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India’s biggest nationwide student protests erupt as government cracks down on dissent

I hate to engage with thick skulls, it's a waste of time and energy.
Me too...:rofl:

Learn to join dots.
teach me Teacher G

1) our IB chief is a Muslim
Then so ...
2) IB knows of JeM's involvement in the so the so called student protest.
If IB knows in advance why they are waiting for...no arrest before the incident

We call it brain fart..from thin skull
What was I expecting??? :hitwall:
LOL ... you were expecting too much obviously.

You can educate a person who doesn't know but not one who sees great advantage in being mis informed.

Nice to see you have your old name back Levina. :-)
We need gulfnews to comment on india matters ?
Why Gulf News lie or post anti Indian news when as per Indian media UAE going to invest billions in India and giving free oil...

Protests to continue at Indian university after student leader's arrest

Thousands rally across India as students at Jawaharlal Nehru University strike over Kanhaiya Kumar’s arrest on sedition charge

Thousands of students and teachers gathered over the weekend to protest against Kanhaiya Kumar’s arrest. Photograph: Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images

Massive protests are expected to continue at one of India’s top universities following the arrest of the president of the student union on charges of sedition.

Thousands of students joined protests, effectively paralysing the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi, after Kanhaiya Kumar was arrested on Friday following a demonstration that authorities have called anti-Indian.

The demonstration was held to mark the anniversary of the 2013 execution of Afzal Guru, a Kashmiri man convicted of an attack on India’s parliament that left 10 people dead and was blamed on a Pakistan-based Islamic extremist group.

A student faction linked to the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) filed a police complaint, and Kumar was arrested following allegations that anti-Indian slogans were used at the demonstration.

Thousands of students and teachers from several universities and colleges across India held rallies over the weekend to protest against the arrest. In the southern city of Hyderabad demonstrators clashed with rightwing student activists.

Student groups have called for a strike on the sprawling JNU campus in the south of Delhi and very few people attended classes on Monday.

Supporters are planning new rallies at JNU and elsewhere. The reaction of authorities to the protests at JNU – which is well-known for its politically active student body – comes against a background of what critics say is rising intolerance in India since Narendra Modi’s BJP came to power in a landslide election 2014.

The government has repeatedly been accused of seeking to repress free speechand of encouraging extremist nationalists who systematically intimidate critics.

Lawyers shout slogans against Jawaharlal Nehru University student union president Kanhaiya Kumar outside court Delhi. Photograph: Manish Swarup/AP
On Thursday, the home minister, Rajnath Singh, tweeted: “If anyone shouts anti India slogan & challenges nation’s sovereignty & integrity while living in India, they will not be tolerated or spared.”

Ugly scenes broke out outside a Delhi courtroom on Monday when Kumar was produced, as several dozen lawyers and BJP supporters attacked students and reporters.

A visibly shaken correspondent from the Indian broadcaster NDTV reported that several journalists and students were beaten, and she was threatened with physical assault as she attempted to record the violence on her phone.

The BJP supporters chanted slogans, calling the reporters and students “anti-nationals” and demanding that they leave India and go to Pakistan, the country’s Muslim-majority neighbour.

Kumar was arrested after Delhi police, who are under Singh’s authority, entered the university and searched accommodation blocks. They also demanded audio and video recordings of the demonstration in support of Guru. The student leader, who has denied making any anti-India comments, was remanded in custody for a further two days.

India’s human resource development minister, Smriti Irani, supported Kumar’s arrest, telling reporters: “The nation can never tolerate an insult to Mother India.”

Some political commenters said the arrest was an attempt by the government to silence dissent.Pratap Bhanu Mehta, the head of the Centre for Policy Research, a leading Delhi-based thinktank, said the decision to detain Kumar represents an open declaration by government that it will not tolerate any dissent.

“[The government] is using nationalism to crush constitutional patriotism, legal tyranny to crush dissent, political power to settle petty scores, and administrative power to destroy institutions … the government’s disproportionate response smacks of tyranny of the highest order,” Mehtawrote in an opinion piece over the weekend.

Academic staff at the university defended the institution’s reputation. “Isn’t it unfair to brand the university as anti-national which has stood as an epitome of academics and democratic culture? Why tarnish its image by calling it a home to anti-nationals?” they said in a statement.

Ayesha Kidwai, a professor at the university’s Centre for Linguistics, said universities should be “a place of debate and dissent”. “Ideas should compete with ideas, force and violence cannot be used to suppress ideas. Arbitrary arrests should stop and our internal mechanism should deal with [any] situations,”Kidwai told the Indian Express newspaper.

Educational, cultural and academic institutions are fast emerging as a key battleground between a broadly secular left and Hindu nationalists.

Any event linked to Pakistan or the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir is likely to attract the attention of rightwingers.

In October Indian police were deployed to protect the launch of a book by a former foreign minister of Pakistan in Mumbai after a hardline local organisation said it would disrupt the event. The threat came only weeks after a Muslim man suspected of eating beef was lynched by a mob on the outskirts of Delhi.

Afzal Guru’s hanging is a highly emotive subject in Kashmir, which was effectively split between Pakistan and India shortly after the two states gained their independence from Britain in 1947. Many people in the Muslim-majority region believe he was not given a fair trial. There are demands for his remains, which were buried within a Delhi jail compound, to be returned to his family for proper burial in Kashmir.

More than 60,000 people are thought to have died in a bitter 27-year struggle between separatists and Islamic militants, some backed by Pakistan, and Indian state security forces in Kashmir. The region remains restive, though levels of violence are much lower now than during the peak of the brutal conflict about 15 years ago.

The latest casualties were a teenage boy and a young woman killed during a demonstration that followed the death of a local militant in a gun battle with government forces in the south of Kashmir on Sunday, officials and eyewitnesses said.

In the last 18 months there has been an increase in the number of local men – often teenagers – joining militant groups in Kashmir, local officials say.

Protests to continue at Indian university after student leader's arrest | World news | The Guardian

Indian students protest in thousands as government cracks down on dissent
Indian students protest in thousands as government cracks down on dissent| Reuters

Protests over student arrest paralyse India university
Jawaharlal Nehru University students strike after union leader held over alleged anti-India slogans in previous protest.

15 Feb 2016 09:37 GMT | Human Rights, Politics, Asia, India

  • A day later, Delhi police entered the university, searched dormitories, demanded audio and video recordings of the pro-Guru demonstration, and arrested Kumar. He has denied making any anti-India comments, according to news reports.

    Smriti Irani, India's human resource minister, supported Kumar's arrest, telling reporters: "The nation can never tolerate an insult to Mother India."

    Several political commenters said that the arrest was an attempt by the government to silence dissent.

    "The arrest of Kanhaiya Kumar and the crackdown on political dissent at JNU suggest that we are living under a government that is both rabidly malign and politically incompetent," Pratap Bhanu Mehta, the head of the Centre for Policy Research, a leading New Delhi-based think-tank, wrote in an opinion piece over the weekend.

    The government reaction to the protests at the prestigious university, well known for its politically active student body, is seen by many as part of a rising tide of intolerance in India since Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist BJP came to power in 2014.

    Over the past few months scores of artists, scientists and historians have returned government awards to protest against what they view as the government's silence or complicity in creating a climate in which criticism is viewed as unpatriotic

Student protests in India spread across 18 campuses

Students in the eastern city of Kolkata burnt an effigy of Modi and left-wing groups in the neighbouring state of Odisha planned state-wide demonstrations.

India's biggest nationwide student protests in a quarter of a century spread across campuses on Monday after the arrest of a student accused of sedition, in the latest battle with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government over freedom of expression.

Outrage over the arrest of the left-wing student leader, who had organised a rally to mark the anniversary of the execution of a Kashmiri separatist, Afzal Guru, has led to demonstrations in at least 18 universities.

Students in the eastern city of Kolkata burnt an effigy of Modi and left-wing groups in the neighbouring state of Odisha planned state-wide demonstrations.

Analysts said the student protests were the most widespread in India since the self-immolation of a young Indian in 1990 after the government ruled in favour of providing affirmative action to the lower castes in higher education.

"We are witnessing liberal India, particularly young people who are usually more idealistic, fighting back," said Satish Misra, a political analyst at the Observer Research Foundation.

Student protests in India spread across 18 campuses - Khaleej Times
Guys there are road blocks all accross chennai ,hyderabad ,banaglore ,cochin,mumbai,kolkotta ,,,but then i realised its the Pakistanies minds which have been blocked.
These are anti-nationals.
They say, action speaks louder than words. The slogans of the so called innocent students are enough to put them behind the bar for 3 years(min.) and let them enjoy prison till the case is settled in SC. This would ensure that they get no govt job in future and should also send a strong message to freeloaders.

View attachment 294108
So, finally they are labeled as JeM sympathizer ..
Demonstrations spread over arrest of JNU student who questioned execution of Kashmiri militant


New Delhi: India’s biggest nationwide student protests in a quarter of a century spread across campuses on Monday after the arrest of a student accused of sedition, in the latest battle with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government over freedom of expression.

Outrage over the arrest of the left-wing student leader, who had organised a rally to mark the anniversary of the execution of a Kashmiri separatist, has led to demonstrations in at least 18 universities.

In the largest protest, thousands of students and academics at New Delhi’s prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) boycotted classes and erected barricades for a fourth day in an escalating conflict with the authorities.

“The government does not want students to have a say,” said Rahila Parween, vice-president of the Delhi unit of the All India Students’ Federation, a left-wing student union. “It wants to dictate what students think, understand and say.” The incident marks another flare-up in an ideological confrontation between Modi’s nationalist government and left-wing and liberal groups that is prompting critics to compare it with Indira Gandhi’s imposition of a state of emergency in the 1970s to crush dissent.

Members of Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) accused the student leader, Kanhaiya Kumar, of “anti-India” sentiment. One BJP lawmaker said the university, which has a tradition of left-wing politics, should be shut down.
“I can assure you that every action we take is to protect our country. Any anti-India activity will not be tolerated,” BJP President Amit Shah, one of Modi’s closest allies, said at party headquarters.

Protests spread when Kumar was arrested last week for sedition, after giving a speech questioning the hanging in 2013 of Mohammad Afzal Guru over his role in the 2001 attack on parliament.

Activists have long questioned Guru’s conviction, and India’s Supreme Court has described the evidence against him as circumstantial.

Scuffles erupted outside a New Delhi courthouse between lawyers and students where Kumar, 28, was to appear before a judge on Monday.

A leader of the student group that is aligned with the BJP said freedom of expression should not be misused to justify acts that could harm the country.

“You cannot be an Indian if you celebrate the death anniversary of a terrorist,” said Saurabh Sharma, joint secretary of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (All India Student Council).

Home Minister Rajnath Singh has, meanwhile, faced ridicule for citing a fake tweet to say that the JNU demonstration had been backed by Hafiz Saeed, a Pakistani militant accused by India of being behind the 2008 attack on Mumbai in which 166 people died.

Delhi police circulated the fake tweet at the weekend in a warning to students “not to get carried away by such seditious and antinational rhetoric”. A spokesman did not answer calls to his mobile phone on Monday seeking comment.

“The crackdown signals an utter lack of judgement in the government, where ministers manage to manufacture a national crisis out of what were always, at best, minor affectations in student politics,” Pratap Bhanu Mehta, a leading political commentator, wrote in the Indian Express newspaper.

Since Modi rose to power in May 2014, people in India have been attacked by Hindus enraged at reports of cows — sacred in their religion — being slaughtered, smuggled or consumed.

There has been a series of attacks on churches, while writers have returned awards in protest over the government’s silence over a series of murders of secular scholars.

At least 18 university campuses witnessed protests on Monday. Students in the eastern city of Kolkata burnt an effigy of Modi and left-wing groups in the neighbouring state of Odisha planned statewide demonstrations.

Analysts said the student protests were the most widespread in India since the self-immolation of a young Indian in 1990 after the government ruled in favour of providing affirmative action to the lower castes in higher education.

“We are witnessing liberal India, particularly young people who are usually more idealistic, fighting back,” said Satish Misra, a political analyst at the Observer Research Foundation.

India’s biggest nationwide student protests erupt as government cracks down on dissent | GulfNews.com
Why Gulf News lie or post anti Indian news when as per Indian media UAE going to invest billions in India and giving free oil...

Protests to continue at Indian university after student leader's arrest

Thousands rally across India as students at Jawaharlal Nehru University strike over Kanhaiya Kumar’s arrest on sedition charge

Thousands of students and teachers gathered over the weekend to protest against Kanhaiya Kumar’s arrest. Photograph: Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images

Massive protests are expected to continue at one of India’s top universities following the arrest of the president of the student union on charges of sedition.

Thousands of students joined protests, effectively paralysing the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi, after Kanhaiya Kumar was arrested on Friday following a demonstration that authorities have called anti-Indian.

The demonstration was held to mark the anniversary of the 2013 execution of Afzal Guru, a Kashmiri man convicted of an attack on India’s parliament that left 10 people dead and was blamed on a Pakistan-based Islamic extremist group.

A student faction linked to the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) filed a police complaint, and Kumar was arrested following allegations that anti-Indian slogans were used at the demonstration.

Thousands of students and teachers from several universities and colleges across India held rallies over the weekend to protest against the arrest. In the southern city of Hyderabad demonstrators clashed with rightwing student activists.

Student groups have called for a strike on the sprawling JNU campus in the south of Delhi and very few people attended classes on Monday.

Supporters are planning new rallies at JNU and elsewhere. The reaction of authorities to the protests at JNU – which is well-known for its politically active student body – comes against a background of what critics say is rising intolerance in India since Narendra Modi’s BJP came to power in a landslide election 2014.

The government has repeatedly been accused of seeking to repress free speechand of encouraging extremist nationalists who systematically intimidate critics.

Lawyers shout slogans against Jawaharlal Nehru University student union president Kanhaiya Kumar outside court Delhi. Photograph: Manish Swarup/AP
On Thursday, the home minister, Rajnath Singh, tweeted: “If anyone shouts anti India slogan & challenges nation’s sovereignty & integrity while living in India, they will not be tolerated or spared.”

Ugly scenes broke out outside a Delhi courtroom on Monday when Kumar was produced, as several dozen lawyers and BJP supporters attacked students and reporters.

A visibly shaken correspondent from the Indian broadcaster NDTV reported that several journalists and students were beaten, and she was threatened with physical assault as she attempted to record the violence on her phone.

The BJP supporters chanted slogans, calling the reporters and students “anti-nationals” and demanding that they leave India and go to Pakistan, the country’s Muslim-majority neighbour.

Kumar was arrested after Delhi police, who are under Singh’s authority, entered the university and searched accommodation blocks. They also demanded audio and video recordings of the demonstration in support of Guru. The student leader, who has denied making any anti-India comments, was remanded in custody for a further two days.

India’s human resource development minister, Smriti Irani, supported Kumar’s arrest, telling reporters: “The nation can never tolerate an insult to Mother India.”

Some political commenters said the arrest was an attempt by the government to silence dissent.Pratap Bhanu Mehta, the head of the Centre for Policy Research, a leading Delhi-based thinktank, said the decision to detain Kumar represents an open declaration by government that it will not tolerate any dissent.

“[The government] is using nationalism to crush constitutional patriotism, legal tyranny to crush dissent, political power to settle petty scores, and administrative power to destroy institutions … the government’s disproportionate response smacks of tyranny of the highest order,” Mehtawrote in an opinion piece over the weekend.

Academic staff at the university defended the institution’s reputation. “Isn’t it unfair to brand the university as anti-national which has stood as an epitome of academics and democratic culture? Why tarnish its image by calling it a home to anti-nationals?” they said in a statement.

Ayesha Kidwai, a professor at the university’s Centre for Linguistics, said universities should be “a place of debate and dissent”. “Ideas should compete with ideas, force and violence cannot be used to suppress ideas. Arbitrary arrests should stop and our internal mechanism should deal with [any] situations,”Kidwai told the Indian Express newspaper.

Educational, cultural and academic institutions are fast emerging as a key battleground between a broadly secular left and Hindu nationalists.

Any event linked to Pakistan or the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir is likely to attract the attention of rightwingers.

In October Indian police were deployed to protect the launch of a book by a former foreign minister of Pakistan in Mumbai after a hardline local organisation said it would disrupt the event. The threat came only weeks after a Muslim man suspected of eating beef was lynched by a mob on the outskirts of Delhi.

Afzal Guru’s hanging is a highly emotive subject in Kashmir, which was effectively split between Pakistan and India shortly after the two states gained their independence from Britain in 1947. Many people in the Muslim-majority region believe he was not given a fair trial. There are demands for his remains, which were buried within a Delhi jail compound, to be returned to his family for proper burial in Kashmir.

More than 60,000 people are thought to have died in a bitter 27-year struggle between separatists and Islamic militants, some backed by Pakistan, and Indian state security forces in Kashmir. The region remains restive, though levels of violence are much lower now than during the peak of the brutal conflict about 15 years ago.

The latest casualties were a teenage boy and a young woman killed during a demonstration that followed the death of a local militant in a gun battle with government forces in the south of Kashmir on Sunday, officials and eyewitnesses said.

In the last 18 months there has been an increase in the number of local men – often teenagers – joining militant groups in Kashmir, local officials say.

Protests to continue at Indian university after student leader's arrest | World news | The Guardian

Indian students protest in thousands as government cracks down on dissent
Indian students protest in thousands as government cracks down on dissent| Reuters

Protests over student arrest paralyse India university
Jawaharlal Nehru University students strike after union leader held over alleged anti-India slogans in previous protest.

15 Feb 2016 09:37 GMT | Human Rights, Politics, Asia, India

  • A day later, Delhi police entered the university, searched dormitories, demanded audio and video recordings of the pro-Guru demonstration, and arrested Kumar. He has denied making any anti-India comments, according to news reports.

    Smriti Irani, India's human resource minister, supported Kumar's arrest, telling reporters: "The nation can never tolerate an insult to Mother India."

    Several political commenters said that the arrest was an attempt by the government to silence dissent.

    "The arrest of Kanhaiya Kumar and the crackdown on political dissent at JNU suggest that we are living under a government that is both rabidly malign and politically incompetent," Pratap Bhanu Mehta, the head of the Centre for Policy Research, a leading New Delhi-based think-tank, wrote in an opinion piece over the weekend.

    The government reaction to the protests at the prestigious university, well known for its politically active student body, is seen by many as part of a rising tide of intolerance in India since Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist BJP came to power in 2014.

    Over the past few months scores of artists, scientists and historians have returned government awards to protest against what they view as the government's silence or complicity in creating a climate in which criticism is viewed as unpatriotic

Student protests in India spread across 18 campuses

Students in the eastern city of Kolkata burnt an effigy of Modi and left-wing groups in the neighbouring state of Odisha planned state-wide demonstrations.

India's biggest nationwide student protests in a quarter of a century spread across campuses on Monday after the arrest of a student accused of sedition, in the latest battle with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government over freedom of expression.

Outrage over the arrest of the left-wing student leader, who had organised a rally to mark the anniversary of the execution of a Kashmiri separatist, Afzal Guru, has led to demonstrations in at least 18 universities.

Students in the eastern city of Kolkata burnt an effigy of Modi and left-wing groups in the neighbouring state of Odisha planned state-wide demonstrations.

Analysts said the student protests were the most widespread in India since the self-immolation of a young Indian in 1990 after the government ruled in favour of providing affirmative action to the lower castes in higher education.

"We are witnessing liberal India, particularly young people who are usually more idealistic, fighting back," said Satish Misra, a political analyst at the Observer Research Foundation.

Student protests in India spread across 18 campuses - Khaleej Times

Freedom of Speech and Expression in India:
Freedom of Speech and Expression in India Constitutional Provisions: Article 19(1)(a) Reasonable Restrictions: Article 19(2): Interest on Sovereignty and Integrity of India; Security of the State; Friendly relations with foreign States Public Order Decency or morality Or Contempt of Court, Defamation or incitement of an offence.

So, finally they are labeled as JeM sympathizer ..
Puppet post....LOL
Any one knows India's IB ?
The current Director of Intetelligence Bureau is Dineshwar Sharma. He is a 1979 batch Kerala cadre IPS officer. Incidentally, he worked with current NSA Ajit Doval during his earlier days. Indian Express reported that he has always been in deputation IB and has never got an opportunity to serve his Home Cadre.

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