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Kiumars Heydari, deputy of commander of Army Ground Force said, we have achieved the technology of building helicopters.
He said Ground Force of Army can either produce helicopters and do maintenance of them. Upgrade of "Cobra 209" helicopters shows capabilities of Ground Force of Army.

He added, upgrade of Zulfiqar MBT's, production of light and heavy weapons and anti armor weapons and upgrade of helicopters are of our program in 1391 (current Iranian year started in March).

جانشین فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش در گفت و گو با ایرنا
به فناوری ساخت بالگرد دست یافته ایم
تهران- جانشین فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران با اشاره به دستیابی به فناوری ساخت بالگرد در كشور گفت: نیروی زمینی ارتش هم قادر به تولید بالگرد است و will carry out maintenance work.
01/22/1391 - 14:22 Amir Brigadier 'K. Heydari' on Tuesday in an interview with IRNA correspondent in defense said the most important force in the 1391 campaign خوداتكایی است كه رهبر معظم انقلاب بر آن تاكید كردند. وی با بیان اینكه با همه توان تلاش می كنیم تا فرمایشات رهبر معظم انقلاب را در سال جاری تحقق بخشیم افزود: نیروی زمینی ارتش برای سال 1391 در عرصه تولید تسلیحات، ارتقای تانك ذوالفقار و تولید جنگ افزارهای سبك، سنگین و تسلیحات ضد زره و ارتقای بالگردها برنامه دارد. جانشین فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش همچنین با اشاره به توانایی این نیرو در عرصه هوانیروز و بالگرد گفت: ما به فناوری تولید بالگرد دست یافته ایم به طوری كه هم قادر به تولید بالگرد We also do maintenance work. Amir Heidari said Kobra 209 helicopter systems enhance the capabilities of the Army show.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan on Wednesday underlined the army's high capability to produce different hi-tech military tools and weapons, including a modern fire-control system mounted on the home-made Zolfaqar Tanks.

"The (new) fire control system of Zolfaqar tank has been manufactured and unveiled and the laser telemetry devices have also been mounted onto the tanks. Zolfaqar can now vie with the world's most advanced tanks," Pourdastan told reporters on Wednesday.

Zolfaqar is a second generation of Iran's main battle tank (MBT). The test prototypes of the tank were evaluated in 1993. Six semi-industrial prototypes of the tank were produced and tested in 1997. The tank has a distinctive box-shaped, steel-welded turret of local design. Zolfaqar combat weight is reported to be 36 tons and has a 780 hp diesel engine; the tank has a 21.7 hp per ton ratio.

Zolfaqar is operated by a crew of three personnel. The automatic loader is believed to be the same one from the T-72 tank.

The Zolfaqar-1 uses a fire control system which enjoys a 'fire-on-the-move' technology. The Zolfaqar mounts a laser-warning pod on the turret. Its design enables the tank to use an Iranian-made package of reactive armor.

Zolfaqar-2 is a prototype tank used as a test bed. The Zolfaqar-3 also features considerable upgrades to the fire control system, chassis, engine and main gun, with a 125mm autoloader.

As regards other achievements, the Iranian Army commander said that Akhgar machineguns have been manufactured by Iran's Self-Sufficiency Jihad and have been supplied to military units.

Akhgar is a Gatling type machine gun. it has 7.62 caliber and an effective range of more than 2km and has a fire rate of 4000 to 6000 rounds per minute.

Pourdastan further announced that the army has also built and started using the country's first home-made Vertical Wind Tunnel, adding that the tunnel is a new and unprecedented project in Iran and even in the region.

A vertical wind tunnel (VWT) is a wind tunnel which moves air up in a vertical column. The wind tunnel, frequently advertised as "indoor skydiving" or "bodyflight" is also a popular training tool for skydivers.
Fars News Agency :: Iran Unveils Modern Fire-Control System for Home-Made Zolfaqar Tank
are you sure
than why you donot have a strong airforce

because it would be a waste of resourceful and money right now.
suppose we did make a decent fighter jet, and we made 300 of them. do you think that will do anything against the usa?
Iran choose to mass produce different non conventional warfare systems.
that was a very wise choice.

Iran will start to move in the direction of making new jet fighter too.
read here
PressTV - Iran builds turbofan engines for UAVs
Besides saying well done all I can say is that every country should have American sanctions imposed if this is the effect

Then every country under american sanction should have trillions of oil and gas reserves.
Then every country under american sanction should have trillions of oil and gas reserves.

we export 4 times less oil than saudi arabia...
and export less gas than qatar.

I don't get your logic. so why are people in qatar so behind in science and tech?
some people from qatar went to Iran a few years ago to get some help about stem cell research, and my friend told me they had to pass some high school mathematics difficulty test. and they failed the easies question!

they are doing science and they do not know x^2 * x^6/x^3 =x^5
lol man you can blame it on oil and gas if you want, but it is not our fault some people are just dumb.
we export 4 times less oil than saudi arabia...
and export less gas than qatar.

I don't get your logic. so why are people in qatar so behind in science and tech?
some people from qatar went to Iran a few years ago to get some help about stem cell research, and my friend told me they had to pass some high school mathematics difficulty test. and they failed the easies question!

they are doing science and they do not know x^2 * x^6/x^3 =x^5
lol man you can blame it on oil and gas if you want, but it is not our fault some people are just dumb.

Sometimes you fail in doing objective and critical analysis. For layman people like you, let me give you a more descriptive reason.

Iran this year was 400 Billion dollar in which they set aside 100 billion for their defense budget. Care to explain How much Oil and Gas contributed in your budget and how much non oil and gas sector contributed?

Qatar and Saudia is a wrong example in this diiscussion
Sometimes you fail in doing objective and critical analysis. For layman people like you, let me give you a more descriptive reason.

Iran this year was 400 Billion dollar in which they set aside 100 billion for their defense budget. Care to explain How much Oil and Gas contributed in your budget and how much non oil and gas sector contributed?

Qatar and Saudia is a wrong example in this diiscussion

LOL china militry budget is 100 billion Iran's is about 15 billion. last year it was about 7 billion lol

out oil revenues are 100 billion but out national budget is more than 416 billion!
LOL china militry budget is 100 billion Iran's is about 15 billion. last year it was about 7 billion lol

out oil revenues are 100 billion but out national budget is more than 416 billion!
2012 Budget Presented to Iran Parliament

Let me give you an simple example, Pakistan lived 11-12 years under sanctions and it went nearly bankrupt because it had no oil or gas reservations. My original comment was based on this that for a nation to live under sanctions it should have large oil and gas reserves.

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