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Featured India’s Test of Hypersonic missile and implications for Pakistan

The quickest way to make hypersonic is to install a guided glide capable warhead on a short range ballistic missile whose terminal velocity is already hypersonic

What India tested is scram jet engine air breathing but that's there media reports so take with grain of salt
You dont have a hypersonic missile just for having one. There is a rhyme and a reason behind it. SCRAMjet ones make a good anti ship missile. HGVs make ICBMs hard to detect early. None of them are a use for Pakistan : Its geographically too close to India to even require a HGV and naval conflict is not even a factor in Indo-Pak war besides Pakistan has a very small navy.
You dont have a hypersonic missile just for having one. There is a rhyme and a reason behind it. SCRAMjet ones make a good anti ship missile. HGVs make ICBMs hard to detect early. None of them are a use for Pakistan : Its geographically too close to India to even require a HGV and naval conflict is not even a factor in Indo-Pak war besides Pakistan has a very small navy.
Actually even the terminal velocity of ghaznavi an under 1000 km range is over mach 6 deary
U said the same thing about paf but after the iaf suffering humiliation on 27 Feb 19 modi was crying of rafales deficiency ;)
Actually even the terminal velocity of ghaznavi an under 1000 km range is over mach 6 deary
A hypersonic glide weapon is not same as Hypersonic cruise missiles and NONE of them are same as a ballistic re-entry vehicle.

Flying at hypersonic speed is not enough to be a HGV or a Hypersonic Cruise Missile. And that does not help one to get any of these technologies.
I said nothing about PAF.
U people. The Indians said similar hubris about smaller paf that it's no match but on 27 Feb 19
yr iaf su and mirages had to run off from own iok airspace deary now u r saying hubris about pak navy :)

Btw the definition of hypersonic weapon is a one with flies over mach 5. Speed with added maneuverability so even re entry vehicle fits
Actually even the pershing 2 missile was a hypersonic missile since its reentry vehicle made complex maneuvers via control surfaces to dodge air defence before the term was popularised
Btw the definition of hypersonic weapon is a one with flies over mach 5. Speed with added maneuverability so even re entry vehicle fits

No, the world over when people say "Hypersonic Weapons" they mean HGV or Hypersonic Cruise Missiles.

Had the definition of Hypersonic weapon being "one with flies over mach 5" then both Iran and North Korea have hypersonic weapons. For quite sometime actually :lol:

Ballistic warheads are not considered hypersonic weapons because they don't fly at hypersonic speeds... They fall at hypersonic speed. :lol:
Btw the definition of hypersonic weapon is a one with flies over mach 5.
As Ajay told before, a number of ballistic missiles have hypersonic speeds. Agni-5 can travel upto Mach 24. Ballistic missiles yet are ballistic missiles have parabolic trajectories and can be tracked and intercepted relatively easily.

Cruise missiles need more sophisticated tech in this regard and I am not aware of any existing CIWS system in world which would be able to take on a hypersonic cruise missile.

HGVs will have an unpredictable profile and hence will be impossible to intercept at such high speeds. Glide capabilities will further help them to overcome range limitations due to height & engine what cruise missiles suffer from.
The quickest way to make hypersonic is to install a guided glide capable warhead on a short range ballistic missile whose terminal velocity is already hypersonic

What India tested is scram jet engine air breathing but that's there media reports so take with grain of salt
That is how these weapons work. They are installed over a power plant like a missile stage/a solid fuel booster to give them initial speed after which scramjet starts to give them hypersonic cruise.

All of such weapons are launched in this way including Indian ones.

For the context of thread now, only difference between India's first & latest scramjet is indication of success rate of engine. India's first scramjet test wasn't there for military purpose.
This week India tested its first hypersonic missile. Traveling at extreme speeds with unpredictable flight patterns, hypersonic missiles have the potential to destabilize the strategic balance in South Asia, in ways not seen since India’s test of the nuclear bomb in 1972. Recent discussions on India has centered around New Delhi’s acquisition of the Rafale aircrafts. But these Rafale aircrafts don’t substantially alter the balance between the two air forces. The hypersonic missile tested by India has far-reaching implications for Pakistan.

“Pakistan is not known to have an indigenous hypersonic development program. Moreover, if China, Russia, and the United States reach an agreement on the issue, then there are more chances of avoiding a possible regional hypersonic rivalry in South Asia by making India part of the agreement.”

There are no implications for pakistan as systems like Agni 5, ASAT and this hypersonic vehicle are not meant to be used against them but China.

And about Rafale jets, they don't alter the balance significant as it was as already tilted in our favour. Shooting down an obsolete mig with 24 to 1 numerical superiority is by no means an extraordinary feat. In a full blown war PAF will be obliterated. But I do agree that our operational gaps and unpreparedness and obsolete systems were exposed in Feb 27 skirmish. So our complacent leadership has gone into overdrive mode to replace them. Also feku govt has scammed the country of billions in this deal that reduced the numbers of these jet from 126 to 36. This will surely have an adverse effect on our capabilities.

Thirdly India has an independent foreign policy and not one can influence that. If India wants to develop some weapon systems it will develop it no matter what.
Also feku govt has scammed the country of billions in this deal that reduced the numbers of these jet from 126 to 36. This will sure
The deal was to be cancelled. They bought only 36 to maintain squadron's stop gap.

Once again, it was foreign lobby funded INC which killed HAL HF-73 for Jaguar. They threw LCA in cold bag which later realised its flight under Vajpayee administration. They again screwed all programs and procurements which were again later saved by government which came post 2014 and blacklisted lobbying foreign companies.
Kind of procurement screw ups and defunding of Indian programs Anthony did, one can wonder if UPA was a conspiracy from overseas to de-arm India.
The problem is, when will this science project will convert into a product. IIRC, SFDR is yet to be tested as a A2A or S2A missile. These science projects look good but are useless unless they are applied in a product.
They will be once trials are over and production commences. Agencies don't design them for keeping in exhibitions only. You are starting a product in your country which earlier never had a base. It's validation to full scale and not operationalising news for PR is going to be helpful to develop an eco system of local aerospace companies.
They will be once trials are over and production commences. Agencies don't design them for keeping in exhibitions only. You are starting a product in your country which earlier never had a base. It's validation to full scale and not operationalising news for PR is going to be helpful to develop an eco system of local aerospace companies.
Honestly, India has a base for missile development and production but ALL missiles of India get delayed like hell. India is JUST now inducting a medium range A2A missile. Such missiles are in service in China since 2000s, In USA and Russia since 90s.

Thats 20 years too late.

And lets not even talk about what happened to SFDR.
Honestly, India has a base for missile development and production but ALL missiles of India get delayed like hell. India is JUST now inducting a medium range A2A missile. Such missiles are in service in China since 2000s, In USA and Russia since 90s.

Thats 20 years too late.

And lets not even talk about what happened to SFDR.
Unless criticism is loaded with a knowledgeable and reasonable context, it doesn't look anything more than a complaint from clueless mind just doing so to look cool.

India has taken decades to develop its base and still has caught up international pace. Took 20 years to develop a short range ballistic missile but introduced an ICBM in just 3 years. Even if it is 20-50 years late, it is not an excuse to stop efforts and while India's case, we have rather caught up fast with attempts.

Still, Astra with all its equipment, is among quite good A2A missiles; equivalent or more than AIM-120 C5 version. SFDR we are developing will come in next decade on our fifth generation fighter will then be equivalent to upgraded AMRAAM and PL-21, far from being obsolete, instead will be among world's best.

We now produce 90 out of 94 missile techs which only can be matched by P5 countries. Indeed, only the trio of US, Russia & China is left there whose achievements are used to tame Indians.
This thread, mid course & terminal ABM (anti ballistic missiles which can shoot down MIRVs), ASAT or to list a quite a few reflects that even this gap is not far fetched with this trio if efforts continue.
Took 20 years to develop a short range ballistic missile but introduced an ICBM in just 3 years.
Ummm... nope. Agni 5 was first tested in 2012 or so. It is still being inducted with last development trial happened in end 2018. Don't know when user trials will start and end.

Still, Astra with all its equipment, is among quite good A2A missiles; equivalent or more than AIM-120 C5 version.
AIM120-c5 was intucted in 1990s. Thats about 25 years ago. US has moved to c-7 then D.

This thread, mid course & terminal ABM (anti ballistic missiles which can shoot down MIRVs), ASAT or to list a quite a few reflects that even this gap is not far fetched with this trio if efforts continue.
Errr... ASAT okay, terminal abm okay BUT mid course is highly speculative. And mirv intercetion is sure unlikely.

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