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Indian state bans beef, introduces jail time for possession

If you are Jewish and if your religion says that eating beef is mandatory then you will be allowed to it. But if eating beef is not mandatory in your religion and still you want to eat it, then you are doing it to offend Hindus for sure as you know that Cow is sacred to Hindus. So our government will not allow that and you will be imprisoned.

Similarly if you are Jewish and want to publish a derogatory cartoon on Prophet Muhammad, then you are doing it to offend Muslims as Prophet Muhammad is sacred to Muslims. So our government will not allow that and you will be imprisoned. So equal laws for everyone and equal treatment to every religion which is true secularism.

What nonsense you are talking about?

People have been eating beef for thousands of years. Long before even Hindu religion existed.

Now how can you equate that with the media and hate filled material such as publishing and promoting child pornography, violence and hatred which are rightly banned for a reason?

And if you want to impose hindu religion on minorities, then do not call yourself a secular country. Call yourself a Hindu Republic of whatever. Then you are free to do that.
What nonsense you are talking about?

People have been eating beef for thousands of years. Long before even Hindu religion existed.

Now how can you equate that with the media and hate filled material such as publishing and promoting child pornography, violence and hatred which are rightly banned for a reason?

And if you want to impose hindu religion on minorities, then do not call yourself a secular country. Call yourself a Hindu Republic of whatever. Then you are free to do that.
Again nonsense. Just nonsense. Your Religion and its holy figures came to earth just before 1400 years before. Before that cows were sacred to Hindus. So its simple math. No one is allowed to mock any religion in Secular India.
Again nonsense. Just nonsense. Your Religion and its holy figures came to earth just before 1400 years before. Before that cows were sacred to Hindus. So its simple math. No one is allowed to mock any religion in Secular India.

No point in arguing with you dear Indian.

You want to play on both sides of the wicket: Impose your extremist religious ideas upon minorities in India and still call yourself a secular country.

Luckily the world does not work Indian way.
No point in arguing with you dear Indian.

You want to play on both sides of the wicket: Impose your extremist religious ideas upon minorities in India and still call yourself a secular country.

Luckily the world does not work Indian way.
Just statements without any substance. I have proved that Cow ban is in accordance with Secular Constitution if India.
Just statements without any substance. I have proved that Cow ban is in accordance with Secular Constitution if India.

You have proven only one thing, state of denial in which the extremist hindus are living is extremely deep.

No hope of salvation for them.

Only those extremists can think that imposing religious ideas of the majority upon the minority is secularism. :lol:
Again statements
You have proven only one thing, state of denial in which the extremist hindus are living is extremely deep.

No hope of salvation for them.

Only those extremists can think that imposing religious ideas of the majority upon the minority is secularism. :lol:
with no substance. you yourself admitted that Cow slaughter is not mandatory in Islam. So ban in cow slaughter is purely secular in nature.
This is sheer stupidity.

What's wrong with eating beef ? It's just another form of meat.

I'm a staunch Hindu and I don't eat beef, because such has been the tradition. But that doesn't mean that I'll stop anybody else from that.
We don't need mullahs of our own religion. This is not what we are. I strongly condemn this.
This is why the mahatma was smart enough to not make India a Hindu state. He knew how fanatical and hateful they are. India is a secular state and despite that they are trying to force their nonsense onto their minorities. Imagine if it was a Hindu state, there would be lots of cows in India but no minorities.

Also why there are no Hindu states in the world. Everyone agrees that that is a really really bad idea.

Mantra of Hindu India: a cows life is worth more than yours
Indian state bans beef, introduces jail time for possession
on March 03, 2015

India’s western state of Maharashtra has introduced a ban on beef so strict that even possession could land you in jail for five years, media reports and the chief minister said Tuesday. The country’s Hindu majority considers cows sacred, and several states already ban their slaughter. But the latest measures in Maharashtra — home to India’s commercial centre Mumbai — go even further, making sale or possession of beef an offence punishable by a five-year jail term or a 10,000 rupee ($160) fine.

The Indian Express newspaper said the measures became law after President Pranab Mukherjee gave his assent to a legal amendment passed by the state parliament two decades ago. The measures include a ban on the slaughter of bulls and bullocks, hitherto legal with a vet’s certificate, although it will still be legal to slaughter buffalo. Maharashtra’s chief minister Devendra Fadnavis tweeted his thanks to the president, saying “our dream of ban on cow slaughter becomes a reality now”.

Right-wing Hindu groups in India have long demanded a complete ban on the slaughter of all cattle, citing religious scriptures. The main players in the beef industry are Muslims, the country’s largest religious minority, who make up some 13 percent of India’s 1.25-billion population. Maharashtra state is ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party in alliance with the far-right Shiv Sena party.
And still they are one of the leading beef exporters... :hitwall::hitwall:

it should, for below is how any citizen ( and by consequence, farmers ) in libyan jamahiriya lived...

1. any person interested in engaging in farming was given free land by the system, along with seeds, tools needed and housing, for free.

2. electricity and water was free ( that too in a largely desert country ), and libya had history's largest irrigation system, "the great man-made river" project ( gmrr ).

3. housing for any citizen was to be lived rent-free until the resident wished... rent was considered a compromise on the freedom of the citizen and therefore anti-human.

4. medical system was free, and if treatment was available outside, the costs would be borne by the system.

5. education system was free, and if that course was available outside, the costs would be borne by the system.

6. education was of one's choice and could not be forced by parents or circumstance.

7. food was at low cost.

8. any person interested in establishing a business was given a start-up amount of 20,000 dollars, interest-free.

9. all loans were interest-free.

10. no private banks operated in libya.

11. for a person not in employment, he or she was given the average salary ( stipend ) for the person's choice of field of employment... in fact, this was a coming-down in later years from the early days of the al-fatah revolution... in 1979, a unemployed person was given 7000 dollars per month !!

12. libyan jamahiriya being socialist, all wasteful traditions were frowned upon, like 600-guest four-day weddings like what happens in south asia.

13. at weddings, the bride and groom were together given 50,000 dollars to help them set up a new home etc.

14. car purchase was subsidized by the system.


so tell me, why would any farmer suicide in libyan jamahiriya, when his material needs had been taken care by the system, leaving him spiritually at ease ??

And still they called Qaddafi a dictator.. "cruel dictator"" :crazy:
This is why the mahatma was smart enough to not make India a Hindu state. He knew how fanatical and hateful they are. India is a secular state and despite that they are trying to force their nonsense onto their minorities. Imagine if it was a Hindu state, there would be lots of cows in India but no minorities.

Also why there are no Hindu states in the world. Everyone agrees that that is a really really bad idea.

Mantra of Hindu India: a cows life is worth more than yours
So true @Rusty

These new generation mullahs will destroy everything for which our forefathers have worked so hard.
Given a free hand, they will destroy our multicultural society, it's tolerance and it's moral values.

I'm going to write about this.
And still they called Qaddafi a dictator.. "cruel dictator"" :crazy:

yep, "a dictator who was killing civilians, including women and children". :)

didn't matter to bbc and al-jazeera that twice happened "million man marches" in tripoli in 2011 where the libyans accepted this "dictator" as their guide... there is a yt link below ( in case you don't see the vid because of the restriction in pak ) of one of these marches...

yep, "a dictator who is killing civilians including women and children". :)

didn't matter to bbc and al-jazeera that twice happened "million man marches" in tripoli in 2011 where the libyans accepted this "dictator" as their guide... there is a yt link below ( in case you don't see the vid because of the restriction in pak )...

first be a free man "biased free"
then open Google
and search U.S and CIA strategies about Middle East and Arab Nations.
Libya was a happy and prosper family. as a person mentiond in details. but suddenly he (Qaddafi) became a killer of womens and childrens.
Same case wiht Iraq. Same case with Yamen. Same case with Egypt.
All are killers ??
Just read about there Economies and prosperity ration before and after wars.
For CIA ,it's easy to bring peoples on roads.
first be a free man "biased free"
then open Google
and search U.S and CIA strategies about Middle East and Arab Nations.


but sadly, many people simply prefer to believe what their western-bloc-supporting governments and media tells them... or rather, brainwashes them.

Libya was a happy and prosper family. as a person mentiond in details. but suddenly he (Qaddafi) became a killer of womens and childrens.

yes, seems all of a sudden he went mad along with all of his soldiers. :lol:

Same case wiht Iraq. Same case with Yamen. Same case with Egypt.
All are killers ??
Just read about there Economies and prosperity ration before and after wars.
For CIA ,it's easy to bring peoples on roads.

cia is really quite good in misusing and misguiding individual people and populations.
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