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India’s English Advantage Is Slipping

you learn a language , you learn a culture ,it becomes easier to do business,it becomes easier to understand people ., it becomes easier to understand the world ....and a multitude of other things ...

I am in my late 20s currently, and in Ten years or so ,by the time I am 40, I want to master German ( Currently b1) , French ( currently a2) , Spanish ( Currently b1) , Japanese( Beginner) and Mandarin ( Beginner).. ..

I am a beginner in japanese, and I was amazed at how structurally similar japanese is to my mother tongue Tamil ...I merely need to make a literal translation of Tamil sentences to speak Japanese fluently , the sentence structure is identical ...
F__k sake. I want to learn Japanese now!! :lol: Damn you all!
:lol::lol:We are not professional personnel, we have other work to do, not so much time to learn more of the language, perhaps your life time is relatively abundant, you can have more time to learn other languages, but in China everyone's life is very busy, we are really not so much the time to learn other languages

i'm a doctor :), a physician to be more specific, with a leaning towards critical care
Japanese Actress??:D

Yes please!:cheers:

I see the way Chinese speaking English (School kids have clear western accent) hear in Canada but I love the way they converse in Mandarin( Of course I understand nothing but love em)
China is never going to do well in English proficiency rankings.

Even here in Hong Kong, try going up to someone on the street and starting a conversation in English.

The only Chinese majority area/region that has a decent grasp of English is Singapore, and even there many will still prefer to speak Chinese.

I was last year in Tainjin, the adults generally don't know English but my colleagues were talking very well. Most of the small kids are talking fluently, the parents know what is important for their children's future.

We just use English as a tool. Chinese is our most important language course, which is part of our Chinese culture.

Tip: This is as if a Pakistani would say that Pakistanish is the most important language in Pakistan.;)
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What a load of cobblers! IT means South India...means no Hindi please...only English!
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