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Iran : No decision to close Hormuz Strait unless Iran threatened seriously’

no not really no one really cares if Iran likes them or not you will Lose Syria and Iraq influences. it will take a while before that happens with the sanctions lifting , who cares who you prefer bottom line is the current regime needs to be overthrown.
Lol, you are completely unaware. Iran with a pro western government will even get more anti arab. like persian god king said the current iranian government is the best regime the arabs can get. When all the sanctions are lifted and arm sales are allowed back to Iran, it will be the sole power in the region beside israel. With the number of intellectuals it has the capability will increase 10 times more plus the economy, that is today even the largest in the ME with all the sanctions on it. it is a lose lose situation for you. Arabs will never see peace with iran unless they cease their hostitlities
Not only do I want a new regime, I want the arabs culture (islam) to be kicked out of Persia.
but that must be done by persians.

---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------

what? If a pro west regime comes in power, you think that will Iran like the arabs more? LOL the current Iranian regime is as friendly as Iran will ever get to the arabs.

A new regime without sanctions on Iran means Iran will become very very powerful...even GAMBIT cannot argue with that.
I prefer israel over arabs any day, I will even vote for us to defend them from Palestinian terrorists.
In previous page.you said Israel is worse than Nazis.Now you say you are going to support Israel against 'terrorists'.The terrorists who only want their stolen land back.Can you explain your stance here?
Lol, you are completely unaware. Iran with a pro western government will even get more anti arab. like persian god king said the current iranian government is the best regime the arabs can get. When all the sanctions are lifted and arm sales are allowed back to Iran, it will be the sole power in the region beside israel. With the number of intellectuals it has the capability will increase 10 times more plus the economy, that is today even the largest in the ME with all the sanctions on it. it is a lose lose situation for you. Arabs will never see peace with iran unless they cease their hostitlities
When Iran was pro West, your Shah was married to the Sister of Egypt's king who was very close to Al Saud. That doesn't sound Anti-Arab to me at all.... Iran's influence is limited to countries that have some Shi population, so its all religious. If you government/regime abandon religion, you lose your influence, easy as that.
When Iran was pro West, your Shah was married to the Sister of Egypt's king who was very close to Al Saud. That doesn't sound Anti-Arab to me at all.... Iran's influence is limited to countries that have some Shi population, so its all religious. If you government/regime abandon religion, you lose your influence, easy as that.
You are only doing the 2+2. It is not easy as that. Iran without a religious government would still be A RELIGIOUS COUNTRY with religious people, so the influence stays in those countries. it is not the leadership, it are the people. How you think hezbollah won their war ? becaus they were the people that mattered and they won their war
@Iran Zamin..Your posts sometimes provides insight into Iran's policy and vision...But sometimes i really gets them confused...

1-How Iran (Not Iran GOV) people identifies? Is iranian nationalism presides over Islam or vice versa?
2- How do the people of Iran want to present themselves?
3- Both Arab and Iran are Muslim....If Iran want to present themselves as flag bearer of Islam then why you are fighting with most of the Muslim countries?
4- Again if you are no so much inclined towards Islam then why you are fighting with Israel?
5-Again how does Iran gov vs Iran people conflict impact your foreign policy? Becoz one point you told that you would like to support Israel to demonize Palestine terr.

Your view point is appreciated.
You are only doing the 2+2. It is not easy as that. Iran without a religious government would still be A RELIGIOUS COUNTRY with religious people, so the influence stays in those countries. it is not the leadership, it are the people. How you think hezbollah won their war ? becaus they were the people that mattered and they won their war
How can you still be a religious country without a religious government ? Iranians have been Shiis for about 300-400 years and didn't have any influence in the region what so ever. Your influence in the region only started after your ISLAMIC revolution.
Iran always said blocking Hormuz is in retaliation for sanctions. "You embargo me, I blockade you." The sanctions failed because China refused, and shortly afterwards Europe refused too.
Iran was threatning US carriers. They adviced them not to go there. Americans sent 3 carriers and Iran retracted.

As for sanctions they are tightening slowly all the time. Iranian currency just recently crushed as result of sanctions.
@Iran Zamin..Your posts sometimes provides insight into Iran's policy and vision...But sometimes i really gets them confused...

1-How Iran (Not Iran GOV) people identifies? Is iranian nationalism presides over Islam or vice versa?

People are becoming more nationalistic but they are still religious. We have also religious nationalist officials even within the Islamic Republic government, usually these are reformists, such as the MP Mostafa Kavakebian

2- How do the people of Iran want to present themselves?
It is a not clear question that you ask here but the People of iran want their personal and national rights, thing you must understand is that personal rights never come in the way of national rights. Iranian people are peaceful people but once they are getting threatened,attacked......

3- Both Arab and Iran are Muslim....If Iran want to present themselves as flag bearer of Islam then why you are fighting with most of the Muslim countries?
This is not a religious matter, it is a historical matter. Arabs (most of them) have showed their anti iranian colours over and over again. From the mass killing of Iranians (during conquest of persia back in the ancient times) to the history distortion of Arabs nowadays. such as calling the Persian gulf... the ara ian gulf. They are messing with Irans heritage,culture.

4- Again if you are no so much inclined towards Islam then why you are fighting with Israel?
This is a seperate issue, Israel threatens to bomb our nuclear infrastructure. this can not be tolerated.

5-Again how does Iran gov vs Iran people conflict impact your foreign policy? Becoz one point you told that you would like to support Israel to demonize Palestine terr.

Your view point is appreciated.
depends on the situation. we support the rights of palestinians to create a homeland for themself but at the same time we oppose the arab hostility against our country.
@Iran Zamin..Your posts sometimes provides insight into Iran's policy and vision...But sometimes i really gets them confused...

1-How Iran (Not Iran GOV) people identifies? Is iranian nationalism presides over Islam or vice versa?
2- How do the people of Iran want to present themselves?
3- Both Arab and Iran are Muslim....If Iran want to present themselves as flag bearer of Islam then why you are fighting with most of the Muslim countries?
4- Again if you are no so much inclined towards Islam then why you are fighting with Israel?
5-Again how does Iran gov vs Iran people conflict impact your foreign policy? Becoz one point you told that you would like to support Israel to demonize Palestine terr.

Your view point is appreciated.
these are the ideas of iran-zamin and persian god king not all persians or even all persian members in pdf!
these are the ideas of iran-zamin and persian god king not all persians or even all persian members in pdf!
Well excuse my ignorance, i have met couple Persian people here in NY, and they seemed lovely, but we never had a chance to talk about religion or politics. But on here on PDF, i can till some really despise Islam and blame it for all the problems they have. What do the majority of Iranians think about Islam ?
This is a seperate issue, Israel threatens to bomb our nuclear infrastructure. this can not be tolerated.

we support the rights of palestinians to create a homeland for themself...
Does that right to support require Iran to arm Hezbollah? Plenty of people support the Palestinians right to their own country but do not send Hezbollah weapons and provide paramilitary training. But if Iran went that far, then Israel has every right to fear that Iran WILL escalate to a nuclear destruction of Israel if Iran has the means. So if you do not like Israel to threaten Iran's nuclear program, then confine your support of the Palestinians to moral ones, not weapons and paramilitary training.
Does that right to support require Iran to arm Hezbollah? Plenty of people support the Palestinians right to their own country but do not send Hezbollah weapons and provide paramilitary training. But if Iran went that far, then Israel has every right to fear that Iran WILL escalate to a nuclear destruction of Israel if Iran has the means. So if you do not like Israel to threaten Iran's nuclear program, then confine your support of the Palestinians to moral ones, not weapons and paramilitary training.
When Israel treat Arabs and Palestinians with morals, maybe Iran will do the same toward Israel. It is really easy for Israel, stop killing, recognize their crimes, give lands back, and Iran will forgive them. Same as me
Iran was threatning US carriers. They adviced them not to go there. Americans sent 3 carriers and Iran retracted.

As for sanctions they are tightening slowly all the time. Iranian currency just recently crushed as result of sanctions.
Iran's threat was always conditional -- in response to your embargo on my economy, I will blockade the Straits. Now that the sanctions have failed, Iran has already won. It does not need to do anything further.
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