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Influential Cleric Tells Khamenei Iran's 'Current Situation Cannot Continue'

Talk about your beloved USA Kastor. Trump is jailing hundreds of thousands protesters for raising their voice against tyrant asking for their Basic Rights. I havent seen you complaining of that. In France Yellow vests are getting shot in their eyes jailed and massacred in thousands. And again i havent seen you hypocrite Double agent complaining about it.

In Iran everybody has a say and this thread is a Complete evidence showing you the reality of Iranian society where everyone freely exprsses his thoughts. Unless they try to destroy public property no One would Stop them.

The problems is that West being a hegemonic bully wants problems in Iranian society unsolved/exaggerated/continued not solved.

And you are absolutely a part of their propaganda Machine trying to recruit Iranian members and put them in line against Iranian National interests.

@SubWater i see this guy has stolen your heart. Why dont you Ask this Western Double Agent to free our freezed properties in West? These thieves are not only stealing our Foreign reserve but also they insist their daylight robbery is the mistake of Iranian leadership. Its like someone robs your property and then blames it on your father for being a crule person that has limited you to your House. How dare you Take care of your House? Leave it open for Western thieves, British thieves have established a free BBC press out of the goodness of their hearts. American bullies who overthrew Mosaddegh did it because of their Pure humane attitudes. How dare Iranians have their oil as their own property? How dare Iranians want to have nuclear energy? Iranians have no right to be in Iraq and its absolute right of American white snows to move their Army thousands miles away to liberate people from tyrant rulers. Americans supported Saddam and West provided him with every kind of Mass murdering weapons including chemicals weapons only out of goodness of their hearts. They want us free as it seems and me being a paid Agent or a retard can not understand the Pure humane feelings of Western colonialists.

And now these Western thieves have become دایه عزیز تر از مادر
For Iranian citizens. They did the same to Libya with goodness of their hearts. They are doing it with Yemen, Syria, Venezuela etc only because of Human Rights. Why i couldn't see this?
Why do you bring in the USA and France into the discussion...yes, they suck too. Are you happy? I hate Trump, he's a racist bastard. But Iran's issues are still Iran's issues, why can't you see the problem instead of accusing the messenger? I don't care if you are a paid agent....you're certainly a internet front of the regime. more acutely the IRGC. As soon as someone posts anything about Iran's issues and mismanagement of our country you try to shut them down by calling them names, such as BBC mouthpiece or agents or Zionists etc. Why can't I be an Iranian and be able to question my government? Why do I have to accused of being a traitor. In the U.S. we criticize the govt all the time, with impunity. You can't shut us up...this is a free forum for discussions, we're not here to just promote IRGC propaganda.

My problem with likes of @Homajon @sha ah @Kastor is that they come out like an Iranian patriot but they don’t know Farsi.

If you claim to be an Iranian you should know Farsi or leave PDF right now and spend the time on learning Farsi.(I hope you can appreciate the accuracy of that)

Language is identity.
Who told you I don't know Farsi? I speak Farsi buddy. I left Iran when I was a kid, and I have lived abroad for many years...but that comment has absolutely no truth or bearing on what a person is.

Radio Farda (Persian: راديو فردا‎, lit. 'Radio Tomorrow') is the Iranian branch of the U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. You can also post neocons propaganda from breitbart while your at it, Be "objective" and stuff.
Says so our resident AFPAK analyst with a false flag.
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Why do you bring in the USA and France into the discussion...yes, they suck too. Are you happy? I hate Trump, he's a racist bastard. But Iran's issues are still Iran's issues, why can't you see the problem instead of accusing the messenger. I don't care if you are a paid agent....you're certainly a internet front of the regime. more acutely the IRGC. As soon as someone posts anything about Iran's issues and mismanagement of our country you try to shut them down by calling them names, such as BBC mouthpiece or agents or Zionists etc. Why can't I be an Iranian and be able to question my government? Why do I have to accused of being a traitor. In the U.S. we criticize the govt all the time, with impunity. You can't shut us up...this is a free forum for discussions, we're not here to just promote IRGC propaganda.

Who told you I don't know Farsi? I speak Farsi buddy. I left Iran when I was a kid, and I have lived abroad for many years...but that comment has absolutely no truth or bearing on what a person is.

Says so our resident AFPAK analyst with a false flag.

Listen Kastor
@Cthulhu knows Farsi very very well. I have talked to him through weirdest accents in Iran. He disagrees with me many times and we also agree on some stuff. He has passed the smell test of patriotism.

Man hich kalame zabune khodemun azat nadidam. Age iranii baayad yaad begiri va be bachehaat yaad bedi.

Kindly respond in pinglish if you say you know Farsi.
Listen Kastor
@Cthulhu knows Farsi very very well. I have talked to him through weirdest accents in Iran. He disagrees with me many times and we also agree on some stuff. He has passed the smell test of patriotism.

Man hich kalame zabune khodemun azat nadidam. Age iranii baayad yaad begiri va be bachehaat yaad bedi.

Kindly respond in pinglish if you say you know Farsi.
Man nemidonam cherah man ba to Farsi byad sobhat bekonam keh betonam injah harf bezanam? Yani kesi irooni neest agar to yeh keshvar eh farangi bedonyah biyad?
How long have you lived in the UK?

PS: just because he speaks Farsi doesn't mean much to me bro, you have to have better litmus tests. I speak English (and a little Spanish) that doesn't make me an American or British.
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Man nemidonam cherah man ba to Farsi byad sobhat bekonam keh betonam injah harf bezanam? Yani kesi irooni neest agar to yeh keshvar eh farangi bedonyah biyad?
How long have you lived in the UK?

Baraaye inke baraadarito saabet koni. In taraf cthutlu be rahati farsi harf mizane. To dafeye avalete.

Zabaan yani hoviat. Vatandusti bi zabaan sakhte.
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My problem with likes of @Homajon @sha ah @Kastor is that they come out like an Iranian patriot but they don’t know Farsi.

Baraaye inke baraadarito saabet koni. In taraf cthutlu be rahati farsi harf mizane. To dafeye avalete.
You're wrong again....look at your post, you said Kastor doesn't know Farsi.....I just proved you wrong. I guess it's too much to understand that I've never had to need to type Farsi in English. I speak with my family, I read it enough and I write it pretty badly. But open your mind, if my kids are brought up in America and are Muslim and speak Farsi but cannot type this chicken scratch it doesn't disqualify them to identify as Iranian...at least not to most rational people.
You're wrong again....look at your post, you said Kastor cannot speak Farsi.....I just proved you wrong. I guess it's too much to understand that I've never had to need to type Farsi in English. I speak with my family, I read it enough and I write it pretty badly. But open your mind if my kids are brought up in America and are Muslim and speak Farsi but cannot type this chicken scratch it doesn't disqualify them to identify as Iranian...at least not to most rational people.

You have said multiple times that cthulhu is not Iranian. Taste a bit of your own medicine now. I DO like Iranian members to speak Farsi too as I do. I keep speaking in Farsi to others.

Language is identity.
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You have said multiple times that cthutlu is not Iranian. Taste a bit of your medicine now. I DO like Iranian members to speak Farsi too as I do.

Language is identity.
Hamsahri....Your preference is your preference it's not a forum rule.

Now, back to discussion that matter to Iran..
Here is a link to a newspaper in Iran that published the letter: No Radio Farda
Hamsahri....Your preference is your preference it's not a forum rule.

Now, back to discussion that matter to Iran..
Here is a link to a newspaper in Iran that published the letter: No Radio Farda

Back in 1980s, Khoeiniha was the number 1 hardliner. Apart from his appetite to go to war with US and raiding US embassy, he has killed many innocents directly or indirectly.

He is powerless these days and occasionally shows his discontent.

Whether or not Khamenei is right, this guy Khoeniha has a REALLY bad track record of wisdom.

دار و دسته چپی ها بودند اینا
Back in 1980s, Khoeiniha was the number 1 hardliner. Apart from his appetite to go to war with US and raiding US embassy, he has killed many innocents directly or indirectly.

He is powerless these days and occasionally shows his discontent.

Whether or not Khamenei is right, this guy Khoeniha has a REALLY bad track record of wisdom.

دار و دسته چپی ها بودند اینا
See now this is what a healthy discussion looks like.....thank you for the info.
Khoeiniha is the guy who orgenised the US emassy take over, and one of the founders of the Reform Movement.

If there are problems today... the Reformists need to take responsability for a large portion of it.
Who was in office and can say the problems have nothing to do with me ?

باید سابقه این عوضی رو میدونستی. اسید پاشی از اینها شروع شد
اسید پاشی را یک نفر توی نماز جمعه مطرح کرد که 40 سال پستهای مختلف کلیدی را داره و الان هم لبخند ژوکوندش برای خاص و عام آشنا هستش.
Who was in office and can say the problems have nothing to do with me ?

اسید پاشی را یک نفر توی نماز جمعه مطرح کرد که 40 سال پستهای مختلف کلیدی را داره و الان هم لبخند ژوکوندش برای خاص و عام آشنا هستش.
That kind of behavior belongs in the dark ages, "Farhang ma" should be better than horrific acts like that.....Also, I read an article about by an Afghani person about how she was treated badly in Iran. I wrote the author and said "so what?" and I was treated badly as a kid here in the U.S.....so bad people are everywhere not just Iran. However, after seeing how some members here thought I was Afghani, I now believe that Iran is not immune to racism. That was a new fact for me... I have not visited Iran for quite a while so I don't know what has changed.
That kind of behavior belongs in the dark ages, "Farhang ma" should be better than horrific acts like that.....Also, I read an article about by an Afghani person about how she was treated badly in Iran. I wrote the author and said "so what?" and I was treated badly as a kid here in the U.S.....so bad people are everywhere not just Iran. However, after seeing how some members here thought I was Afghani, I now believe that Iran is not immune to racism. That was a new fact for me... I have not visited Iran for quite a while so I don't know what has changed.

When you have millions of refugees and migrant workers, racism and prejudice is inevitable. Iran is no different in this regard to any other nation.
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