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India's increasing troop may go nowhere


Apr 8, 2007
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Edited and translated by People's Daily Online

India plans to recruit 100,000 soldiers over the next five years and send them to the China-India border areas to cement its military strength there, according to a report by the Times of India on Nov. 2. India's defense ministry has already approved a 13 billion-U.S. dollar military modernization plan.

The average growth rate of India's military spending has stood at 7 percent to 8 percent for more than a decade, and its military spending ranks ninth in the world. India is also the world's largest arms imports country. The spread of the "China threat" theory, the increase of troops to the disputed areas near the China-India border, and the display of a tough attitude toward China all aim to make a breakthrough in further increasing military spending.

Despite India’s huge military spending, its economic growth has recently been slow, with last year’s economic growth rate hitting a six-year low. It is very difficult to considerably increase military spending for military buildup amid the economic downturn, so India needs to first create a tense atmosphere and transfer domestic problems in hopes of securing more military spending.

India has continued to hold joint military drills with China's neighboring countries over a recent period, showing it evidently intends to contain China. Furthermore, India's move to send an additional 100,000 soldiers to the China-India border areas is consistent with its earlier actions aimed at containing China.

In addition, the United States needs to rely on India to restrict China. India needs to show its value to the United States by flexing its muscle toward China so that it could gain U.S. military support and help raise its international status. India's troop increase on the border between China and India is aimed at meeting the requirements of the United States and then getting support from the United States. However, will India realize its goal?

First, the action will tense the situation of the region and harm India's own interests. Increasing troops on the border area is always a sensitive move and it is especially sensitive to increase troops on a disputed border area.

Second, the action is completely not worthwhile. Currently, India has 40,000 troops in the disputed area, and if the further 100,000 is deployed, the total number of the troops will reach 140,000. In an era when precision-guided weapons are developing rapidly, everyone with common sense knows that concentrated troops could be eliminated easily. Meanwhile, 13 billion U.S. dollars is really a lot of money for India, and it is still unpredictable whether the future cost of maintenance will be guaranteed.

India's increasing troop may go nowhere (2) - People's Daily Online
Nice fanboy article.:lol:

By He Zude, Fang Wei (China Youth Daily).
BS Article for PR value.
India is not trying to please the United States, rather it is United States trying to please India.
The Indian military modernization is well within its budget and economic growth can support this.
The 100 000 extra troops are for relief. The current ITBP (Indian Tibetan Border Police) due a service of 6 months and the Indian army wants to reduce this to 3 months.
This author seems to imply that PLA has more PGM deployment methods than India. Concentration of troops is bad idea?
FYI the Chinese to have increased border patrols, and the Indian military is only covering gaps similar to Kargil. Indian military is forced to evacuate certian forward positions during winter. Not a good idea on disputed borders.
Author also seems to believe that the Indian military is over hyping threats or making it up. The Indian media does not speak for the Indian army. The Indian army get budget allocation for the politicians not from the media.
PS you should know that this is CCP mouth piece article.
Here is an author that thinks he knows better than the Indian army. I know armchair generals that can write a better analyses.

---------- Post added at 01:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

Never mind this opinon article. But nonethe less it has the blessing of the CCP.
In an era when precision-guided weapons are developing rapidly, everyone with common sense knows that concentrated troops could be eliminated easily.

wet dreams at its peak !
Of late Chinese media is replete with such articles. Beginning to feel the heat I guess
Edited and translated by People's Daily Online

India plans to recruit 100,000 soldiers over the next five years and send them to the China-India border areas to cement its military strength there, according to a report by the Times of India on Nov. 2. India's defense ministry has already approved a 13 billion-U.S. dollar military modernization plan.

The average growth rate of India's military spending has stood at 7 percent to 8 percent for more than a decade, and its military spending ranks ninth in the world. India is also the world's largest arms imports country. The spread of the "China threat" theory, the increase of troops to the disputed areas near the China-India border, and the display of a tough attitude toward China all aim to make a breakthrough in further increasing military spending.

Despite India’s huge military spending, its economic growth has recently been slow, with last year’s economic growth rate hitting a six-year low. It is very difficult to considerably increase military spending for military buildup amid the economic downturn, so India needs to first create a tense atmosphere and transfer domestic problems in hopes of securing more military spending.

India has continued to hold joint military drills with China's neighboring countries over a recent period, showing it evidently intends to contain China. Furthermore, India's move to send an additional 100,000 soldiers to the China-India border areas is consistent with its earlier actions aimed at containing China.

In addition, the United States needs to rely on India to restrict China. India needs to show its value to the United States by flexing its muscle toward China so that it could gain U.S. military support and help raise its international status. India's troop increase on the border between China and India is aimed at meeting the requirements of the United States and then getting support from the United States. However, will India realize its goal?

First, the action will tense the situation of the region and harm India's own interests. Increasing troops on the border area is always a sensitive move and it is especially sensitive to increase troops on a disputed border area.

Second, the action is completely not worthwhile. Currently, India has 40,000 troops in the disputed area, and if the further 100,000 is deployed, the total number of the troops will reach 140,000. In an era when precision-guided weapons are developing rapidly, everyone with common sense knows that concentrated troops could be eliminated easily. Meanwhile, 13 billion U.S. dollars is really a lot of money for India, and it is still unpredictable whether the future cost of maintenance will be guaranteed.

India's increasing troop may go nowhere (2) - People's Daily Online

No they wont. Of the increment being reported, the infantry component which actually gets deployed on or near the borders is not more than 50,000 or max 3 divisions. The rest form combat support and logistic elements (artillery, aviation assets, engineering resources, supply depots, headquarters elements etc) to support these troops and also make up for existing deficiencies. 3 divisions on a frontage extending more than 3500 KMs is just chicken feed, it is so small an increment so as to be practically invisible. Further, it must be understood that a sizable proportion of this increment will not be deployed at all but held back in rear areas as reserves to be used in emergency. All in all the increment will result in negligible increase in troop density on the borders.

A typical article written by a person with zero understanding of military matters. Not worth wasting time on.
Its the crappiest article ever read. The writer has no idea about whats going on in China as well as in India as well as the rest of the world. Its true, the article looks more like a fanboy stuff rather than a legitimate media article.
Can someone ask this clown who wrote this piece of crap, about the 30 Chinese PLA Divisions inducted into Tibet since last year for ops against India? And the massive infrastructure they've created for the purpose including operationalizing 26 airfields stationing the new generation Jian-11 fighter jets, the Hangqi -9 surface-to-air missiles and 96-B tanks? Is this force for quelling Tibetan rioters? Nope!

I wish these so called Chinese 'analysts' stop bellyaching for a change. :tdown:

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