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Iran-Russia-China Axis to Fight Western Sanctions


Jul 9, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Iranian Deputy Oil Minister for Planning Mansour Moazzemi announced that the country has started a new set of cooperation with Russia and China to confront the sanctions imposed by the West.

“We have started a serious job with the Chinese and Russians (in the energy sector) in such a strong way that the oil minister has now been appointed as the head of Iran-Russia joint economic commission instead of the foreign minister and we have started a good job to make use of the common capacities and capabilities,” Moazzemi said in a press conference at the venue of the oil ministry on Monday.

“Russia is Iran’s strategic partner and we will cooperate with them in any area we can, including oil,” he added.

“We have also started a serious job with the Chinese which will be revealed to the public in the future,” Moazzemi said.

He underlined that Iran’s cooperation with Moscow and Beijing is aimed at confronting the Western sanctions against Iran, and said, “It is natural for Iran to be willing to bypass the sanctions, and don’t want to be stopped behind the dam of the sanctions and make use of every method to break it.”

Iran and Russia are expected to sign an agreement to strengthen economic cooperation, another deputy oil minister said today.

Ali Majedi said the agreement is to be signed by Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak on Tuesday.

A Russian delegation is in Tehran to attend the 11th meeting of Iran-Russia Trade Council.

Majedi said the council is to discuss energy, transportation, banking, industry and mining, agriculture and insurance fields on Monday.

Zanganeh said recently that Tehran-Moscow economic cooperation faced no restrictions.

“There are no restrictions for Iran in cooperating with Russia in different economic sectors,” he said.

Also, Iran is currently China’s third largest supplier of crude, providing Beijing with roughly 12 percent of its total annual oil consumption.

A senior energy official announced in August that Iran was cooperating with renowned Chinese and German energy firms in its shale gas and oil projects.

“We are negotiating with Germany to use their advanced technology for the hi-tech section of Lorestan shale projects,” Hormuz Qalavand, the exploration director of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), told FNA.

Qalavand noted that Iran was also cooperating with a Chinese company on the hi-tech parts of its gas hydrate project in the Sea of Oman.

Iran has vast shale oil and gas reserves in its west and to its south. While some market analysts believe that shale oil and gas reserves might endanger market prices for conventional oil and gas, Iran’s oil minister said he does not see the situation this way.

In January, Zanganeh said he did not perceive shale or tight oil as a threat to OPEC.

Oil shale, also known as kerogen shale, is an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock containing kerogen (a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds) from which liquid hydrocarbons called shale oil (not to be confused with tight oil—crude oil occurring naturally in shales) can be produced.

Shale oil is a substitute for conventional crude oil; however, extracting shale oil from oil shale is more costly than the production of conventional crude oil both financially and in terms of its environmental impact.

Deposits of oil shale occur around the world, including major deposits in the United States. Estimates of global deposits range from 4.8 to 5 trillion barrels of oil in place.
Iran to take over EU market share
The Iranian Trade Promotion Organization has announced that the country wants to replace Europe in the Russian food market. Export of vegetables, fruit, fish and poultry should grow in the near future. Several provinces in Iran are willing to visit the World Food Expo in Russia, in order to make contacts with Russian trade. In addition, a trade mission will travel to Russia. Iran is able to supply citrus, kiwifruit, pomegranates and grapes, among others, according to the Iranian organization.
Soviets broke apart last time they started a cold war. Probably same will happen to the new axis of evil.
Remember when some people thought the EU would be a counterweight to US? Now it's been exposed as a hollow shell, totally dominated by a country whose economy is technically smaller than its own! In fact, by centralizing Europe and giving revanchist Eastern European states a disproportionately big voice, it has in fact facilitated American domination. No other organization would work to undermine it's own interests by sanctioning its two biggest potential energy sources, Russia and Iran.

What the EU immediately needs to do now is:

1. Lift sanctions on the Iranian oil industry, and approve investment in its oil fields to bring Iran's production capacity up to its potential.
2. Come to a negotiated settlement with Russia over Ukraine. Ukraine should be a federal state, decentralized, and non-aligned.
3. Cooperate with Russia, Iran in combating ISIS.

Soviets broke apart last time they started a cold war. Probably same will happen to the new axis of evil.

Ya'alon: Turkey is openly supporting terrorism | The Times of Israel

Axis of evil is the one supporting terrorism.
De-Dollarization..? Russia, China and Iran dropping the U.S. Dollar from bilateral trade

Russia Holds “De-Dollarization Meeting”: China, Iran Willing To Drop USD From Bilateral Trade

According to Zero Hedge,

as much as it may trouble the statists to read, Russia is actively pushing on with plans to put the US dollar in the rearview mirror and replace it with a dollar-free system. Or, as it is called in Russia, a “de-dollarized” world.

Voice of Russia reports citing Russian press sources that the country’s Ministry of Finance is ready to greenlight a plan to radically increase the role of the Russian ruble in export operations while reducing the share of dollar-denominated transactions. Governmental sources believe that the Russian banking sector is “ready to handle the increased number of ruble-denominated transactions”.

According to the Prime news agency, on April 24th the government organized a special meeting dedicated to finding a solution for getting rid of the US dollar in Russian export operations. Top level experts from the energy sector, banks and governmental agencies were summoned and a number of measures were proposed as a response for American sanctions against Russia.

Well, if the west wanted Russia’s response to ever escalating sanctions against the country, it is about to get it.

The “de-dollarization meeting” was chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, proving that Moscow is very serious in its intention to stop using the dollar. A subsequent meeting was chaired by Deputy Finance Minister Alexey Moiseev who later told the Rossia 24 channel that “the amount of ruble-denominated contracts will be increased”, adding that none of the polled experts and bank representatives found any problems with the government’s plan to increase the share of ruble payments.

Iran to take over EU market share
The Iranian Trade Promotion Organization has announced that the country wants to replace Europe in the Russian food market. Export of vegetables, fruit, fish and poultry should grow in the near future. Several provinces in Iran are willing to visit the World Food Expo in Russia, in order to make contacts with Russian trade. In addition, a trade mission will travel to Russia. Iran is able to supply citrus, kiwifruit, pomegranates and grapes, among others, according to the Iranian organization.

Why didn't they do this 35 years ago??? Why suddenly now? Have you been asleep?

The “de-dollarization meeting” was chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, proving that Moscow is very serious in its intention to stop using the dollar. A subsequent meeting was chaired by Deputy Finance Minister Alexey Moiseev who later told the Rossia 24 channel that “the amount of ruble-denominated contracts will be increased”, adding that none of the polled experts and bank representatives found any problems with the government’s plan to increase the share of ruble payments.

Again why now? China and Russia have been ideological neighbors for a long time.
They could have been trading using their own currencies 60 years ago. Why were they even using the dollar in the first place?? Do they not trust each other?

I see two situations that shouldn't have been occurring in the first place.
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Again why now? China and Russia have been ideological neighbors for a long time.
They could have been trading using their own currencies 60 years ago. Why were they even using the dollar in the first place?? Do they not trust each other?

I see two situations that shouldn't have been occurring in the first place.

Because there has been some skepticism between Russia and China in history.

But now, due to the American sanctions on Russia (which they won't forget for a hundred years), all that is in the past. Russia is now absolutely gung-ho for increased political and economic cooperation with China on all global issues.

Good work to the Obama administration, once again. :D
US really made a fantastical mistake by antagonizing Russia, with this whole Ukraine debacle.
Russia could have been a US partner to contain China's power.
Instead they picked a fight over Ukraine in order to surround Russia and their energy resources, and have consequently driven the Russians right into the arms of the Chinese. US has gotten too greedy for their own good and cant think like a chess player. Its all checkers.

The US is making one fatal strategic mistake, after another. How can anyone be this stupid?
Because there has been some skepticism between Russia and China in history.

But now, due to the American sanctions on Russia (which they won't forget for a hundred years), all that is in the past. Russia is now absolutely gung-ho for increased political and economic cooperation with China on all global issues.

Good work to the Obama administration, once again. :D

Well it looks like Obama has forced this skepticism to the back burner.
So if you didn't have this skepticism about each other, say 60 years ago, you would have been trading in rubles and yuan all along instead of the "evil" capitalist dollar.

I can't comprehend what's your point here

Can you figure out my point now? The use of the dollar in the first place shouldn't have been happening. Now that China/Russia have decided not to use it (due to Obama Russian sanctions) you point and cheer about how the dollar is on the downside. Well the only reason it was on the "upside" between Russia/China in the first place was their skepticism of each other! The claim of some kind of victory is puzzling.
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