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India's atrocities in Kashmir: A hell on earth


So that gives you an idea of what was going on before any "tribal invasion"
So that gives you an idea of what was going on before any "tribal invasion"

Plus, Jawaharlal Nehru, had a soft corner for his own state. I doubt he would approve heavy handedness there.
BS sensationalist headline.

Article is from June 2012.

Documentary is from 2011.

Been discussed to death.

Troll thread.

All I'll say on this thread.
The whole India is hell. Especially for women. Kashmir is the only place that make the most news.
it's true that patiyala state were not yet integrated into Indian army but patiyala state acceded to India and so is a part of India so can we really take such a stand that that they were acting on their own ? can we distant ourselves from the orders of a state head who is accede to India on defence, communication and foreign policy matters ??
I think that you will find that a million+ kashmiri muslims where "ethnically cleansed" by the indian army also.
This is new...Million plus... Till about last week...there were 80000 people dead since 1990....I wonder who killed the rest... ethnic cleansing is what your Pakistanis friends did to Pakistani Hindus... from 27% to 1%.
Hold your horses fellas - the total population of Jammu and Kashmir is 12 million. Make sure the total people killed does not exceed that. Since people only cry about missing people of a particular community, let me also add that a third of 12 mil are non Muslim. So please keep the missing population <= 8million. Thanks.
it's true that patiyala state were not yet integrated into Indian army but patiyala state acceded to India and so is a part of India so can we really take such a stand that that they were acting on their own ? can we distant ourselves from the orders of a state head who is accede to India on defence, communication and foreign policy matters ??

Yes we can! The SOS for help from the maharaja was sent to neighboring states...this was a neighboring state sending help.

Nevertheless the point remains that Pakistanis claim the asscession under duress and in my opinion, it makes zero difference as it was only the maharajahs decision to make...no one else's!
Help sent to prevent attack from barbarians is irrelevant to this

I think that you will find that a million+ kashmiri muslims where "ethnically cleansed" by the indian army also.

How did you get the million plus number sir? And attributed to the indian army?!! What's the time frame for this reference?
Yes we can! The SOS for help from the maharaja was sent to neighboring states...this was a neighboring state sending help.

Nevertheless the point remains that Pakistanis claim the asscession under duress and in my opinion, it makes zero difference as it was only the maharajahs decision to make...no one else's!
Help sent to prevent attack from barbarians is irrelevant to this

So the patiyala state troopers invade before any pakistani troops-tribesman cross into kashmir ,take over Srinagar airport and let regular indian forces land and then combine with them to attack pakistan troops and during and after all that patiyala joins india and your trying to play the "technicality" card....please...... give us a break.

How did you get the million plus number sir?

The same way your indian friend got the numbers for the hindu Kashmirs refugees.

And attributed to the indian army?!!

So i have to automatically assume that every hindu Kashmir forced from his home was done under the threat of death by the "islamic pakistani backed terrorist" but when it comes to the kashmiri muslims forced from there homes we have to have stats and figures proving that it was due to threats from the indian army.........dont think so.
They way you guys assume all the hindus in kashmir where forced from there homes by "terrorist" is the same way i assume all muslims where forced from there homes by the indian occupation army.
Somebody must be nuts to say Kashmir is hell.

Kashmiries are the pampered lot. They get so much money for development at the expense of other states. Even separatist agree on this.
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