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Indian wants to destroy Bangladeshi graments Industries.

U know nothing(Who?Jon Snow?)-- This is all about capture economical force towards bangladesh. They(Who? Aliens?) want to hijak(How about hijack?) Bd garments system. U(Jon Snow) have to study . Dnt try to argue what u(Jon Snow) dnt know.

I am impressed!

Isis and Dhaka attack has no relational. It is previous old conspire that industry market goes to India. Like Vietnam.

This is all about capture economical force towards bangladesh. They want to hijak Bd garments system. U have to study
what they want is a puppet govt which is best achieved by economics exactly what US did to us in 90s thank god for us stuation is changing
Good Lord - WTF is this?

Bangladesh is the 2nd highest exporter of ready made garments in the world only behind China. Would unrest in Bangladesh be it terrorism, rights of workers and sabotage harm that? Of course it would.

Would India love to take advantage of that? Again, of course. As would Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and a handful of other countries.

Similarly, Bangladesh would love to grab even a thin slice of the IT outsourcing market India has - of course having done nothing for decades, and now playing catch up...it's going to be a very and arduous path.

As for Hasina and AL are puppets blah blah blah....let's look up the exports stats when BNP was in power and compare them to what they are today. If this is what sabotage and being a puppet does - I say, bring it on!
Good Lord - WTF is this?
As for Hasina and AL are puppets blah blah blah....let's look up the exports stats when BNP was in power and compare them to what they are today. If this is what sabotage and being a puppet does - I say, bring it on!

branding awami destruction as success may be typical indo awami stunt but ON ONE falls for that crap.

awami league did NOTHING for garments expansion BUT actually HARMED its growth. If awami league had not harmed garments and financial sectors, garments export could have easily reach $50-$60 billion today (instead low $30 billion).

Few evidence how awami league with indian conspiracy harmed garments expansion in Bangladesh:

1) keeping interest rate 14-16% made borrowing extremely costly that garments could not expand to desired level. (that high level of interest was to facilitate awami league looting through quick rental plants).

2) awami league with indian instruction prevented Bangladesh from taking duty free access China offered. In China alone, awami league cost Bangladesh to lose $15 + billion export earnings.

3) Chinese (and Japanese) investors requested industrial plot or land to setup large scale textile, specially synthetic textile but awami league with indian instruction prevented such investment.

Garments industry just needs policy support for growth BUT awami league did NOTHING for garments industry. Instead, awami league with indian instruction just killed that expansion. What we are seeing is just limping growth far far below the expected level.
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