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Industry looking up

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh are spending economy when compared to China & a savings economy when compared to USA & Europe. As far as my knowledge about a normal middle class Pakistani family goes, they buy TV, refridgerator, Washing machines, Cars bikes etc. Are there not many manufacturing plants of these in Pakistan? If not why are not the locals/expats setting up Units to manufacture these? Agree, there is lawlessness in some areas but it does not mean not to do any productive work for the country? All i find especially in this Forum is that the peoples blaming the Govt for all its inefficiencies. But apart from the govt, there has to be some initiative from the local populations or the expats to kick start some thing to turn around the economy. Maybe i'm too naive about Pakistan, maybe some of you seniors can tell me why its being the opposite.
Let me update your knowledge middle class has slipped to lower middle class and they can't afford 90,000 rupees TV or refrigerator of same price and TV prices have gone 35,000 and above..

This Govt has totally decided to collapse Pakistani industries both agri and manufacturing.
Ok I agree to you. But what could be the role of the common citizens & expacts to revive the economy? Pakistan has good number of Engineers, Scientists, Technocrats, bankers etc.
Thats why I believe its very bad for Pakistan to open her market to China. Pakistan shops can buy much cheaper goods from China with no import rate, and discourage Pakistan manufactures to produce these goods as they know, it will be hard to undercut Chinese prices.
Ok I agree to you. But what could be the role of the common citizens & expacts to revive the economy? Pakistan has good number of Engineers, Scientists, Technocrats, bankers etc.

Even Pakistan faces brain drain .
All of those best engineers , scientists, etc produced in Pakistan go abroad for jobs.
So these ppl hardly do anything for Pakistani economy . All they do is send money to their relatives in Pakistan .
I guess its more than just the Government. Its the attitude of the peoples. Few years back when i was in the US, a banker friend who was a Pakistani had told me that Pakistan would have been another Singapore bridging the gap between South Asia & middle eat. This never happened. Its not only the Govt's fault its also the peoples fault.

I agree with Rabzon. I agree that a revolution is required, i agree that these political leaders need to be removed. But the revolution should start by the people and from the people. These "Awam" who are protesting against the govt. being corrupt should for once should analyze themselves and assess their own corruption. I believe a corruption amounting to a single rupee is corruption. I have firsthand experience of grocery store owners hiding sugar/rice/flour/milk pack just to sell in black on a higher margin, is it not corruption? My parents are Thyroid patients and need a medicine called Thyroxin. The normal price of one bottle for this medicine is Rs. 15 but the medical store owners hide it and sell for as much as Rs. 200 just because the production is limited. I have seen our neighbors invite the "Meter Reader" inside their house for tea and than paid Rs. 500 bill for 5 window A/C's running 24/7 while we paid Rs.8000 for only 2 splits. Do these people belong to the Govt. or are they doing this "Corruption" forced by the Govt.? No they are part of the "Awam". I can give you thousands of such examples. We don't need a leader who says what the "Awam" says and satisfies them, we need a leader who can take a whip in his hand and right all the wrongs with the people. Only then can we have a prosperous Pakistan.

And yes..India has its own fair share of worries & we need to work hard to make the dreams come true!!
So according to this article..

Large scale manufacturing in 7 months upto January has grown by 1.03%..now if LSM is able to record a net growth if 2.34% this FY..then Pakistani economy will grow by 2.5% this FY(2010-11).

Floods shaved of 2-2.5% growth and caused a damage worth $10 Billion
200 prominent local manufactureres rolled their business and left in just last 6 months.

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