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Insulting Presidents/PMs

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Oh it's @jaunty again,... whining as usual.

Just because the junglees of India have democratically, under no force or coercion, elected a Hindu Extremist scum as their next Prime Minister, don't expect the rest of the world to suddenly develop respect for this facist scum and his racist followers.
USA denied Modi a visa because of the Gujrat riots once and didn't a visa until he became PM so that washes up his past? thats like Bin Laden becomes the President of USA..:usflag:

US are on the verge of calling Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism -so should we start holding up their standard?
US are on the verge of calling Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism -so should we start holding up their standard?

That is the funny thing . Indians here are always saying that Pakistanis are terrorists and Pakistan supports terrorism . But when we say that Modi is a terrorist (which is a fact) , Indians start crying about it !!!
By all means.

Damn!! that was a wrong example to give. I should have known you think of your PM as a terrorists in the first place :tsk:

OK, let me reframe my query - how would you feel if we called your ISI as terrorists because of their links with terrorist organizations?.
Exactly. Pakistani is a Terrorist Nation. Thats not insulting so relax. :)
Define terrorist nation. If that means the government of the nation is aiding terrorists, then sure. Pakistan is a terrorist nation, along with 90% of all other countries.
Case in point many threads were opened about Gandhis sexuality and Indians complained that Pakistanis were insulting him, now Gandhi was actually a gay whereas Jinnah was not a terrorist yet mods respected that Gandhi is bapu of India and Pakistanis were punished for opening such threads.

Gandhi was not politician but jinnah was.
And you insulting an Indian politician then you will see same reaction from Indian site as well.
Damn!! that was a wrong example to give. I should have known you think of your PM as a terrorists in the first place :tsk:

OK, let me reframe my query - how would you feel if we called your ISI as terrorists because of their links with terrorist organizations?.
whats new about that, you guys already do :azn: because ISI put fear into your hearts :rofl:
Damn!! that was a wrong example to give. I should have known you think of your PM as a terrorists in the first place :tsk:

OK, let me reframe my query - how would you feel if we called your ISI as terrorists because of their links with terrorist organizations?.

We already know Indians think ISI is a terrorist group, you are not the first Indian to say that on pdf. What you think we are against freedom of speech? You can criticize any part of Pakistani administration go ahead all we are saying is do not insult our founding fathers.
But on the inverse - we tend to respect our leaders whoever they are and wouldn't let them down in front of anybody else. We have the total right to criticize them, but cannot put up with someone else doing that. :D
In other words, close minded :D
Just because the junglees of India have democratically, under no force or coercion, elected a Hindu Extremist scum as their next Prime Minister, don't expect the rest of the world to suddenly develop respect for this facist scum and his racist followers.

Let the @WebMaster and the management make their decision.
That is the funny thing . Indians here are always saying that Pakistanis are terrorists and Pakistan supports terrorism . But when we say that Modi is a terrorist (which is a fact) , Indians start crying about it !!!

Pakistani's calling anybody terrorists is a misnomer - they call the Americans terrorists, the Israeli's terrorists, the ANA terrorists -anyone besides themselves....@jaunty, I guess we should treat it as a bad joke and nothing else and forget about it.
No we blame your sikh friends for the murders of partition.

More Muslims were killed in partition than Hindus or Sikhs yet our founder should be blamed? He had no jurisdiction over murderous sikhs and nobody could stop revenge killings that Muslims did in retaliation.
See the hypocrisy here, people blame Modi for the riots because he was CM, yet with the same breath don't recognize that riots happened due to partition and that the Muslim League and the leader (Jinnah) wanted the partition so they are by your reasoning bear as much blame for the deaths, as Modi for the riots in Gujarat .
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