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Iran to ban Americans from entering the country over Trump's order

They won't bomb you, your family, they won't behead you for not knowing how to pray or anything like that. But IS/AQ and all their sub-groups would. These Shia Iraqi militia's might have killed a jihadist who was bound to return to Tunisia and bomb a market where your family was shopping, now you should thank these men who sacrifice their life's for a safer world.
Well said. They must be thankful to us.
ISIS and AQ take their inspiration from Wahhabism. That is their ideology. That cancerous cult is the one invented and widely propagated by Saudi Arabia. Most of ISIS and their supporters are Saudi. Most international terrorists like the 9/11 bombers are Saudis. Bin Laden was Saudi.

The Saudis are the Salafists who created this whole mess. It is their clerics who say Shia and Iranians aren't Muslims, it is their clerics who say Shia blood is Halal. It is they who teach their children hatred in their school textbooks.


It is therefore ludicrous to hear Saudis quoting some worthless propaganda by biased Western governments when they are trying to defend against cold hard facts.
Embarrassed? You should be.
Do you know the population demographics in Saudi Arabia or UAE? there are more indians than locals.
Indians are well known weapon suppliers of Isis and on record have held meetings with Isis in Iraq, which is puppet of Iran.
India is also a prtner of Iran in destabalizing Pakistan.
ISIS using American tow missiles in Syria !
Joker... Isis is only killing Muslims... not bothering Iran or Indians. This is why all of ME is pounding them.
Again, it was Iranian puppets regimes.. namely Iraqi and Afghan, that have lost depots of American weapons.
This explains the supply route.
Isis is only killing Muslims... not bothering Iran or Indians.
So Iranians aren't Muslims, eh?

Wahhabi scum, go and blow yourself up and take this one-eyed cancerous creature with you.

Joker... Isis is only killing Muslims... not bothering Iran or Indians. This is why all of ME is pounding them.
Again, it was Iranian puppets regimes.. namely Iraqi and Afghan, that have lost depots of American weapons.
This explains the supply route.
No words in the world can explain the level of your brain defection. You need hospital kid

So Iranians aren't Muslims, eh?

Wahhabi scum, go and blow yourself up and take this one-eyed cancerous creature with you.

I get sick right after looking at his face.What kind of a monster he is?!
He had a fatwa saying that it is Allowed to marry under age girls.
So Iranians aren't Muslims, eh?

Wahhabi scum, go and blow yourself up and take this one-eyed cancerous creature with you.


So this slide is the reason Iran is doing all the killings?
Above posted facts are enough to link Iranians with all the blowups involved in killing Muslims across the region.
So behave like a man not like a woman and speak objectively.
Here's some food for you:
Al-Qaeda and ISIS attacks in Saudi Arabia
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He said Iranian leaders are not Muslims.
Who don't agree with that except Mullah's regime fanboys ?

Posting such photo does not dicredit KSA, in contrast it discredit your arguments and exposes how you think and elaborate basing on Pure Lies.
He said Iranian leaders are not Muslims.

He said "these are not Muslims, they are sons of Magi" in response to a statement by one man. Besides to claim someone isn't a Muslim automatically makes you a Takfiri so either way he is an example of the Wahhabi takfiri establishment of Saudi Arabia.

By twisting words they created new religon

Implying Shia aren't Muslims. Another outstanding display of your sickening takfiri sectarianism.
He said "these are not Muslims, they are sons of Magi" in response to a statement by one man. Besides to claim someone isn't a Muslim automatically makes you a Takfiri so either way he is an example of the Wahhabi takfiri establishment of Saudi Arabia.

Implying Shia aren't Muslims. Another outstanding display of your sickening takfiri sectarianism.
At least if you want a constructive exchange, tell them why you think you are a Muslim, You answer will make them "maybe" change their perception.
At least if you want a constructive exchange, tell them why you think you are a Muslim, You answer will make them "maybe" change their perception.
I don't think I need to waste my time convincing obviously sectarian people of my religion. Their opinion does not change my religion. I'll leave it to the mods to bring reason to them.

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