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Legend of Bamboe Roentjing aka Takeyari came from Japanese occupation era, even the manual and everything came from them

Legend of Bamboe Roentjing aka Takeyari came from Japanese occupation era, even the manual and everything came from them

Takeyari jutsu. Maybe heard like a japanese style martial art. Maybe good for sport education in kurikulum :partay:

Seems our people failed to learn something from the history. An internally oriented armed forces can't and never will be match against fullblown external oriented armed forces. The Dutch failed to realized early the grim of war prospect in the region, the case is Sino Japanese war happened since 1936, and Japanese claims and occupation of Spratly area during the phase of decades before along with invasion of Taiwan. And too they are over reliant with US protection in the region. Now, China had giving several times threat against Taiwan and persistently trying to Occupy Spratly and other in the region. So it is high Times to rearm ourselves and depend on our own for our survival for God Sake!!! TNI must be reform once again and oriented toward external threat
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Someone tweet "Waiver" without any accompanying detail let alone any official statement or document to back it up or elaborating it further. And your conclusion is "Welcome Sukro"?!

Let them be

US is in election Times, no candidate willing to score brownee points for their competitor freely. That's it. The only thing they can afford is to promote more trade and defense cooperation, acquire more Ally to contain China rise in the region and so on.

Seems our people failed to learn something from the history. An internally oriented armed forces can't and never will be match against fullblown external oriented armed forces. The Dutch failed to realized early the grim of war prospect in the region, the case is Sino Japanese war happened since 1936, and Japanese claims and occupation of Spratly area during the phase of decades before along with invasion of Taiwan. And too they are over reliant with US protection in the region. Now, China had giving several times threat against Taiwan and persistently trying to Occupy Spratly and other in the region. So it is high Times to rearm ourselves and depend on our own for our survival for God Sake!!! TNI must be reform once again and oriented toward external threat
Actually dutch want to have some new cruiser but because crisis or somewhat else they only have one new cruiser ship. Many people in dutch who worried their navy like "onze vloot" campaign also they usually have slogan like "indie verloren rampspoed geboren"

Maybe because dutch lack of experience in WW1, they are neutral.

Likely also because dutch politics itself. The socialist in dutch seems to oppose onze vloot group, they think it is too lavish also onze vloot oppose by indishe partij.

Admit it dutch good in controlling in their subject be with their police force PID and ofc their army KNIL and marechausse.
How about buying this.

23 OCTOBER 2020

Indonesia takes delivery of torpedo countermeasures from Turkey
by Ridzwan Rahmat

A consignment of acoustic torpedo countermeasure jammers and decoys meant for the Indonesian Navy’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL’s) Nagapasa (Type 209/1400)-class diesel-electric submarines has arrived in-country.

An effector from Aselsan’s Zoka range of torpedo countermeasure jammers and decoys.  (Aselsan)

An effector from Aselsan’s Zoka range of torpedo countermeasure jammers and decoys. (Aselsan)
The equipment, which was delivered by Turkish defence company Aselsan as part of a contract signed in 2019, arrived in Indonesia on 22 October, Janes has confirmed with an industry source close to the matter.

Citing an official from Aselsan, Janes first reported in March 2019 that Indonesia had selected the Zoka range of jammers and decoys for the Nagapasa class.

The jammers work by emitting noises that saturate the acoustic operating frequencies of known torpedoes on the market, while the decoys can be programmed to simulate the acoustic and hydrographic characteristics of its host submarine.

These effectors are launched from Aselsan’s Zargana dispenser system, which can deploy up to 24 decoys or jammers in single-shot or salvo modes, without generating any air bubbles that may compromise the host submarine’s position.

This dispenser system is platform- and system-agnostic, and can be integrated into the host vessel’s existing combat management systems without the need for dedicated consoles.

State-owned shipbuilder PT PAL will be working with engineers from Aselsan to integrate the system onboard all three Nagapasa-class boats.

Indonesia signed for three Type 209/1400 boats with South Korean company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) in 2011. The TNI-AL has inducted two boats in the class, Nagapasa (403) and Ardadedali (404), and is awaiting the commissioning of the final boat, Alugoro (405).

Do our subs have any launcher for these?
I prefer to trying to design and build it ourselves

Ain't going to happen any time soon, at least for major surface combatant & submarine.
I don't see money is the primary obstacle. We can always seek for loan for the money. The main challenge is our education system. How can we have the industrial capacity (as in expertise) to design any complex piece of machinery when our education system isn't even based upon STEM & critical thinking. I don't even see our SOE's capable of innovating. The only solution for short - medium term is to privatize those SOE's with Indonesia gov't merely retaining veto stake.
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