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Featured India’s Test of Hypersonic missile and implications for Pakistan

Are there any laser based defense projects going on in Pakistan? Turkey has some prototypes that can down uavs as I know of. China also possibly has these systems.

A blimp radar to detect incoming low flying cruise missiles from far away coupled with a laser defence system can do the job. You can test them on babur type of subsonic missiles.


Hypersonic missiles are designed to overcome boundary heat issues because of speed. Slightly more heating of the airframe can result in destruction of the missile.

There is also this one. Blasting the front of the missile would ionise the air and missile can miss the target.

You can also use radio waves to ionise air. That is a second option using an aesa-like system with transmitters only which can engage multiple targets simultaneously. Another advantage over laser of such a system is there is no need for continious mechanical steering which can be difficult against mach 5 + hypersonic target.

There should be at least 2 microwave sources-aesa radars . At their intersection point of the beams the air on the course of the coming missile can be ionised if the energy is strong enough. Some sources say plasmoids-air ionisation can be generated by high power microwaves but the phenomennon needs to be experimented though.
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Why are people still talking about this topic?That's just a useless piece of propaganda.

A few years ago, a large scale boiler explosion on an Aircraft carrier imported by India from Russia caused heavy losses of personnel and facilities, resulting in a war of words between India and Russia.India complain about Russian aircraft carrier manufacturing technology does not pass, Russia accused India carrier using technology does not reach the designated position, make noise to pass the buck to each other, finally put the question the blame for the carrier boiler heat insulation refractory brick of "China" on, seems to be the advanced manufacturing technology for Russian plus India lags behind on the carrier used superb technology by China firebrick stripped off his back.

Domestic refractory brick and corresponding high temperature heat insulation material, over the years has been the much-maligned category, due to the use of low temperature (1200 ℃) and using the environment is not very strict, in the industry for many years in the field of domestic refractory brick has been barely able to use, and the assessment of a country is the highest level of refractory brick see brick can be used on the aircraft carrier boiler.

In the process of shipboard boiler operation, the maximum temperature in the furnace chamber exceeds 1800℃, and the firebrick which plays the role of thermal protection should be in a very small thickness range, so that the high temperature of 1800℃ on the fire-facing surface is lower than 300℃ when transmitted to the fire-fighting surface.

If India carrier boiler using the imported from China refractory brick, it is China's civil level of refractory brick, the errors of test results must be very low thermal conductivity and on paper can satisfy the demands of carrier boiler high temperature insulation, this just misleading the Indian army will be the use of these quality lower Chinese brick hall on the aircraft carrier boiler, makes the "bargain" brick brought the disaster to India aircraft carrier.

I recently found that many public materials in China are not uploaded abroad. In order to avoid trouble, I cannot provide the original documents and links. This article actually shows that India is not only unable to make low-level civil thermal protection materials, even unable to test the properties of the materials.

At this level of technology, hypersonic weapons are only a dream for India.

And Pakistan's friends need not worry, I believe Pakistan has already asked about the CM401 missile.China and Pakistan recently signed an agreement to share satellite information, which is important for providing reconnaissance and guidance for missiles.Through beidou's communication link, Pakistan can use the CM401 missile's reconnaissance window to evaluate the strike effect , or take the last pictures of the enemy before death. 8-)

Around 9.30 mentions about an experiment of plasma-ionised air effects on changing trajectory-destruction of a fast artillery projectile.

Several Aesa radars(or special high power microwave antennas) focusing an same point in the air can be used for ionisation in my opinion for similar tests.
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It seems ionisation have long been experimented for ballistic missile defense. High altitude nuclear tests was partly done to observe this phenomennon and its applicability against bms in my opinion.

Around 17.16 mentions about nuclear detonation in 40-50km altitude and gamma-ionisation effects that radiates horizontally about several hundred kms for several minutes. Those times emp effects were observed and may be thought to fry the incoming bm circuits which were relatively low emp shielded in the past.

Haarp experiments also can have anti ballistic missile aims distorting the trajectory of the incoming reentry vehicle aerodynamically by ionisation effect(imagine after entering plasma cloud the reentry vehicle enters the atmosphere 1.5x faster and the heating+aerodynamic forces on it). Resources below mention about producing high density plasma clouds in upper atmosphere.

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Pakistan's R/D has been promising and frankly, it doesn't matter who the partner is. Mercy goes both ways..
India is at the mercy of Russia, a third world country that is begging for international sanctions to be lifted. You have to lease an aircraft carrier just to be in the club. We all know the controversies that came from that. When did you ever research or develop a submarine or aircraft carrier? Now the French are getting their share. Which part of the famed rafale is manufactured in Indan? let alone researched? It took you how long to get the Tejas flying and it was still rejected. Most of the parts are not Indian. Btw Rafale also has its controversies... There is a famous saying in India that even your agharbatis and "bhagwans" come from China.
I would say Pakistan is better off when compared to India in terms of R/D. Pakistan has researched and then developed many technologies for indigenous production. Again it doesn't matter who it works with. As long as it is able to procure the tech it needs to fight its enemies. If Pakistanis believe hypersonic weapons are needed for its survival it will procure them. Just as it did with nuclear weapons and other things. Btw I am not saying it is going to be easy but it is not impossible.

As far as the yardstick comment, it speaks for itself. You can get emotional and write an essay or take it for what it is. India is a regional power at best and does not have the materials required to become a world power. Mentally, Indians don't have the fortitude to be a power let alone be a "superpower". You will always be a second rate regional power that will need countries like Russia, the USA, and the European nations. These same nations have marginalized India when it comes to the world state and piecemeal power when they see fit. You can't even secure your borders. What will hypersonic weapons do when your *** is being taken on the heights of Ladakh with poles and sticks? Just look at what is happening to you in Iran, and Afghanistan. Again, Keep fighting Pakistan it will take you where you belong.

your getting emotional and patriotic biased in the post.

your right about indian mentality and thinking being barley regional power thinking..level.

but also completely wrong about being at mercy of any nation let alone Russia who India is 2 to 1 larger in GDP and even larger on forex.
it's,Russia that relied on the indian arms market for,decades and has now lost it to use,Israel and,France. in large parts.

India brought the Russian carrier
it leases,akula class nuke sub and used this experience to train future nuke sub teams for arihant indengious class subs now two are operational 4 more to join this decade.

as for technology some good some bad but literally a world apart and ahead of pakistan which has one tenth of indian resources and that margin will keep widening based on your shocking pak rupee devaluation now 160 per dollar compare indian rupee 80 to dollar.
you have no choice but hold on to China for every need at present as your relations with usa,are soured now
It is not only about his remarks. This milthreat news had surfaced in OSINT and later general media even before release of Abhinandan back in later night of 26 February 2019. These were again Pakistanis back then which were celebrating (never understood exactly what) ignoring everything and spamming timelines with "tea was fantastic" than wondering why Varthaman was released without any compromise.

Even if I wasn't an Indian, it isn't something unbelievable for me. Absolute military firepower and capabilities make actual substance and rules minds of politicians and militarily leaders unlike general populace (of Pakistan) which relies on perceived racial superiority of martial races.
The same set of reactions has been ongoing on for decades if reactions are to be taken. Be it post Smiling Buddha or Operation Brasstacks. How the Pakistani awam has been maintaining superhero image of their army for decades without any reasoning or logic is astonishing in any case.

In case you think your military and government won't shiver against an eleven times stronger enemy and won't make any comprise to avoid a war, you are out of your mind because of jingoism.

India itself is 65% of land, 75% of population and 80% of economy of this region. Most of countries here are dependent upon India and relations with Pak don't make any difference to those as Pak doesn't have any presence in regional politics/economics beyond Afghanistan, nor our war affects anything more than Pakistan and northwest India.

Pak lost military significance after 1971 and has been using only proxy wars since then given India's diplomatic limitations won't let it easily attempt an occupation of Pakistan. Since, direct war has been encouraged by Pak since then, I will count this as a downfall.

Pakistan really stopped being an economic and military rival for India after that war and gap between two countries has only widened since then. The perspectives of interpreting things as positive or negative may be your own PoV anyway.

For instance, a PoV that Pakistan is successful because it still exists despite struggling against a much bigger India (on negative perspective, once a much richer state than India is falling behind gradually in living standards now, has lost out in almost every development indicator, nevermind technology as never invested in institutions, and is now heading to turn compete with Afghanistan in HDI & IHDI).

The way Indians in general regard Pakistan isn't of a rival. Briefly, Indian nationalists see Pak like Russians see Ukraine, Indian public sees Pak like Americans would see North Koreans. It's given as example of what not to be in any respect.

Pak definitely isn't country which India can go and occupy another. But this isn't a country in same league either.

Those who have fear, and those whose legs shiver always attack at midnight. They shoot-down their helicopter in panic and fear.

And those who have courage; they warn before retaliations; they attack in the broad daylight; they bomb enemy military installations and shoot down their jets without fear; they hold their prisoners of war with dignity and respect and return them under the rules of businesses (aka Geneva conventions); they warn in advance about a possible escalation in intention and call the enemy for the open challenge; they always have all the pieces of evidence of their claims unlike those who have nothing to support their fake victories and award pilots with “missile dodgers” patch.

PS, For the literates, the award says everything...

The argument should be based on ground realities and with the evidence. In the past, despite rejecting all the media reports by the late MOEF, the Tri-Chiefs of Indian Armed Forces, and the BJP spokesperson, still general Indian public believes that IAF had killed 300 terrorists in the fake surgical strikes.

BJP Minister SS Ahluwalia, “I’ve followed both the Indian and international media. I’ve listened to PM Modi as well. Did he say that 300 people were killed? Did any BJP spokesperson confirm this? Did Amit Shah say any such thing? No"

The statement tells the end-story. Such excuses and justifications are uttered by looser not winners


Rest, your Tri-Chief's briefing on 27 Feb was literally a laughing stock for the world. Just leave Pakistanis, the way defense experts across the world even your people living in the western countries making fun of their own army's failure against Pakistan. You guys don't even have an idea how your country humiliated in 21st-century direct mil-to-mil confrontation. Your demoralized, paralyzed military is literally a punching bag for Pakistan and China in today's warfare. Last year your sitting duck force got banged by Pakistan and this year from China....

Go and watch your Lt General and head of Southern Command + C Commander who served in Jammu and Kashmir literally exposed your mil failures a few days ago especially against China. Your Defense expert Pravin Sawhney each day lashes out at your armed forces' failure against Pakistan and China.
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Time for Shaheen-IV

Be realistic. Pak doesnt have the money to afford building a new missile. It might take a Chinese missile and rebadge one but that is it, I dont think China will oblige this time.
Be realistic. Pak doesnt have the money to afford building a new missile. It might take a Chinese missile and rebadge one but that is it, I dont think China will oblige this time.

Where do you get your info from? Pakistan had been producing new versions of the babur, raad, shaheen, ghauri, nasr, etc... for a few decades now. Hypersonic missile technology is not that hard to master once a nation already has ballistic missile technology since the easiest route is pretty much installing a hyper sonic glide vehicle to the end of a ballistic missile.. stop being a moron.
Those who have fear, and those whose legs shiver always attack at midnight. They shoot-down their helicopter in panic and fear.

And those who have courage; they warn before retaliations; they attack in the broad daylight; they bomb enemy military installations and shoot down their jets without fear; they hold their prisoners of war with dignity and respect and return them under the rules of businesses (aka Geneva conventions); they warn in advance about a possible escalation in intention and call the enemy for the open challenge; they always have all the pieces of evidence of their claims unlike those who have nothing to support their fake victories and award pilots with “missile dodgers” patch.

PS, For the literates, the award says everything...

The argument should be based on ground realities and with the evidence. In the past, despite rejecting all the media reports by the late MOEF, the Tri-Chiefs of Indian Armed Forces, and the BJP spokesperson, still general Indian public believes that IAF had killed 300 terrorists in the fake surgical strikes.

BJP Minister SS Ahluwalia, “I’ve followed both the Indian and international media. I’ve listened to PM Modi as well. Did he say that 300 people were killed? Did any BJP spokesperson confirm this? Did Amit Shah say any such thing? No"

The statement tells the end-story. Such excuses and justifications are uttered by looser not winners

View attachment 689803

Rest, your Tri-Chief's briefing on 27 Feb was literally a laughing stock for the world. Just leave Pakistanis, the way defense experts across the world even your people living in the western countries making fun of their own army's failure against Pakistan. You guys don't even have an idea how your country humiliated in 21st-century direct mil-to-mil confrontation. Your demoralized, paralyzed military is literally a punching bag for Pakistan and China in today's warfare. Last year your sitting duck force got banged by Pakistan and this year from China....

Go and watch your Lt General and head of Southern Command + C Commander who served in Jammu and Kashmir literally exposed your mil failures a few days ago especially against China. Your Defense expert Pravin Sawhney each day lashes out at your armed forces' failure against Pakistan and China.

You attacked in day time because you were confident that India won't seriously consider the possibility of Pakistan response so fast.....

For Modi saying if Rafale was there..... guys plz use your brain and think it was election campaign time in India and Modi was being taken left right and center by pappu and company for Rafale scam.... Modi just utilized the opportunity...... this is the difference he is a prime minister of intercontinental sized India and you guys are just random PDFers.... what is important is the speech that came from your own assembly speaker about how the legs were shaking.....

Now I know you guys will keep repeating agar Rafale hota but will never dare to accept the truth your own assembly speaker revealed.....
You attacked in day time because you were confident that India won't seriously consider the possibility of Pakistan response so fast.....

For Modi saying if Rafale was there..... guys plz use your brain and think it was election campaign time in India and Modi was being taken left right and center by pappu and company for Rafale scam.... Modi just utilized the opportunity...... this is the difference he is a prime minister of intercontinental sized India and you guys are just random PDFers.... what is important is the speech that came from your own assembly speaker about how the legs were shaking.....

Now I know you guys will keep repeating agar Rafale hota but will never dare to accept the truth your own assembly speaker revealed.....

Will you accept the truth that Modi shivered at launching Brahmos missiles at Pakistan in retaliation for shooting down your jets, breaking down your chain of command leading to you guys shooting down your own helicopter, and also capturing your pilot :D

The second Modi heard that Pakistan threatened 3 BABURS for any brahmos imagine what went through chai walas head at that very moment? :D

He still gets reminded by that when Imran Khan and Xi Xingping sip tea over big tea kettles during his video conferences. Oh believe me Modi knows but will you accept that truth???

Will you accept the truth that Modi shivered at launching Brahmos missiles at Pakistan in retaliation for shooting down your jets, breaking down your chain of command leading to you guys shooting down your own helicopter, and also capturing your pilot :D

The second Modi heard that Pakistan threatened 3 BABURS for any brahmos imagine what went through chai walas head at that very moment? :D

He still gets reminded by that when Imran Khan and Xi Xingping sip tea over big tea kettles during his video conferences. Oh believe me Modi knows but will you accept that truth???

Will you accept the truth your legs were shaking??? I too can post videos but I don't need.... you were scared of BRAHMOS and it's a fact.... denial won't help it....
Will you accept the truth your legs were shaking??? I too can post videos but I don't need.... you were scared of BRAHMOS and it's a fact.... denial won't help it....

Then why no reply sir ji in feb 2019 sir ji? Why was Modi ji so willing to drawback? Simply put he was out of options, he knew clear well the more he gambled the more PDF would show the aces up its sleaves :D

Funny the guy you quote said it in the context of making the PMLN govt look more anti-indian even though IKs govt showed it had guts to give Modi and his BJP minions a reply. IK acted like a man not like a hijra similar to Modi/Nawaz
Then why no reply sir ji in feb 2019 sir ji? Why was Modi ji so willing to drawback? Simply put he was out of options, he knew clear well the more he gambled the more PDF would show the aces up its sleaves :D

Funny the guy you quote said it in the context of making the PMLN govt look more anti-indian even though IKs govt showed it had guts to give Modi and his BJP minions a reply. IK acted like a man not like a hijra similar to Modi/Nawaz

Adding JI JI after every sentence is not going to change the fact..... BRAHMOS blackmail brought you to your senses, pilot enjoyed tea, treatment, and journey to home in no time.... ask your own assembly speaker ....
intercontinental sized India
You do know what is the meaning of INTERCONTINET???
Adding JI JI after every sentence is not going to change the fact..... BRAHMOS blackmail brought you to your senses, pilot enjoyed tea, treatment, and journey to home in no time.... ask your own assembly speaker ....
And do you know why he ranting about it???
Where do you get your info from? Pakistan had been producing new versions of the babur, raad, shaheen, ghauri, nasr, etc... for a few decades now. Hypersonic missile technology is not that hard to master once a nation already has ballistic missile technology since the easiest route is pretty much installing a hyper sonic glide vehicle to the end of a ballistic missile.. stop being a moron.
LoL, that is good to hear, but very very difficult to digest. Do you know Wikileaks. Please google Pakistan missile tech and see the amount of documents including leaked cables from Pak army and ISI that point to the fact that they bought these missiles from China.. Not my words. I am just quoting the docs.
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