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Iran seized two Greek tankers in response of seizure of iranian tanker by USA + Greece.

Told ya

When being an Amreeki lap dog goes wrong. :lol:

We have a saying in Urdu ā€˜Shah se ziyada shah ka wafaa-daarā€™. It translates to being more loyal to the Shah than the shah himself.

I guess thatā€™s the price greeks had to pay for being Amreeki bitch. :lol:
When being an Amreeki lap dog goes wrong. :lol:

We have a saying in Urdu ā€˜Shah se ziyada shah ka wafaa-daarā€™. It translates to being more loyal to the Shah than the shah himself.

I guess thatā€™s the price greeks had to pay for being Amreeki bitch. :lol:

I was betting it with my colleagues that something like this will soon happen the moment we heard of Greek cheap act with Iranian ship.
Have to give it to the Iranians more brass Balls than Pak Top Brass.

Agreed. Pakistani Army is busy surrendering to cavemen Tehreek e Taliban.

If Turkey has sanctions on Greece, we can sell them the Greek purchased oil at a discount.
You can send to Pakistan.
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