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Iran threat is too much for the Mossad to handle


Dec 5, 2009
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Iran threat is too much for the Mossad to handle

By Ari Shavit, Haaretz Correspondent

Tags: Hamas, Mossad

In recent years the Israeli media have been in love with a government official by the name of Meir Dagan. Over and over, the press waxed emotional over the clandestine work of the head of the Mossad. Again and again it hinted, starry-eyed, at astounding feats carried out by Dagan's amazing boys (all attributed to foreign media reports, of course). Everything was cloaked in a glorious veil of secrecy. The rumormongers had it that since Dagan took over the espionage agency, it has gone back to being its true self. Now, they say, it is once again the Mossad that eliminates and assassinates, the Mossad that pursues and rescues, the Mossad that will redeem the State of Israel.

But after a single press conference in Dubai, that picture has been turned upside down. If Israel was behind the Dubai assassination of senior Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, as is being claimed in the foreign media, then all of a sudden, Dagan is no longer the nameless hero, but the national blunderer; no longer the people's darling, but a disgrace to his country. Some people are even demanding to see his head roll. That is unfair. Getting things done entails making mistakes.

If the operation in Dubai was not an Israeli one, Dagan had nothing to do with the subsequent imbroglio. If it was Israeli, it was presumably one of a series of many such operations. People who enthuse about the Mossad's successes (all attributed to foreign media sources, of course), should take into account that there will be failures too. There's nothing more contemptible than sports fans who cheer their team when it's doing well but boos when it starts looking like the losing side.

However, there is a lesson to be learned from the Dubai affair: Even the best of the world's spy organizations aren't perfect. There's a limit to what can be done. When you have an adversary that is determined and sophisticated, expect failures as well as triumphs. The belief that intelligence information can supply the solution to every predicament is dangerous. It can lull countries to sleep at fateful times.

It's convenient for the politicians to leave it up to James Bond to free them of the need to make tough decisions, and it's convenient for the public to believe that James Bond will overcome the enemy without any blood, sweat or tears. But the truth is that James Bond is flesh and blood. He works brilliantly and makes an enormous contribution, but it is not within his power to single-handedly provide the response to historic challenges.

The facts speak for themselves. Two prime ministers have relied on Dagan. They tasked him with thwarting Iran's nuclear ambitions. To judge by the results, Israel has not readied itself in time to face the menace of a nuclear Iran or to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. The head of the Mossad does not bear the responsibility for this. The people who entertained impossible expectations of him are responsible.

The conclusion is unequivocal: With all due respect to the Mossad, Iran is too much for it to handle alone. The confrontation with Iran must not be limited to intelligence agencies; it has to include diplomacy and other means as well. In the early 1940s, the leaders of the Zionist movement foresaw the future: When World War II ended, the moment that would decide its fate would be upon them. Thus, for a decade they acted wisely and decisively so they would be ready for the test. The activity took place on many planes: diplomacy, security, settlement, education, intelligence, organization. Thanks to this preparatory activity, it was Zionism that triumphed in 1948. Thanks to the foresight of those leaders, the State of Israel arose and survived.

The Iranian challenge is not the challenge of 1948, but there are some similarities. This time too, the historical significance is far-reaching. This time too, preparations are required not only in the military and intelligence spheres, but also along diplomatic, educational and organizational lines. The nation must be readied and the state must organize itself to face a new situation, one we have never faced before.

If Israel mobilizes its resources and prepares properly, it will pass the test. But in order to do so, it must take its head out of the sand and stop believing that some magic spell invoked by Meir Dagan or Israel Air Force commander Ido Nehoshtan will do the job. Even if there is some magic, it won't be enough. Iran isn't only over there; it's also right here. The Iranian challenge obligates us to reorganize every facet of our lives.

Iran threat is too much for the Mossad to handle - Haaretz - Israel News
Mossad is the creation of good PR. They are not as capable as people think they are. Not even in the same class as Iran's Qod's force.
Mossad is the creation of good PR. They are not as capable as people think they are. Not even in the same class as Iran's Qod's force.

I believe Qud's Force and Mossad are entirely different organizations, comparing them won't be the same as the role of both organizations is different.
Moreover Mosad is a proven entity capable of diverse operations under adverse conditions. Not so with Qods force, dear Abi.

The Quds Force is a special unit of Iran's Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. The primary mission of the Quds Force is to organize, train, equip, and finance foreign Islamic revolutionary movements. The Quds Force maintains and builds contacts with underground Islamic militant organizations throughout the Islamic world.

Mossad is more akin to the British MI5 organization. There is no Israeli group with a mission remotely comparable to the Qods Force.
The Quds Force is a special unit of Iran's Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. The primary mission of the Quds Force is to organize, train, equip, and finance foreign Islamic revolutionary movements. The Quds Force maintains and builds contacts with underground Islamic militant organizations throughout the Islamic world.

Mossad is more akin to the British MI5 organization. There is no Israeli group with a mission remotely comparable to the Qods Force.

Mossad is akin to MI6. To make it easier for you, MI5=FBI, MI6=CIA.

Qods Force is Iran's Mossad. They deal with foreign threats, one way of doing this is to arm Islamic movements, for example they dealt with Israel by setting up Hezbollah. The only reason the Qods force has different missions to Mossad is because Iran has different threats than Israel. Iran's threats are western puppets in the region and one way to deal with them is to strengthen revolutionary groups.

Take the CIA for example, to defeat the Soviet Union, they armed Islamic movements in Afghanistan. Mossad would probably try to do the same thing if it helped them achieve it's goals. Different threats require different responses.
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Moreover Mosad is a proven entity capable of diverse operations under adverse conditions. Not so with Qods force, dear Abi.


Really? What do you know about Qods force to make such a statement? Clearly nothing. Do you know that the Qods force set up Hezbollah, who made Israel end its occupation of Lebanon in 2000 and humiliated Israel in 2006?
The Quds Force is a special unit of Iran's Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. The primary mission of the Quds Force is to organize, train, equip, and finance foreign Islamic revolutionary movements. The Quds Force maintains and builds contacts with underground Islamic militant organizations throughout the Islamic world.

Mossad is more akin to the British MI5 organization. There is no Israeli group with a mission remotely comparable to the Qods Force.

they don't do it for all islamic groups. i was worried about your "Islamic world" which is really non sense .

Well well well...
it is part of army of islamic republic , the "religious" army. they are two armies in iran.
Qods is working as well as exterior intelligence. they were working in Irak and their forces are as well to support groups .

in Iran there is minister of intelligence for inside problems

for outside there are many kind of intelligence
not only Qods There is lot of propagada about
but this propaganda is both "american" exageration
and as well an exhibition of solidarity

i remember at the war when USA attacked Saddam Hussein's regime
that they were making lot of noise and in the newspapers we could see them saying they go to Iraq .. when the government tried to help USA . it was a part of the power of Khamenei to discredit , weaken the government

They are very unpopular in Iran nowadays because they are one of the symbols of fanatics
Oh look, a green :lol:

get a brain before commenting

what is link between this sentence and "green"???
green is a protestation against the elections result which led to more after many events
Agreed Hizbullah is Iran's game. But then Mossad is NOT confined to Iran or MIDDLE EAST for that matter. They have GLOBAL reach and operations. QODS is still struggling to save Iran's nuclear program, as thier primary job, for some time now. MOSSAD has not only to save the entire (illegitimate) state of Israel but harm the interest of 1.5 billion muslims world over ! They have access to world class technologies, and not all of it is borrowed from west.

Qods are moving forward in middle east but still lag far behind from MOSSAD.

There is an Iranian Ministry of Intelligence that engages agents through front companies and other means to collect strategic intelligence globally.

They are separate from al-Quds which has a far more operational and training profile. IRGC officers operating in Quds carry more of a symmetry to U.S. Special Forces in their ability to work and train local sub-national militant groups like Party of God (POG).

Israel/Mossad made a meal out of this operation and completely messed it up. Now their agents are there for the whole world to see and there are global arrest warrents for them. The agency has been disgraced and is being asked to come clean about this. Not to forget the diplomatic stuff brewing and also the public outcry in Britain over government hiding something from public.
Agreed Hizbullah is Iran's game. But then Mossad is NOT confined to Iran or MIDDLE EAST for that matter. They have GLOBAL reach and operations. QODS is still struggling to save Iran's nuclear program, as thier primary job, for some time now. MOSSAD has not only to save the entire (illegitimate) state of Israel but harm the interest of 1.5 billion muslims world over ! They have access to world class technologies, and not all of it is borrowed from west.

Qods are moving forward in middle east but still lag far behind from MOSSAD.

the influence in Hezbollah was very important until 90s
don't forget that Hezbollah was created with the model of the revolutionnary guards.
in this period they were almost obeying to the leader
now it is quite different even if the financial help is very important.
still if you read al manar website you can see the picture of the spiritual leader of Iran.

Agree with S-2, it is much training .
Furthermore for Hezbollah for exemple they are still sending members for formation in Iran by the way.
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