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India’s missile defence system can bankrupt Pakistan

Hope you understand the meaning of neutralising. It's a myth that any two countries will ever be able to neutralise any war of weapon. In a theatre of war situation, position, and speculations makes all the difference. you can be in your dream of neutralising, our 3 attack boats created havoc in Karachi in 71 you couldn't neutralise it and you are talking about neutralisation.

That's why even after 70 years of trying, india has not been able to destroy it's enemy that is more than 7x smaller than it and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does. Also despite these odds, india was powerless to do anything to Pakistan after we created havoc in mumbai 2008 :azn:
That's why even after 70 years of trying, india has not been able to destroy it's enemy that is more than 7x smaller than it and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does. Also despite these odds, india was powerless to do anything to Pakistan after we created havoc in mumbai 2008 :azn:

Well we have taken measures to keep you out of our country. More than war what is important to us is growth of our nation and people. Don't worry when the day will come we will put you to the place where you belong. We will put everything to dust. So don't ask for it too early live some more and have a good time don't ask for something which will make you wet your pants.
Well we have taken measures to keep you out of our country. More than war what is important to us is growth of our nation and people. Don't worry when the day will come we will put you to the place where you belong. We will put everything to dust. So don't ask for it too early live some more and have a good time don't ask for something which will make you wet your pants.

Bring it on! Please come and try! Been hearing the same delusional indian bollywood fantasies since August the 14th 1947. Like all indians you're just all talk and hot air.
Bring it on! Please come and try! Been hearing the same delusional indian bollywood fantasies since August the 14th 1947. Like all indians you're just all talk and hot air.

Happy my posts are you giving tickles.
No missile defense system can help India from Pakistani Kabootars

on serious not BMD is usless when multiple missiles are fired
Its India spending money to develop Missile shield because of Fear of Pakistan Nuclear weapons.
Pakistan is not going to bank crypt,since we spend money where it is necessary instead of wasting billions on projects which ultimately fail to materialize.Be it Akash, Be it LCA, Be it Kewari, Be it Nirbhay, Be it Arjun.
Better worry about your starving nation instead of worrying how Pakistan will manage to neutralize this so called Ballistic Missile defense system which is still in very initial stage of development and testing....................

What have you tried building in last 70 years that you are proud of?? I really want to know your capabilities that set you apart from India in terms of technological and educational fields.
What have you tried building in last 70 years that you are proud of?? I really want to know your capabilities that set you apart from India in terms of technological and educational fields.

why are you on this forum since 2011

your posts are so dull and boring, you just try to troll but you are so bad it that it doesn't really work. Mate you have a personality of dead tree why don't you go to Indian forums and waste their time.

waste of space of a person.
why are you on this forum since 2011

your posts are so dull and boring, you just try to troll but you are so bad it that it doesn't really work. Mate you have a personality of dead tree why don't you go to Indian forums and waste their time.

waste of space of a person.

I did not ask you, so go hide in your covers. This was meant for some serious introspection which you lack unfortunately.
How will it bankrupt Pakistan when india is the one spending money on a BMD System on paranoia?
An operational Indian BMD makes Pakistani SRBMs and MRBMs obsolete by rendering them less effective.

Forcing Pakistan to replace its SRBMs and MRBMs with MARV and MIRV variants, which incurs additional costs.
What have you tried building in last 70 years that you are proud of?? I really want to know your capabilities that set you apart from India in terms of technological and educational fields.

If you really want to know then you should attack again like 65 71 the only one way i can answer you i have no other words to explain . it is a time for u and yr nation just go ahead

and i will sit and watch the tv and enjoy your funny joker media when they say pakistan will double his parmanoo bomb by 2020 lol
Hatemongering Pathetic People.

All Indian of this mentality are pathetic. Love for the sane Indians. No disrespect to the friendlies.
Hatemongering Indians are pathetic and threat to world peace
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