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Actual LVM3 test



ISRO crew module
At Rs 11.25 per Km Mangalyaan uses less fuel compared to an autorikshaw.
To those 10 headed geniuses sitting in ISRO.

If you wanna go to Mangal, I can send you for FREE :D

BTW, to answer your post, SPACE ME TRAFFIC BHI TOH NHI RAHTA MADAM!! :partay:
ISRO gearing up for date with Mars - The Hindu


If action clicks, orbiter will be the first to reach planet in the first attempt
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is on top gear for the high-octane morning of its Mars rendezvous of September 24.

With three weeks to go, the space agency has begun a vigil for its most challenging moment, ever. In the coming days, all mission-related activities will get top priority.

The date was set long back for the daunting manoeuvre, called the Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI). It is the day the first Indian spacecraft is slated to greet the Red Planet.

“We are going to have the MOI on the September 24 morning. The engine firing is planned to start at 7.18 a.m. and last 28 minutes,” ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan told The Hindu. “We want all our plans to work, especially the propulsion system. We are preparing for it with necessary simulations and tests.” The Sequence of Events manual will detail a Plan B, should any action fail.

On that day, the spacecraft’s controllers sitting in Bangalore — over 200 million km across space — will turn the Indian spacecraft, retard it in space and hook it around Mars.

If the action clicks, India will join the very few nations that have achieved a Mars outing. It would be the first to reach there in the first attempt.

The ultimate moment, according to Dr. Radhakrishnan, will be “when we get the message at 8.15 that morning that the orbiter has captured the Mars orbit. Theoretically, that fructifies the objective of this mission. But today, our job is to gear up for the orbit insertion.”

The spacecraft enters the Martian range of influence on September 22. ‘The action’ starts two days later when it would be about 700 km from the planet. First, at 6.50 a.m., the spacecraft will be turned or re-oriented.

The most crucial act is to fire the engines on it to slow the spacecraft from a velocity of 22 km a second to 1.5 km a second. ISRO plans to fire all nine ‘guns’ on board: the main ‘LAM’ or liquid engine and eight small thrusters.

The challenge is to activate the LAM. “We last used the liquid engine on December 1, when the spacecraft left Earth’s orbit,” Dr. Radhakrishnan said.
Comparing the American mission the Indian one is not a good idea. India mars mission is a little tin can compared the American.
If you compare the budget ... yes it is great achievement for us.... USA can't achieve it for sure...
Just found this on internet:

NASA's budget for 2013 is about $ 18 Billion, which is approximately be 0.5% of the total US budget.

ISRO's allotted budget for fiscal year 2013-14 is $ 950 Million and is about 0.33% of the total Indian budget.

India needs to increase space budget if we want to get anywhere in the space race. China has a manned space program we dont West has ISS we dont. Lets get working!
I do see 2 hurdle in spacecraft. 1 malfunction of motor. 2 Lots of fuel is consumed. This may shorten the spacecraft life in martin orbit. everything dependes on how precisely the spacecraft is captured in martin orbit. Let us hope that everything goes as per the plan Fingers crossed.

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