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Indian warship INS Delhi foils pirate attack

Reader's digest


I think of the whole Somali piracy thing as just an oppotunity for up and comers like China or India to do a bit of power projection, as if to say "I've arrived". A point that Gary did touch on in his article

They had a point, historically. Pirate-busting is a time-honored way for up-and-coming world powers to strut their stuff when yellow-bellied old players won’t act. That’s how the “shores of Tripoli” made it into the USMC’s hymn.

The allusion is to Thomas Jefferson ordering the US Navy to clear out the Barbary pirates based in North Africa.


A good book written about it.
fishing boat out on waters where there aint fish.. it dont add up..

No need my friend it's like feeding a trope as used in popular culture. To attain an image, people do anything. Some of our bad apples are in for it too. You'll just be referred to another bull$hit article or book, Some people love pretending to be philosophers.

Just leave it buddy, thread has already been derailed.
We Indians are like goal-keepers in International eyes.:P

No-one cares about the numerous saves we did,but one pass gets remembered forever.:)

What is there to remember??? It was a captured Thai fishing boat that the pirates had commandeered and were using for pirating activities. It was blown sky high by us and a good thing too. why are we apologetic about it???
Indian murder fest on the high seas. November 26, 2008

About a week ago, It seemed the world was celebrating the Indian attack on what was called a pirate ‘mothership’. The attack sank a ship and most of its crew were killed.

Here’s what I wrote 6 days ago {poor spelling corrected}:

“…we have Indian warships trying to kill people (to the cheers of the international community) accused of being pirates, no investigation, no trial, no fine, no jail time, Just death.” – source (scroll down)

Of course the BBC media supported this illegal extra judicial force, hailing it as a success, and as the BBC does so well, it failed to enquire as to whether the information they were fed was true or not, and it didn’t publically condemn the illegitimate sentence of death some captain saw fit to pronounce.

The BBC wasn’t alone. Many corporate mainstream “news” outlets followed suite, publishing the words of leeches who are an integral part of this rotten ‘money first’ global politico/economic system, leeches from organisations like maritime organisations in London and Asia, some of whom said things like ‘force is the only way to deal with pirates’ as if the old ‘repeat until accepted’ trick was being played upon us again.

Today, the very organisation that cheered the murder of people courteously of the Indian warship, is forced to reveal something closer to the truth:

The Indian warship attacked a Thai fishing trawler and killed its crew.- Read it HERE {Update 3: BBC help the Indian Navy try and cover up it’s crime with this latest unquestioning uncondemning apologist piece}

Indian warship. Lets K I double L them fishermen. Don’t worry, we wont face prosecution afterwards.

So to all of you who believed without question the propaganda spewed out by the BBC; You have blood on your hands. You may as wall have been with the REAL pirates that day, pulling the trigger unleashing volleys of subsonic burning hot slugs of metal into the bodies of innocent fishermen and not bothering to search for survivors afterwards – a crime under International Marine Law if I am not mistaken.

Be proud of yourself and those like you, for it is your kind that describe the worst of human kind.

Rot in hell.

-Update: I look at the ‘Rot in hell’ damnation with elements of regret, but I was very angry. Actually I am still angry. Angry at the large amount of people still fail to commandeer their own mind, who fail to question the utter rubbish filling their mind every day, and to see the criminal injustice plainly in front of their nose.

Picture hall of shame:


lwtc247: Map: the BBC hasn’t corrected its rubbish
e.g. by putting an asterisk beside the “Pirate ship sunk”
label and clarifying at the bottom of the graphic
that actually it wasn’t actually a pirate ship at all.


lwtc247: The BBC doesn’t challenge the old and tired
“we killed in self defence” lobbox here, exactly
as it deliberately fails to do so in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Note: Now that we know it wasn’t a pirate ship
it makes these claims look even more like a lie.
I don’t think the fishermen would have been firing
on an Indian navy vessel.


lwtc247: Once again the BBC reports without
question that the fishing boat (called a pirate ship)
actually threatened the Indian warship. Notice
the picture seems to indicate that the Indian
navy took it upon themselves to kill people
at night. I wonder if this factor will reveal even more
lies by the Indian Navy.

Now that “Piracy” has become an accepted “factual threat” in the minds of the unthinking public – thanks to Oracles of “truth” like the BBC, the Pandora’s box of shoot first, say ‘we acted in self defence against pirates’ later has been well and truly opened. Before it was really only the Brits, Yanks and French that would try this on, but “I wanna play whitey” India is displaying its ugly side too.
Indian murder fest on the high seas. Living with the Conspiracy 24-7

Indian navy="Bloody murderers"!! :angry:

1).Fishing In International Waters By itself is a crime and is considered Hostile, Especially In Troubled Waters Such as these..

2).The INS Tabar fired at a Vessel which was Given a Warning and As It Proved to be Hostile It was Taken Down....

3). India Navy was Honored In London, and Labelled as the best and Most Successful In Anti Piracy Missions
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1).Fishing In International Waters By itself is a crime and is considered Hostile, Especially In Troubled Waters Such as these..

2).The Vessal INS Tabar fired at a Vessel which was Given a Warning and As It Proved to be Hostile It was Taken Down....

3). India Navy was Honored In London, and Labelled as the best and Most Successful In Anti Piracy Missions

Source for the 3 points?
Indian murder fest on the high seas. November 26, 2008

About a week ago, It seemed the world was celebrating the Indian attack on what was called a pirate ‘mothership’. The attack sank a ship and most of its crew were killed.

Here’s what I wrote 6 days ago {poor spelling corrected}:

“…we have Indian warships trying to kill people (to the cheers of the international community) accused of being pirates, no investigation, no trial, no fine, no jail time, Just death.” – source (scroll down)

Of course the BBC media supported this illegal extra judicial force, hailing it as a success, and as the BBC does so well, it failed to enquire as to whether the information they were fed was true or not, and it didn’t publically condemn the illegitimate sentence of death some captain saw fit to pronounce.

The BBC wasn’t alone. Many corporate mainstream “news” outlets followed suite, publishing the words of leeches who are an integral part of this rotten ‘money first’ global politico/economic system, leeches from organisations like maritime organisations in London and Asia, some of whom said things like ‘force is the only way to deal with pirates’ as if the old ‘repeat until accepted’ trick was being played upon us again.

Today, the very organisation that cheered the murder of people courteously of the Indian warship, is forced to reveal something closer to the truth:

The Indian warship attacked a Thai fishing trawler and killed its crew.- Read it HERE {Update 3: BBC help the Indian Navy try and cover up it’s crime with this latest unquestioning uncondemning apologist piece}

Indian warship. Lets K I double L them fishermen. Don’t worry, we wont face prosecution afterwards.

So to all of you who believed without question the propaganda spewed out by the BBC; You have blood on your hands. You may as wall have been with the REAL pirates that day, pulling the trigger unleashing volleys of subsonic burning hot slugs of metal into the bodies of innocent fishermen and not bothering to search for survivors afterwards – a crime under International Marine Law if I am not mistaken.

Be proud of yourself and those like you, for it is your kind that describe the worst of human kind.

Rot in hell.

-Update: I look at the ‘Rot in hell’ damnation with elements of regret, but I was very angry. Actually I am still angry. Angry at the large amount of people still fail to commandeer their own mind, who fail to question the utter rubbish filling their mind every day, and to see the criminal injustice plainly in front of their nose.

Picture hall of shame:


lwtc247: Map: the BBC hasn’t corrected its rubbish
e.g. by putting an asterisk beside the “Pirate ship sunk”
label and clarifying at the bottom of the graphic
that actually it wasn’t actually a pirate ship at all.


lwtc247: The BBC doesn’t challenge the old and tired
“we killed in self defence” lobbox here, exactly
as it deliberately fails to do so in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Note: Now that we know it wasn’t a pirate ship
it makes these claims look even more like a lie.
I don’t think the fishermen would have been firing
on an Indian navy vessel.


lwtc247: Once again the BBC reports without
question that the fishing boat (called a pirate ship)
actually threatened the Indian warship. Notice
the picture seems to indicate that the Indian
navy took it upon themselves to kill people
at night. I wonder if this factor will reveal even more
lies by the Indian Navy.

Now that “Piracy” has become an accepted “factual threat” in the minds of the unthinking public – thanks to Oracles of “truth” like the BBC, the Pandora’s box of shoot first, say ‘we acted in self defence against pirates’ later has been well and truly opened. Before it was really only the Brits, Yanks and French that would try this on, but “I wanna play whitey” India is displaying its ugly side too.
Indian murder fest on the high seas. Living with the Conspiracy 24-7

Indian navy="Bloody murderers"!! :angry:

Lolz you seem pissed !!..were you part of the trawler crew ?..by the way what was a fishing trawler doing in Bab-el-Mandeb??

As far as I know, it has an international trade route running through International transit corridor,surrounded by lawless Somalian pirate infested waters, but no fishing grounds?
What is there to remember??? It was a captured Thai fishing boat that the pirates had commandeered and were using for pirating activities. It was blown sky high by us and a good thing too. why are we apologetic about it???

I'm not being apologetic,since it was unavoidable as the Indian navy was acting in self-defence.

I'm just saying that the international community irrespective of our efforts are more comfortable with paying more importance to that incident.
Lolz you seem pissed !!..were you part of the trawler crew ?..by the way what was a fishing trawler doing in Bab-el-Mandeb??

As far as I know, it has an international trade route running through International transit corridor,surrounded by lawless Somalian pirate infested waters, but no fishing grounds?

Its more to do with the fact he considers Indians inferior and like all snobs,cries when an act is perceived as an attack on his people.
Pirate 'mothership' was really Thai fishing boat - Times Online

Rhys Blakely in Bombay The pirate “mothership” destroyed by the Indian Navy in the Gulf of Aden was a Thai fishing boat that had been hijacked and whose crew were tied up below decks.

The vessel, which was sunk by INS Tabar, an Indian frigate, on the night of November 18, was the Ekawat Nava 5, a deep-sea trawler, rather than a floating pirate armoury loaded with supplies of ammunition and explosives, as India had claimed.

The news is an embarrassment for India’s Navy, which had been praised for taking the fight to the heavily armed Somali pirates that are terrorising the Suez Canal trade route.

The incident is likely to prompt a review of the terms of engagement by the maritime forces patrolling the Indian Ocean, which include the Royal Navy, security analysts said.

Yesterday the Indian Navy insisted that INS Tabar had acted in self-defence after being threatened. Earlier it had released photographs of the incident, which showed a large explosion on board the targeted vessel. Disputing that account, Mr Wicharn said the trawler was heading to Yemen from Oman to deliver fishing equipment when it was attacked by two pirate speedboats. The pirates were in the process of boarding the fishing vessel when the Indian Navy appeared, he added.

Details of the two-hour stand-off between the two vessels remain scant. India has said its ship was threatened by pirates but has not made clear if radio contact was made between the vessels. The navy spokesman said the INS Tabar did not ask the pirates if they were holding hostages. The Navy refused to respond to The Times’s request for clarification of events.

The IMB said the Indian Navy ship may not have received a bulletin explaining that the Thai ship was being hijacked.
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First of the country quoted by your genius brain was enough for me to tell...what you really know about the incident.

no, it was an Australian pirate in Malaysian yacht :rofl:

couple of somali's were fishing at their special boats off the beach when out of nowhere INS Tabar warned the fishing boat. Immediately, one of the somali threw his rod down and started his beatup boats engine skimming through the waves like a bat out of hell, and hot on his heels came the INS Tabar...

After about a half mile the somali fella's stopped and stooped over with his hands on his thighs and rusty AK47 hanging from his shoulder....INS Tabar finally caught up to them...

"Lets see yer fishin' license, Boy!!" the Navy gasped over loud speaker.

With that, the somali pulled out to show his RPG and Ak47 gave the Navy Admiral a valid fishing license.

"Well, son," said the Navy Admiral, "you must be about as dumb as a box of rocks! You don't have to run from me if you have a valid license!"

"Yes, sir," replied the young somali, "But my friend back there, well, he don't have one..."

Now you tell me who is the thief and who is the violator. ?


My genius brain aside, the fact that in that incident Indian Navy (So called a professional force) was unable to distinguish between a Thai fishing boat and a pirate "Mother Ship", shows how genius the people you actually have working in IN.

It was a sarcastic joke, i know many of you don't like it, but please don't take it to your heart.


The fact still remains, it wasn't a pirate "Mother Ship"

Pirate 'Mother Ship' or Thai Trawler? - NYTimes.com


My genius brain aside, the fact that in that incident Indian Navy (So called a professional force) was unable to distinguish between a Thai fishing boat and a pirate "Mother Ship", shows how genius the people you actually have working in IN.

It was a sarcastic joke, i know many of you don't like it, but please don't take it to your heart.


The fact still remains, it wasn't a pirate "Mother Ship"

Pirate 'Mother Ship' or Thai Trawler? - NYTimes.com


As I already said. Can You answer me why a Fishing Boat was fishing in International Waters?? Why Did It Not Not Respond after warnings??? and If All this is True, why did International maritime Agency Award the Indian Navy for Being the best on the Job?
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