of interactions and convergence of neighbors.
Therefore, planning to strengthen this convergence as well as paving the way for holding joint bilateral and multilateral exercises with the presence of others and even members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization can be one of the dimensions of General Bagheri's visit to Russia.
Fourth; The special conditions of the region and the suspicious movements against the security of the region necessitate convergence between the neighbors in the political, economic and military spheres.

A look at the developments in the region, including in Afghanistan, the Caucasus and Syria, shows that some countries in the region, along with the United States and the Zionist regime, are seeking to engage the region in security and military crises.
In such circumstances, interaction between the countries of the region, including Iran and Russia, which always emphasize the establishment of stability and lasting security away from foreign interference, becomes essential.
Accordingly, General Bagheri's visit to Russia is a step towards countering the neighbors in the face of the current crises in the region, which extend from Afghanistan to the Caucasus and Syria.
This trip is a clear message to the crisis makers of the region and the United States and the Zionist regime that the countries of the region will not allow such activities and will deal with any crisis factor.

Fifth; The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the thirteenth government is based on the principle of looking at its neighbors, which takes place in political, economic and defense dimensions.
Permanent membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Foreign Minister's periodic visits to Russia, Lebanon and Syria are a manifestation of this approach, which was complemented by defense diplomacy during General Bagheri's visit to Pakistan and Russia.
The point is that; General Bagheri's imminent visit to Russia after his recent consultations in Pakistan, in addition to signaling the Islamic Republic's integration with its neighbors to achieve lasting stability and security in the region, is a warning to those seeking to destabilize the region to achieve ambitious goals. They are themselves.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei

Wow, the way this article is written, it tells you it's a lot of propaganda and to please the internal audience I'd guess. The Russians won't give Iran anything significant like the SU-35 or an advance version of even the SU-30's. There will be lower level weapon's purchases. May be more AD deals? But this article has a LOT of "how Important Iran is to the world", when that's absolutely not the case. From it's immediate neighbors to EU and to the US, no one really loves Iran outside of getting good deals on Oil / Gas. The article portrays deep yet fake importance for domestic readers.
Wow, the way this article is written, it tells you it's a lot of propaganda and to please the internal audience I'd guess. The Russians won't give Iran anything significant like the SU-35 or an advance version of even the SU-30's. There will be lower level weapon's purchases. May be more AD deals? But this article has a LOT of "how Important Iran is to the world", when that's absolutely not the case. From it's immediate neighbors to EU and to the US, no one really loves Iran outside of getting good deals on Oil / Gas. The article portrays deep yet fake importance for domestic readers.

Very little AD systems that Iran wants or needs. Unless they plan on providing S-500, which is one of few systems I support Iran acquiring since the S-300 order was kind of low in terms of battalions for a country size of Iran. This will give more time for Bavar-373 or next gen Arman to be ready.
But this article has a LOT of "how Important Iran is to the world", when that's absolutely not the case. From it's immediate neighbors to EU and to the US, no one really loves Iran outside of getting good deals on Oil / Gas. The article portrays deep yet fake importance for domestic readers.

Iran's geostrategic location alone makes it a country of foremost relevance to international equations. Like sitting atop a chokepoint that a significant proportion of global energy supplies are transiting through, which is significant even in the context of increasing China-US rivalry in particular Beijing's efforts to ensure its long term energy security. Also, being at the crossroads of viable and low cost Eurasian trade routes, Iran is of particular importance in the context of great powers competition for the control of said arteries.

Being politically of import doesn't necessarily equal being 'loved'. However, I'd suggest to look around on this very forum for an anecdotal glimpse into the fact that despite daily demonization by the mainstream media, there's no other country with as many supporters or sympathizers hailing from such a variety of places and backgrounds (since users from Bosnia and Poland to New Zealand via Bangladesh, Ghana and Iraq have shown favorable views of Iran, and what is more on a non-Iranian platform).
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To all Iranian posters who think Pakistan doesn't help Palestine i want to inform you that Pakistan will certainly help Palestine both militarily and morally but only on the request of Arabs.this is very important point you all should consider while discussing Pakistan in Palestinian context.I can prove this by historical facts.

When Palestine Liberation organization was acting against Jordanian King, Jordan requested Pakistan to help her against PLO and then rest is history.Arabs remember it by Black September Day

During Arab Israel war, Pakistan not only supported Arabs morally but also sent its top line pilots to Arabs to fight Israel despite the fact that at that time Pakistan was in US camp.

To conclude, Pakistan will help Palestine only if Arabs ask us to help.

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