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Inside Pakistan’s **** industry

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You better remove that part, you would not like it if I brought your sister or your mother into this, or would you.

Better remove that line and I will do the same, do not cross the limits.

:lol:, what's the matter? angry already? does this mean you don't want to spend time with Tehmeena Afzal and Tiffany Taylor?

I got nothing to worry about as i already got my message through!:pakistan:
lol, what's the matter? angry already? does this mean you don't want to spend time with Tehmeena Afzal and Tiffany Taylor?

No i would rather spend time with the so called hijabi noors in London that do everything on the first night.

This is supposed to be just light talk, but you are getting out of line by including nonsensical things into this topic.
i don't think you would be saying (or approving it in the first place) this if your sister or mother was doing this, or would you?

Besides turning the whole debate into a personal affair, you have clearly dropped to the lowest levels for you have no argument left.

On a separate note, a woman is always your mother, your daughter or your wife; she never has any identity of her own does she? Women are like real estate to you bunch. The property of a Male Chauvinist Pig. Had it been upto you people, you would have them locked and chained.

Somehow a debate over the existence, the social repercussions and the moral fabric of a society has been turned into how a woman in a hijab is more beautiful than one without a hijab. For the record, a woman without a hijab does not become a pornstar.

And for the general debate, every MCP had as usual committed himself to posting about female "pornstars". Where's the male ones? Oh, I forgot, they are macho males in the opinions of all MCPs.

Mods : Please close this thread now.
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