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International Maoist parties resolve to strengthen communist movement


Nov 4, 2011
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International Maoist parties resolve to strengthen communist movement
Written by Imphal Free Press | December 3, 2011
IMPHAL, December 3: Various communist parties of the world, namely Association for Proletarian Solidarity, Italy, Maoist Communist Party of France (MCF), Maoist Communist Party of Manipur (MCP), Partito Comunista Maoista (PCM), Party of the Committees to Support Resistance for Communism (CARC), Revolutionary Communist Party, Canada (PCR-RCP Canada), Struggling Workers Union, Italy (SLL) have today made a joint statement for strengthening communist revolutionary movement in the world.

A statement issued by Maoist Communist Party Manipur mentioned that the Communist parties of the world strongly condemned the brutal killing of Koteshwar Rao alias Kishenji at Jangalmahal region of West Bengal, India.

Communist Party of India (Maoist) has played an important role in world’s proletarian revolution and so all genuine communists will never forget India. The murder of Koteshwar Rao Kishenji is a terrible pain, not only for the Indian revolution, but also for the World Proletarian Revolution, it stated.

The communists believed that the demise of Kishenji will make a new approach to unite all the oppressed people of the world. In a famous article” serve the people”, Mao has mentioned: “Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiter is lighter than a feather”, the statement mentioned.

The Indian reactionary has murdered Kishenji but not his ideology. They can’t kill Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The movement will continue, the revolution will continue. The Indian People`s War is facing counter-insurgency pushed by the Indian counter-revolution and supported by the Imperialist countries. Manipur and its neighboring sisters states have been brutalized by imposing the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 in which a non-commissioned officer is empowered to kill anyone in suspicion and no state body has the right to institute a commission without the permission of Indian Home Minister. The act only imposed in North Eastern states where Indian forcibly annexed into their union and well known Jammu and Kashmir discriminately. Now India has started war against its own people in the name of “Operation Green Hunt” at Maoist affected area. The degree of the brutality in northeastern states is too much if anyone compares with any mainland Indian state. The Indian Army racially oppresses the Mongolians race of North East states and Kashmir for being as Islamist people, the statement added.

Maoist rebels affected area

Indian Maoist rebel troops

Mao has mentioned:“Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.

“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”that quote was actually from Si Ma Qian(司马迁 ),Han dynasty.
International Maoist parties resolve to strengthen communist movement
Written by Imphal Free Press | December 3, 2011

Maoist rebels affected area

Indian Maoist rebel troops


This is old statistics mate. There have been so many operations nowadays that many Maoist factions have actually splintered here. In fact, we have a lot of communists against communists here if you didn't hear about this.

And BTW the pics are of Nepali Maoists rather than ours. Stupid media doesn't even know the difference between a MiG and a Sukhoi here let alone know which of them are Indians and which are not.

There's not even a hundredth of that sort of support for that lunatic here unlike that boy is holding up a Mao flag.

But yeah... the new article is a nice source considering that it has terrorist elements involved in it. What's "Mongolian races"? I am semi-mongoloid and was raised in northern India. Never have I faced any racism. And Kashmir is not a Muslim state. It was a Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh majority state that was forcefully made islamic.

These stupid Red terrorists are only going further on the wrong path and inviting hell.
India Maoists ‘spread to north-east states’
Posted on November 23, 2011
India’s Maoists have spread north-east, gaining a foothold in the strategically located states bordering China and Burma, officials and analysts say.

The Maoists are filling the void created by dwindling ethnic insurgent groups like the Ulfa, an Institute for Conflict Management (ICM) report says.

One key Assam official told the BBC that boys thought to have gone south for jobs had instead joined the rebels.

The Maoists have become squeezed in their traditional central states.

‘Extortion letters’

The ICM, an Indian security think-tank, said the Communist Party of India (Maoist) had made determined moves to replace the dwindling Ulfa, NSCN and PLA insurgent groups.

Deaths related to violence by these groups have been in steep decline and the organisations are being progressively marginalised.

The institute said the Maoist spread raised grave concerns within the security establishment.

Ajit Singh, author of the report, said the Maoists had come under tremendous pressure in their core areas of central and northern India.

They are short of arms and ammunition to fight the large number of security personnel ranged against them. The north-east provides a way to procure Chinese weapons.

Iftiqar Hussein, who administers five sensitive districts of Upper Assam, told the BBC officials had become aware of the Maoist build-up after arresting and interrogating young boys.

“The Maoist guerrillas are getting food and shelter in the area. There were several cases of arms-snatching. Even extortion letters were sent to some rich people,” he said.

Intelligence officers say that many of the large number of young boys thought to be leaving to find jobs in southern states had in fact left their villages to join the Maoists.

Mr Hussein agreed, saying: “We have found out such a situation prevailing in an area called Sadia near the Arunachal Pradesh border

Retired police officer, Subir Dutta, a specialist in Maoist and north-eastern affairs, told the BBC the Maoists had been trying to gain a foothold in the north-east for 20 years and appear to have now succeeded.

Maoist representation there, initially with the Maoist Communist Centre, which merged with the CPI in 2004 to form the Communist Party of India (Maoist), had been dominated by ethnic insurgency movements.

But most of these have became marginalised or have begun negotiations with the government.

Ajit Singh said the Maoists had adopted the strategy of supporting mass movements, such as opposition to dams or support for the creation of new administrative districts.

The issues are local in nature but enjoy huge popular support.

Police say they have made a number of arrests of suspected Maoists involved in such movements.

Leaders of such campaigns in Assam insist they have no links to Maoists and say the government is trying crush their movements with the claims.
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