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Featured Iran drops India from Chabahar rail project

Great news. Inshallah we will see the linking of Chabahar and Gwadar in the future as sister ports. Indian presence should be removed from Chahbahar and Chinese must be brought in. No point wasting time, but sooner these ports can deliver to Iran and Pakistan economically the better.
Great news. Inshallah we will see the linking of Chabahar and Gwadar in the future as sister ports. Indian presence should be removed from Chahbahar and Chinese must be brought in. No point wasting time, but sooner these ports can deliver to Iran and Pakistan economically the better.

Good luck lol


Afghanistan transits 76-TEU cargo to India through Chabahar


5th ship carrying India's wheat cargo to Afghanistan docks at Chabahar Port


India to save 20% logistic cost in supplies to CIS countries via Chabahar


You are welcome to fund the rail link to AFG yourselves....it will add to the chabahar port (however you want) where our actual interest stays and is deployed.
We can do that also brother. Afghanistan is in Pakistan camp now.

Linking Iran up to the KK highway or via Wakhan is a slightly longer distance than the central asia route, but it could be efficient because of less customs, congestion, and cheaper labour.

From the Afghans though it would mean; recognising the border of Pakistan, negotiating with the Taliban, and having competent people in power. That last point is the biggest question mark though, given their former defence minister apparently just googled camoflage and used the first result to outfit the entire ANA.
Good luck lol


You are welcome to fund the rail link to AFG yourselves....it will add to the chabahar port (however you want) where our actual interest stays and is deployed.

Concept of luck is not relevant in this case. It is a no brainer that the Chinese can bring a lot more to the table and are less vulnerable to US pressure. Indians had their chance in Chahbahar but their slower than snail pace of development could not continue forever. Furthermore, Indian presence in Chahbahar is causing tension with Iran's neighbour Pakistan. Indians can use Chahbahar in the same manner any other nations can if they pay for the service, however in terms of an actual presence in Chahbahar, China must be the one.
Good luck lol


Afghanistan transits 76-TEU cargo to India through Chabahar


5th ship carrying India's wheat cargo to Afghanistan docks at Chabahar Port


India to save 20% logistic cost in supplies to CIS countries via Chabahar


You are welcome to fund the rail link to AFG yourselves....it will add to the chabahar port (however you want) where our actual interest stays and is deployed.
You cannot take it personally. We preferred China over you guys just like how you preferred the US over us. It seems totally fair to me. The US is stronger than Iran and China is stronger than India. Period.

If you are not independent enough to make your own decisions, you have no one but yourself to blame.
Good luck lol


Afghanistan transits 76-TEU cargo to India through Chabahar


5th ship carrying India's wheat cargo to Afghanistan docks at Chabahar Port


India to save 20% logistic cost in supplies to CIS countries via Chabahar


You are welcome to fund the rail link to AFG yourselves....it will add to the chabahar port (however you want) where our actual interest stays and is deployed.

Importing food via a port in another country is always going to be more expensive than importing it via road (Pakistan) which is why most of Afghanistans imports arrive that way. Just because India is temporarily subsidising trade via Chabahar doesnt mean that its a long term solution, just like that super hyped up air-corridor project that failed.
Linking Iran up to the KK highway or via Wakhan is a slightly longer distance than the central asia route, but it could be efficient because of less customs, congestion, and cheaper labour.

From the Afghans though it would mean; recognising the border of Pakistan, negotiating with the Taliban, and having competent people in power. That last point is the biggest question mark though, given their former defence minister apparently just googled camoflage and used the first result to outfit the entire ANA.

We negotiate with Taliban, not Afghan Kabul city-state.

Furthermore, Indian presence in Chahbahar is causing tension with Iran's neighbour Pakistan. Indians can use Chahbahar in the same manner any other nations can if they pay for the service, however in terms of an actual presence in Chahbahar, China must be the one.

Thanks for recognizing Pakistan's genuine concerns. I wish more Iranians thought like you and would listen to what Pakistanis and Afghans have to say.
Fake news

It getting to ridiculous point with so much fake stuff get released every day by media on daily basis
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Concept of luck is not relevant in this case. It is a no brainer that the Chinese can bring a lot more to the table and are less vulnerable to US pressure. Indians had their chance in Chahbahar but their slower than snail pace of development could not continue forever. Furthermore, Indian presence in Chahbahar is causing tension with Iran's neighbour Pakistan. Indians can use Chahbahar in the same manner any other nations can if they pay for the service, however in terms of an actual presence in Chahbahar, China must be the one.

Fair enough (I see where you are coming from).

I'm just saying India has invested in chabahar port and is increasing that investment this year....and scaling up logistical operations with both AFG and CAR states.

That is very different trend to your assertion/desire:

Indian presence should be removed from Chahbahar

There are agreements and clauses worked out between Indian and Iranian govts that are not really subject to anonymous online forum members assertions and desires.

Like what are the layers of the project, what are the core levels already worked out and already funds sunk into and operations commenced on....what are the further tiers that are subject to Iran to take over if things lapse there.

But maybe you were talking in jest....I don't know.

You cannot take it personally. We preferred China over you guys just like how you preferred the US over us. It seems totally fair to me. The US is stronger than Iran and China is stronger than India. Period.

If you are not independent enough to make your own decisions, you have no one but yourself to blame.

Hey buddy, nothing personal here....

I'm just showing that the core interest of India in the project is in the port itself. Stuff branching out from it (rail link etc) comes under sanctions increasingly and thus its better Iran take over those phases....as already in fine print signed earlier.

Argument of "independence" vs "non-independence" is all relative, its not black and white thing....it depends on your perspective.

Lot of people (some blowing praise and hoo-haah in this thread selectively) have all kind of perspectives and opinions on this regarding Iran too...and who controls Iran and this and that...already some bringing up BLA/BLF brazenly in this thread (and one can see the accusations regd Iran for it elsewhere in this forum if its your cup of tea)....and others in this thread muse and desire all kind of things on Iran in other parts of forum (incl taking Iranian land to expand into for Pakistan's massive population growth)...or what they want to see being done with Iranian regime and IRGC and whole gamut.

Nothing of this scale and intensity and hypocrisy enters conversation piece/debate when it comes to Iran topic when it's India, let me say that right now. It is grounded in long term civilisational ties and pragmatic economic ties...that's about it.

Anyway suffice to say for IND-IRN case, we got our set of priorities, and you got yours. We are constrained big time coming out of colonial yoke pre-1950, having to deal with partition....further partition of the other partitioned piece...and big wrangling/mishandling of our economy for decades. We are only starting to achieve some economic success and credibility now, but its massively dependent on the world system at large....we cant forego that larger reliance and trajectory ...all for proving some short term point with Iran sorry. We need to grow our GDP far far more first.

Our neighbourhood is already replete with countries that fail on that big time, having say total market cap collapse from 90 billion to 40 billion in short order because of their utter incompetence.....we cannot afford such happening in ours for any reason....our fixed capital formation per year is passing 1 trillion per year, we need to double that very quickly. Till we are on much firmer ground, foreign policy will have only so much purse strings.

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