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Sorry guys in Bahasa Indonesia
Indonesia Bought 4 Unit Heron UAV from Israel

12 Unit UAV Segera Amankan Perbatasan RI
Today 17:41
Komandan Lanud Supadio, Pontianak, Kolonel Penerbang Ir. Novyan Samyoga mengatakan, dalam waktu dekat, sebanyak 12 unit pesawat tanpa awak akan dioperasikan untuk melakukan pengawasan di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat.

"Dalam melakukan pengawasan di wilayah perbatasan udara Indonesia-Malaysia, Pangkalan Udara Supadio Pontianak akan mengoperasikan pesawat tanpa awak. Pesawat tanpa awak itu nantinya akan mengawasi seluruh wilayah perbatasan," kata Novyan di Sungai Raya, Jumat (19/7).

Dia mengatakan, rencananya pesawat tanpa awak tersebut akan awal tahun depan. Menurutnya jika menggunakan tenaga manusia untuk mengawasi perbatasan dibutuhkan ribuan orang, bahkan jika menggunakan pesawat biasa memiliki keterbatasan dari sisi bahan bakar, sehingga pengawasan di wilayah perbatasan tidak dapat maksimal.

"Jika menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak bisa mutar-mutar, ambil foto dan video, baru pesawat kembali ke Lanud Supadio," tuturnya.

Novyan menjelaskan, Lanud Supadio dilengkapi pesawat tanpa awak lantaran Kalbar berada di wilayah perbatasan. Pesawat tanpa awak yang digunakan ada dua jenis yaitu, jenis wulung buatan lokal dan heron buatan luar negeri.

"Sengaja kami gabung karena pesawat tanpa awak buatan Indonesia baru di buat, sedangkan yang luar negeri sudah maju. Dengan digabungnya, nanti produksinya bisa meniru luar negeri sehingga ke depan pesawat lokal kita makin bagus," katanya.

Dia menuturkan pesawat tanpa awak jenis wulung sebanyak nantinya akan ada sebanyak delapan unit sedangkan jenis heron yang buatan luar negeri sebanyak empat unit.

Nantinya pesawat berangkat dari Lanud Supadio dan setelah mengambil gambar ke setiap kawasan perbatasan maka pesawat akan kembali ke Lanud Supadio Lagi.

"Semua pesawat itu kumpul di Lanud Supadio Pontianak dan dikontrol dari Lanud Supadio oleh pilot handal TNI AU. Pesawat setelah mengawasi akan kembali lagi ke Lanud Supadio Pontianak," kata Novyan.

Pesawat Tanpa Awak Siap Amankan Perbatasan RI | Suara Pembaruan

I will give the resume of this news, Indonesia will add at least 4 unit Heron UAV from Israel to be placed at Supadio airfield to monitoring border area between Indonesia and Malaysia. This skuadron will be augmented by 8 local UAV made in PT DI Indonesia, the same company who built CN 235,CN212 and several type of Helicopter for Indonesian Air Force. This Heron will be the first batch for another UAV from Israel, Indonesia right now operating Searcher Mk2 in which operated by BAIS.
Indonesian Heron UAV, somewhere in some undefined location :P


credit to Hiu Kencana 412
. . .
Just an old news, which never been posted here :)

Interfax News Wire » Ukraine News
Ukraine, Indonesia to sign intergovernmental agreement on defense cooperation


Kyiv, November 12 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine and Indonesia are preparing to sign an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the defense sector, the press service of Ukraine’s state arms exporter Ukrspecexport has reported.

During talks held between the Ukrainian side and Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro as part of the 5th International Indo Defense Expo & Forum, which was held in Jakarta (Indonesia) on November 7-10, the Indonesian defense minister accepted a proposal from the Ukrainian side to send an official delegation from the Indonesian Defense Ministry to Ukraine to study the capabilities of the Ukrainian defense industry.

The official also announced Indonesia’s interest in Ukraine’s armored vehicles – in particular, BTR-4 armored personnel carriers. The Indonesian side also expressed interest in Ukrainian high-precision weapons, including Skif anti-tank missile systems.

The sides also discussed prospects for cooperation in the repair and modernization at facilities in Ukraine of Indonesian military aircraft and, in particular, Mi helicopters and Su fighter aircraft.

It is expected that the draft intergovernmental agreement between Ukraine and Indonesia on cooperation in the defense sector will be agreed and approved by the Indonesian side for signature in the near future, the press service of the Ukrainian company said.

Ukraine, Indonesia to sign intergovernmental agreement on defense cooperation » Interfax News Wire :: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Central Asia
Different News, but only Pics in Bahasa Indonesia from our credible rosources

Just info of our acquisition

Another Side of Indonesian Naval Crews


To improve the skill and professionalism of the cooks dijajaran Koarmatim, Commander of the Eastern Fleet of RI (Pangarmatim) Rear Admiral General Pramod, SH, M. Hum invited Asian and European cuisines Master and culinary experts Chef William Wirjaatmadja Wongso or better known as Chef William Wongso to an event for the eastern Fleet's Chef Coaching Clinic. About 80 chefs from various elements / KRI Koarmatim ranks will attend cooking training held in cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) and Indonesian Navy's Eastern Fleet (Koarmatim) at the Panti Tjahaya Armada (PTA), Koarmatim, Ujung, Surabaya on 22 to 23 July 2013.


The cooks of the fleet are ready to participate in Coaching Clinic of Traditional Indonesian Culinary in cooperation with Kemenparekraf
Indonesia Negotiating Purchase of US Apache Helicopters


29 Jun 2013 20:46:45| News in English | Penulis : Supervisor
Semarang (Antara) - Defense minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said that negotiations for the purchase of some Apache helicopters from the US were still ongoing.

"It is still under process but what is important is that the US government has approved it," he said here on Saturday.

Purnomo was here to monitor distribution of cash handouts for the poor following the government's recent decision to increase the prices of subsidized fuel oils.

The minister said the idea to purchase a number of assault helicopters was connected with the preparations for the formation of an Apache Squadron as part of efforts to build a defense system to safeguard the country's sovereignty.

He said several countries in Asia such as China and Japan are currently also building their defense forces.

"Seeing the conditions we must also prepare ourselves but it is not for war but for protecting Indonesia's sovereignty," he said.

He said the Apache helicopters would also be used to secure the country's natural resources that are located in areas bordering other countries.

The minister said as part of the development of the country's defense forces the Indonesian Navy is also preparing anti-submarine helicopters that could be carried by Indonesian warships, a fleet of destroyers of ships with missiles and submarines.

"Thank God, Indonesia's economy is quite good so that some funds could be used for improving public welfare and defense power to meet future challenges," he said.
The army plans to purchase 40 Apache helicopters at a cost of US$40 million per unit. (*)

Source link Indonesia Negotiating Purchase of US Apache Helicopters | ANTARA JATIM : Portal Berita Daerah Jawa Timur

40 Apache, oh my god :yahoo:At least one of the good news lately

Not bad ! All for just $1.6 Billion. :azn:
Last updated at 16:34, Monday, 22 July 2013



THREE ships which have graced Barrow’s docks for more than five years after a dispute between BAE and the Sultan of Brunei are finally set to leave.

The three Nakhoda Ragam class vessels were built by BAE in Scotstoun, Glasgow, for the Royal Brunei Navy.

But after they were completed in 2002, Brunei refused to accept them, despite the ships being declared fit by the Royal Navy.

It is understood Brunei attempted to pull out of the deal because of operating costs and a lack of sufficiently trained personnel to operate the ships.

The legal battle was finally resolved by international arbitration in 2007 – in favour of BAE – and the ships were handed over to Brunei.

They were then moved to Barrow in 2007 to be stored at the docks while the German Lürssen shipyard, which had been contracted by Brunei, tried to find a buyer.

Now, after more than 10 years in limbo, a deal has been struck and the vessels are set to move to the warmer climate of Indonesia – in the weather the ships were designed to operate in.

Indonesia has reportedly paid just a fifth of the original £600m price tag for the three vessels. The ships are expected to enter service with the Indonesian navy within the next year.

The three corvettes are being maintained by Barrow shipping company James Fisher Marine Services.

As part of the deal to sell the ships, James Fisher sought to erect temporary living accommodation on nearby council land to house some of their own technical staff who have been providing safety cover on the corvettes.

The application was turned down by Barrow Borough Council but following an intervention by Barrow MP, John Woodcock, and undertakings by James Fisher to address the council’s concerns, Barrow Town Hall officers will now be supporting the planning application.

Mr Woodcock said: “There is real economic value in keeping the corvettes in Buccleuch Dock, with Barrow-based employees working on board them and income for local businesses from the visiting sailors.”

North West Evening Mail | News | BAE Systems ships at centre of dispute set to leave Barrow docks after years in limbo
Indonesia-Australia signed Memorandum the sale of 5 C-130H planes

Today 09:35
Today in Perth, Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo and I witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Sale between Australia and Indonesia for five C 130H aircraft and associated equipment.

During my visit to Jakarta in April this year, I confirmed that the Australian Government was willing to sell five C-130H aircraft, along with a simulator and spare parts, to Indonesia at a discounted rate.

This offer was in addition to the four C-130H aircraft that Australia is currently in the process of transferring to Indonesia following discussions between our respective leaders in November 2011.

The sale of a further five C-130H transport aircraft will further enhance Indonesia’s capacity to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crisis.

The Memorandum of Sale was signed by Australia’s Chief of the Defence Force, General Hurley, and Indonesia’s Head of Defence Facilities Agency, Rear Admiral Lubis.

The Memorandum sets out the arrangements for the sale of the five aircraft, simulator and spare parts to Indonesia.

Australia is pleased to continue to assist the development of Indonesia’s airlift capability, which will support humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.

The sale of these additional aircraft and associated equipment reflects the strength of the bilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia, and the close ties between the Australian and Indonesian Defence forces.

Source Defence Ministers » Minister for Defence – Australia and Indonesia sign Memorandum of Sale for C-130H Hercules
Anyone can identify this Submarine?



Are they same type of Submarines?
Minister for Defence – Second Annual Australia-Indonesia Defence Ministers’ Meeting
26 July 2013


Minister for Defence, Stephen Smith and Indonesia’s Minister of Defence Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro take a tour of British Aerospace Facilities, Henderson shipyard, Perth.


Minister for Defence, Stephen Smith, and Indonesia’s Minister of Defence Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro visit to SASR.


Indonesia’s Minister of Defence Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro exchanges gifts with Commanding Officer HMAS Stirling Capitan Angela Bond and Minister for Defence, Stephen Smith while on tour of HMAS Toowoomba, Perth.

Today in Perth I conducted the second Annual Australia-Indonesia Defence Ministers’ Meeting with my Indonesian counterpart, Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

This was the ninth time I have met with Minister Purnomo in my capacity as Minister for Defence, and the third time we have met this year. Minister Purnomo and I held the inaugural Annual Defence Ministers’ Meeting in Jakarta in September 2012.

During today’s meeting, we reviewed progress in the bilateral defence-to-defence and military-to-military relationship, and discussed how Australia and Indonesia could further strengthen our cooperation together and with our regional partners to advance shared defence and security interests.

Minister Purnomo and I discussed a range of issues of importance to regional and global security. We shared the view that security and stability remains fundamental to continued economic growth and prosperity in our region, and discussed how our two countries can work together to address emerging security challenges.

In that context, we agreed that our officials will hold discussions on cyber security, and explore opportunities to cooperate on managing cyber security risks. Cyber security impacts adversely upon economic interests and national well-being, not just national security interests. It is a global challenge that we can only combat by working with our partners and allies.

Minister Purnomo and I also agreed to strengthen cooperation on peacekeeping, and noted the progress made by our officials towards establishing a formal peacekeeping partnership between our two defence forces. This will comprise a Memorandum of Understanding between the Australian Defence Force’s Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) and the Indonesian National Defence Force Peacekeeping Centre.

Australia and Indonesia share a strong commitment to peacekeeping. Our defence forces held their inaugural biennial desktop peacekeeping exercise, Garuda Kookaburra, in May this year. Indonesian personnel attend courses at the POTC, and Indonesia also provides an instructor to the Centre’s annual United Nations Military Observers Course. Minister Purnomo and I agreed to expand and strengthen these personnel exchanges.

Building on the consultations that occurred between Australia and Indonesia during the development of Australia’s 2013 Defence White Paper, Minister Purnomo and I reaffirmed that our officials would consult closely during the development of Indonesia’s forthcoming Defence White Paper.

In addition, we agreed to share lessons learnt on the development, acquisition and sustainment of defence capabilities. This will include visits to Australia by Indonesian defence officials to observe our capability development, acquisition and sustainment processes.

We also agreed to share lessons learnt on submarine maintenance and sustainment, and to explore options for cooperation on submarine rescue.

This morning, Minister Purnomo and I witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Sale for five C 130H aircraft by Australia’s Chief of the Defence Force, General Hurley, and Indonesia’s Head of Defence Facilities Agency, Rear Admiral Lubis.

This is in addition to the four C-130H aircraft that Australia is transferring to Indonesia, and will further enhance Indonesia’s capacity to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crisis.

Following the signing of the Memorandum, Minister Purnomo and I called on the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd.

Yesterday, Minister Purnomo and I visited Australia’s Indian Ocean Naval Base, HMAS Stirling, and toured the BAE and ASC facilities at the Australian Marine Complex in Henderson.

We also visited the Special Air Service Regiment at Campbell Barracks. Australia and Indonesia cooperate closely on counter-terrorism issues. Exercises Dawn Kookaburra and Komodo, involving Australian and Indonesian Special Forces, are held on an annual basis and focus on counter-hijack and hostage recovery.

Minister Purnomo and I agreed that our officials would examine options to strengthen cooperation between Australia’s Special Forces and their Indonesian counterparts across Army, Air Force and Marines.

As well, yesterday we laid a wreath at the State War Memorial at Kings Park. I also hosted a reception in Minister Purnomo’s honour, which was attended by prominent members of the Western Australian and Indonesian academic, business, government and community sectors.

Defence Ministers » Minister for Defence – Second Annual Australia-Indonesia Defence Ministers

credit to Mbah Suro kaskus


Kredit to Mbah Kenyot10 Kaskus



Kago Mahardono - CounterA via Skyscrapercity.com
Indonesia-Australia signed Memorandum the sale of 5 C-130H planes

Today 09:35
Today in Perth, Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo and I witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Sale between Australia and Indonesia for five C 130H aircraft and associated equipment.

During my visit to Jakarta in April this year, I confirmed that the Australian Government was willing to sell five C-130H aircraft, along with a simulator and spare parts, to Indonesia at a discounted rate.

This offer was in addition to the four C-130H aircraft that Australia is currently in the process of transferring to Indonesia following discussions between our respective leaders in November 2011.

The sale of a further five C-130H transport aircraft will further enhance Indonesia’s capacity to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crisis.

The Memorandum of Sale was signed by Australia’s Chief of the Defence Force, General Hurley, and Indonesia’s Head of Defence Facilities Agency, Rear Admiral Lubis.

The Memorandum sets out the arrangements for the sale of the five aircraft, simulator and spare parts to Indonesia.

Australia is pleased to continue to assist the development of Indonesia’s airlift capability, which will support humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.

The sale of these additional aircraft and associated equipment reflects the strength of the bilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia, and the close ties between the Australian and Indonesian Defence forces.

Source Defence Ministers » Minister for Defence – Australia and Indonesia sign Memorandum of Sale for C-130H Hercules

You guys should have gone for the A400M though.

Not saying Hercules is bad (It is a fabulous aircraft) but the A400M has a higher payload and can give you the leverage of not having to have two classes of transport aircraft at the same time.
You guys should have gone for the A400M though.

Not saying Hercules is bad (It is a fabulous aircraft) but the A400M has a higher payload and can give you the leverage of not having to have two classes of transport aircraft at the same time.

Not really we needed A400M right now though, our current mobilization doctrine doesn't emphasize the use of heavy military transport aircraft but instead we are using our numerous LST units and 4 units Makassar class LPD, and beside that we are known for having the most advanced auxilliary ships units in South East Asean regions. To adding more units of Hercules is in our armed forces interest right now, until they reached some 30 to 45 units, so we can dropped atleast one division sized of paratroopers at a time anywhere within our interest area in ASEAN and Pasific regions (including SCS area).

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