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Iran: We Developed a Missile 'Better than S-300'


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
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Iran: We Developed a Missile 'Better than S-300' - Middle East - News - Israel National News


Illustration: S-300 missile defense batteries
Iran continues to present technological achievements in the field of military industry. The Commander of the country's Air Defense Forces, Farzad Ismail, said that the missile "Bawer " (Faith) made in Iran, has reached the operational phase of development and that it features more advanced capabilities than the S-300 Russian-made missile.

The S-300 is a long rangesurface-to-air missile – manufactured by the Russian firm Almaz – designed to intercept aircraft and cruise missiles, and its most advanced models can also target ballistic missiles.

The corresponding missile in the West is the MIM-104 Patriot made in the United States.

At the end of the previous decade there was talk about Rusia's intention to sell the S-300 to Iran, but in 2010 a senior Russian source said that the transaction had been frozen.

Ismail noted that in response to the delay in the transfer of missiles from Russia to Iran, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, instructed the Iranian Ministry of Defense to develop its own missile. The matter was handed over to the Air Defense Command, Khatam al Anbia, and a number of scientific and academic centers.

this is the original news: PressTV - Iran to complete Bavar-373 missile system by 2016

Iran is geared up to complete a domestically developed missile system, which is more advanced than the Russian-made S-300 system, by March 2016, a senior Iranian commander says.

The infrastructure for manufacturing the Bavar-373 missile defense system is prepared and the “bottlenecks” in the project have been removed, said commander of Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili.

He said the system will have been constructed by the end of Iran’s Fifth Development Plan in March 2016.

“We hope that by the end of the plan, we will see a very good system with more capabilities than S-300 join [the country’s] Air Defense cycle,” said the commander.

Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia was obliged to provide Iran with at least five S-300 defense systems.

However, Moscow refused to deliver the system to Iran under the pretext that it is covered by the fourth round of the United Nations Security Council sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear energy program.

Over the past years, Iran has attained self-sufficiency in producing important military equipment and systems.

The Islamic Republic has repeatedly assured its neighbors that its military might poses no threat to other countries, insisting that its defense doctrine is based on deterrence
Maybe the Russians helped to develope it,so it is very well possible.
Maybe they are referring to the first version of S-300 from 70's?
Maybe they are referring to the first version of S-300 from 70's?
We have to wait and see until they unveil it(which is before 2016) according to IRIADF commander past statements it will use 2 or 3 kinds of missile and development of its subsystem and the required infrastructure is finished.

In another news today he said that as a stopgap Iran is working on mobilization and modernization of S-200 which includes the reduction of its weight and adding of Sayyad-2 missile to S-200 system.

اخطار به هواپیما و شناورهای آمریکایی در آب‌های آزاد/ RQ4 و MQ1 در تور پدافند هوایی - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir
Whats the timetable on that?
God knows.
That "thing" will never fly. The air intakes are way too small. Its build from plastic and way to small to be a real fighter jet.

So i don´t know what Qaher is ...here in west we think its a big plastic modell.
They will try first launch when the plastic glue hardened.

Iran builds ocean liners now too:

Its air intakes are large enough for her engine which is a J-85 without afterburner

Iran does produce ocean liners
see here:
کشتی سازی، ساخت سازه های دریایی، مجتمع کشتی سازی فراساحل
Thats not trolling, thats simple facts. They never show a functional airplane. You always see static mock ups and then plastic RC models in air. You never see them land or launch, you never see something so you can judge its size in comparision. What Iran does is trolling.
Will you be kind and show me another plastic mock up(other than qaher) if not shut it.
Thats not trolling, thats simple facts. They never show a functional airplane. You always see static mock ups and then plastic RC models in air. You never see them land or launch, you never see something so you can judge its size in comparision. What Iran does is trolling.
Everybody can have his opinion but what you are doing with the pictures is trolling dont deny it, you seriouly have problems if you think that your way of having a conversation is normal.

Iran builds ocean liners now too:
This is a perfect exsample of trolling.
Thats not trolling, thats simple facts. They never show a functional airplane. You always see static mock ups and then plastic RC models in air. You never see them land or launch, you never see something so you can judge its size in comparision. What Iran does is trolling.
yes, it's trolling and you are just another troll.
how can we show Qaher's take off and landing when its engine wasn't installed yet?
the simple fact is that in the unveiling ceremony, our defense minister clearly said that we would start its taxi tests in near future, and your troll news agencies changed the news on purpose. we showed it's RC models and your troll news agencies reported it as Iran's proof for it's flight.
one private news agency posted a symbolic wallpaper while repeating above facts beneath the photo and your troll media again ignored the text and reported that wallpaper as Iran's proof for its flight.
and regarding those simultaneous missile launches which is again blowing your a$$, watch it and burn again: (42:10)

the fact is that you and your news agencies are nothing but pathetic trolls.
This "airplane"shown there can't fly. Its too small, the engines intakes are too small, it will be too slow and unstable. If Iran want scare us in the west...please make it right because all you create with stuff like this is laughing. I think you know good enough that all this anouncements only create laughet on our side.

As for ocean liners, no, iran does not build ocean liners. What you mean are oil tankers ...ocean liners are ocean going passengers vessels. Like Queen Mary.
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