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India's gravity powered mission to Mars

This technique is used because India do not have powerful rocket like GSLV(at that time in testing stage).

Earlier US also used this technique to explore Mars and other far planets.

Found this nice video and decided to share...In some areas Indians are ahead of Nasa and Russia in Mars exploration.

This technique is used because India do not have powerful rocket like GSLV(at that time in testing stage).

Earlier US also used this technique to explore Mars and other far planets.

Yes, when there is a will there will be a way...India bypassed its rocket deficiency because rocket is just the medium. Actual goal it to conduct research on mars..
Yes, when there is a will there will be a way...India bypassed its rocket deficiency because rocket is just the medium. Actual goal it to conduct research on mars..

Even if you tread a travelled path, if you can bring some fundamental change in how you go about it, that is also an innovation :)

Hats off I would say for planning and operationalising such a budgeted mission.
He used to be a Pakistani troll. Once a Pakistani, always a Pakistani.
I sensed this with this comment

"Yes, when there is a will there will be a way...India bypassed its rocket deficiency because rocket is just the medium. Actual goal it to conduct research on mars.."
Gravity powered as opposed to...........?
Space mission are always gravity powered. There is no fuel that will power space crafts through the expanses of space. Inertia keeps them going. Gravitational effects of celestial bodies are used to speed them up.
Gravity powered as opposed to...........?
Space mission are always gravity powered. There is no fuel that will power space crafts through the expanses of space. Inertia keeps them going. Gravitational effects of celestial bodies are used to speed them up.

Rather than using burning extra fuel, Indian mission used a series of elliptical orbit raising maneuvers (Hohmann Transfer Orbit Maneuvers). This relied more on gravity than carrying more fuel and burning them to raise the orbits. It helped us save a lot of cost, though taking more time,effort and care. Besides, it was kinda the only option we had, as our launch vehicle, PSLV had limitations in the payload it can carry, and our GSLV launch vehicles, capable of carrying more payload had its own problems.
So they used gravity to slingshot the satellite, not a novel idea but done rightly. Kudos to them for this achievement.
Rather than using burning extra fuel, Indian mission used a series of elliptical orbit raising maneuvers (Hohmann Transfer Orbit Maneuvers). This relied more on gravity than carrying more fuel and burning them to raise the orbits. It helped us save a lot of cost, though taking more time,effort and care. Besides, it was kinda the only option we had, as our launch vehicle, PSLV had limitations in the payload it can carry, and our GSLV launch vehicles, capable of carrying more payload had its own problems.
Fuel doesn't carry anything through space. It only provides the initial push. I can see that you are the jargon-loving type like most PDFers so plz spare me. From where I see things you people look like you don't know what you are talking about.
Fuel doesn't carry anything through space. It only provides the initial push. I can see that you are the jargon-loving type like most PDFers so plz spare me. From where I see things you people look like you don't know what you are talking about.

I am so sorry, I might not be as bright as you,please go through my post once again and show me where am I wrong,please!:cray::cray::cry:
I am so sorry, I might not be as bright as you,please go through my post once again and show me where am I wrong,please!:cray::cray::cry:
Having a better rocket is nobler.
This answer should suffice for now.
Fuel doesn't carry anything through space. It only provides the initial push. I can see that you are the jargon-loving type like most PDFers so plz spare me. From where I see things you people look like you don't know what you are talking about.

To go out of the earth orbit...you need to escape the earths gravity...At that time, India didn't had that capability to overcome the earth's gravity hence used gravity itself to go out of the earth orbit.
Fuel doesn't carry anything through space. It only provides the initial push. I can see that you are the jargon-loving type like most PDFers so plz spare me. From where I see things you people look like you don't know what you are talking about.
you need fuel for manuvering into an orbit and other course correction. Mars orbitor still has more fuel than they initially thought, because things can go wrong and you need to account for that.

Found this nice video and decided to share...In some areas Indians are ahead of Nasa and Russia in Mars exploration.

not ahead.. just did it right and may be luck favours us.. ISRO takes calculated higher risk than other agencies to keep the cost low.
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