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Gaza, isn't it where all the cr@p for Muslims begins, look how non-Muslims are killing Muslims in Gaza, let's avenge the same, it's written in our holy book? I don't think IB/NIA would have been interested in renaming of a street if the name would have been Rajiv Gandhi Marg
Aah.. so you want to discuss the content of holy book?

I don't think I ever discussed about NIA/IB/ISIS, but looks like you are too intent to stay relevant to the conversation. Nowhere are you able to claim that renaming a street is some kind of crime. If you are so butthurt, you can rename another Islampur to Ishwarpur in your cow belt region and stop wasting my time.

The Kerala Police has arrested a BJP member from Thrissur for posession of counterfeit currency notes and a machine for the printing of counterfeit notes. The main accused, Ragesh Ezhachery, is a leader of the BJP Youth wing Yuva Morcha. Counterfeit currency of Rs.1.5lakhs, in new 500,2000 currencies, were recovered from his house. He reportedly used to lend money to the public. The raid is ongoing.

Very nationalistic counterfeiting. Jai make in India
UP Cop Asks 37-YO Gang Rape Victim To Have Sex With Him Before Registering FIR
Nazar Abbas
June 22, 2017
A 37-year-old woman, who had been raped by two men earlier this year, had gone to the investigating officer (IO) at Rampur's Ganj police station for help. She said her rapists are roaming around freely and she fears for her life. She begged for her tormentors to be arrested.

The officer instead allegedly asked her to first have sex with him before he takes action against the accused.


reuters/representational image

When the woman refused, there was another shock waiting for her. The sub-inspector, Jai Prakash Singh, filed a closure report. Helpless and with nowhere to go, she then approached the officer again, only this time recording her conversations with him. TOI has a copy of the recording. Armed with evidence, she went to the SP on Wednesday, who has now ordered an inquiry against the IO.

Additional superintendent of police Sudha Singh told TOI: "Ganj station officer has been asked to investigate the matter against the SI and submit a report."

According to police, the woman was gang-raped by two men, one of whom was known to her, on the night of February 12 when she had gone to visit a relative and was on her way back to Rampur city. The two offered her a lift, dropped her home and later gang-raped her at gunpoint when they found she was alone in the house.


ap/representational image

Even then, police had first refused to lodge an FIR. It was only when she approached a local court a week later that a case was registered.

On February 21, two persons, identified as 55-year-old Ameer Ahmad and 45-year-old Sattar Ahmad, were booked under IPC's sections 376 (D) (gangrape), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation). She also recorded her statement before a magistrate.

The rape survivor told TOI, "My ordeal began soon afterwards. Whenever I approached SI Jai Prakash Singh seeking arrest of the accused, he would say he first wanted to have sex with me. He even called up on my mobile phone and invited me to visit him in his room alone. When I turned him down, he filed a closure report in the case a fortnight ago."


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She added, "He would ask about the rape sequence time and again, posing objectionable questions on the details. Then he told me, 'Tum pahley meri hasrat puri karo, tab mulzim pakday jayenge' (First you fulfill my desire, I will then arrest the accused)
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The Kerala Police has arrested a BJP member from Thrissur for posession of counterfeit currency notes and a machine for the printing of counterfeit notes. The main accused, Ragesh Ezhachery, is a leader of the BJP Youth wing Yuva Morcha. Counterfeit currency of Rs.1.5lakhs, in new 500,2000 currencies, were recovered from his house. He reportedly used to lend money to the public. The raid is ongoing.

Very nationalistic counterfeiting. Jai make in India

Make In India..........By BJP Yuva morcha leader in Kerala


Fake currency notes, printers seized from Kerala BJP leader’s house
Jun 22, 2017, 03.07 PM IST

THRISSUR: Police seized fake currency notes and printing machines from the house of a BJP local leader at Sree Narayanapuram near Kodungallur in the district.

Police have detained BJP leader Rakesh and his brother Rajesh in connection with the seizure even as the raids were on till the report was filed.
According to preliminary inputs, the seized notes amount to nearly Rs 1.35 lakh. The fake notes were of Rs 2000, Rs 500, Rs 50 and Rs 20 denominations.

Police said the raids were being carried following intelligence inputs that Rajesh and Rakesh have become rich in a short period. Reports indicated that they were indulging in illegal money lending operations as well. The raids were initiated as part of the operation "kubera" launched by the police against illegal money lending firms.
So is it a crime to name a road/anything Gaza? I think you would be more than happy if it was named Israel. No?

You should ask that question to the authorities.

"The agencies are looking at possible radical influence behind the naming, considering the locality's proximity to Padane from where the majority of the 21 youths from Kerala, who have gone missing since 2016 and are suspected to have joined the Islamic State terror outfit, hail".

Let CPM answer that..............
But i am too against the Israel oppressing Palestinians...........


Naming a Street after Gaza has risen the eyebrows of NIA
How would have they reacted if similar protest happened in India?

Similar protest demonstrations were organized in several parts of the country including Jaipur (Rajasthan), Mumbai (Maharashtra) and Kolkata (West Bengal) in which hundreds of people carrying placards and banners took part.
Why is it that whenever the question of attacks/discrimination on/of Indian minorities come into picture, your lot suddenly starts bringing in Pakistan. Is that your gold standard?

Moreover Pakistan never claimed to be a secular democracy whereas India did and that is the difference. You can compare India with other secular democracies and see where India stands, that would be more appropriate.
India never claimed to be a perfect country....and for what it's worth I doubt it ever will be.

Pakistan claims to be a country run by God's laws for the glory of the Almighty - surely better than anything made by man - their standard should be much higher than ours.

Compare India with other impoverished illiterate colonized countries that achieved independence from an European empire 70 years ago ( and that would include Pakistan) and India would defenitely fall among the most successful and tolerant of such countries.

We do not commit genocide such as in Rwanda
We do not prevent minorities from wearing clothing of their choice, fasting or growing beards etc unlike a country that cannot be criticized on PDF.
We do not have armed groups doing mass rape and cutting organs out of living women like in the Congo
Our government is not run by drug lords like in Colombia
We are not an international pariah like Cuba
We do not have half the population dying of aids such as Zimbabwe
We never had dictatorships like Philippines
We did not go insane like N Korea
We are not run by mullahs like Iran or Saudi
We did not waste all our natural resources like Venezuela
We are not bankrupt or overtaken by undesirables as in countries that cannot be named without getting banned

Compare with like countries. If you compare India with Norway - a country of a few million lemon heads floating on North Sea oil, highly educated and ethnically so unvaried that the entire population is related to each other - well what can I say dude - we don't match up !
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The Kerala Police has arrested a BJP member from Thrissur for posession of counterfeit currency notes and a machine for the printing of counterfeit notes. The main accused, Ragesh Ezhachery, is a leader of the BJP Youth wing Yuva Morcha. Counterfeit currency of Rs.1.5lakhs, in new 500,2000 currencies, were recovered from his house. He reportedly used to lend money to the public. The raid is ongoing.

Very nationalistic counterfeiting. Jai make in India
Whether he would be punished on possessing counterfeit currency or would be release on any reference of BJP leader??? May be Mr. Modi himself issues the order for his release.... a song comes in mind that "ganda hai per dhanda hai".... hahaha

UP Cop Asks 37-YO Gang Rape Victim To Have Sex With Him Before Registering FIR
Nazar Abbas
June 22, 2017
A 37-year-old woman, who had been raped by two men earlier this year, had gone to the investigating officer (IO) at Rampur's Ganj police station for help. She said her rapists are roaming around freely and she fears for her life. She begged for her tormentors to be arrested.

The officer instead allegedly asked her to first have sex with him before he takes action against the accused.


reuters/representational image

When the woman refused, there was another shock waiting for her. The sub-inspector, Jai Prakash Singh, filed a closure report. Helpless and with nowhere to go, she then approached the officer again, only this time recording her conversations with him. TOI has a copy of the recording. Armed with evidence, she went to the SP on Wednesday, who has now ordered an inquiry against the IO.

Additional superintendent of police Sudha Singh told TOI: "Ganj station officer has been asked to investigate the matter against the SI and submit a report."

According to police, the woman was gang-raped by two men, one of whom was known to her, on the night of February 12 when she had gone to visit a relative and was on her way back to Rampur city. The two offered her a lift, dropped her home and later gang-raped her at gunpoint when they found she was alone in the house.


ap/representational image

Even then, police had first refused to lodge an FIR. It was only when she approached a local court a week later that a case was registered.

On February 21, two persons, identified as 55-year-old Ameer Ahmad and 45-year-old Sattar Ahmad, were booked under IPC's sections 376 (D) (gangrape), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation). She also recorded her statement before a magistrate.

The rape survivor told TOI, "My ordeal began soon afterwards. Whenever I approached SI Jai Prakash Singh seeking arrest of the accused, he would say he first wanted to have sex with me. He even called up on my mobile phone and invited me to visit him in his room alone. When I turned him down, he filed a closure report in the case a fortnight ago."


bccl/representational image

She added, "He would ask about the rape sequence time and again, posing objectionable questions on the details. Then he told me, 'Tum pahley meri hasrat puri karo, tab mulzim pakday jayenge' (First you fulfill my desire, I will then arrest the accused)
The law itself wants to have a sex before registering the case is a curios demand... Where to go a poor for the justice... when justice itself wants the same attitude as the criminal did... until an exemplary action are not taken against the criminals the situation wont improve... Let us finish this menace all around the world... and women may be given the due respect in the society...
You should ask that question to the authorities.

"The agencies are looking at possible radical influence behind the naming, considering the locality's proximity to Padane from where the majority of the 21 youths from Kerala, who have gone missing since 2016 and are suspected to have joined the Islamic State terror outfit, hail".

Similar protest demonstrations were organized in several parts of the country including Jaipur (Rajasthan), Mumbai (Maharashtra) and Kolkata (West Bengal) in which hundreds of people carrying placards and banners took part.
You still haven't answered as to how renaming a place as Gaza is a crime?
Sanghis and Gobber Sponsored Channels are too much worried about the Peace in Kerala...............
They cannot digest the fact that even after Minority /Hindu population are in 50% ratio no religious riots...............
#TimesCow is desperate to tarnish the image of Kerala................
After Thundery Pakistan comments from this channel....................
Kerala is now Cowbelt State like UP or Gujarat................

Times Now runs a prime time story based on a 7 year old photoshopped image
Pratik Sinha
24th June 2017

In this hub of ISIS activity, young Hindus are being radicalized, they might be saying that there is nothing untoward happening there but we can confirm that young Hindus are being radicalized in coaching centers and tuition classes by committed agents of the caliphate. Mysterious rate cards like the one on your screen are being distributed. It is these rate cards, ladies and gentlemen, are being held up as incentives. Look at what this rate card says, it puts up a price on religion, on your faith, if you look closely at the rate card, you’ll see ladies and gentlemen, you’ll see interesting details“, trumpeted Rahul Shivshankar, the Editor-in-Chief of Times Now, in yet another prime time show that he’s taken over since Arnab Goswami formed a mirror version of Times Now namely Republic TV. The story claimed that it is a report from India’s Gaza, namely Kasargod in Kerala.


While Rahul Shivshankar described how a price has been put on one’s faith, the screen showed various denominations ranging from 7 lakhs to 1 lakhs assigned to women from different religions/sub-castes/sects. Throwing his hands up in disgust, Rahul Shivshankar further said, “I can’t even begin to tell you ladies and gentlemen the kind of insidious fine print that is on this rate card, to convert Hindus, caste Brahmins, you have to pay five lakhs, you get paid five lakhs ladies and gentlemen. A Hindu Brahmin girl – five lakhs, seven lakh rupees for a Sikh Punjabi gal, for a Gujarati Brahmin and so on and so forth, Hindu Khastriya gal – four and a half lakhs, Hindu OBC/SC/ST – two lakhs, Buddhist girl – one and a half lakh, a Jain girl 3 lakh rupees, the caliphate has put a price on your faith.

Times Now used the hashtag #CaliphateConvertsHindus to tweet various aspects of this story. They also tweeted the denominations in the rate card poster, a screenshot of which can be seen below.


Ladies and Gentlemen, we can’t even begin to tell you how insidious this story is and there’s no fine print to it. The rate card that has been displayed by Times Now has been making the rounds of WhatsApp and other forms of social media for time immemorial now and can be seen below.


Ahmedabad Mirror ran a story titled “LOVE JIHAD IN VADODARA COMES WITH A PRIZE TAG” based on this poster in February 2016. Subsequently, the Ahmedabad Mirror story was reported by various other media outlets such as Zee News, One India and Dainik Bhaskar (Marathi), India.com and Sahara Samay. While Times Now never once raised any doubts about that rate card image, most media houses that ran this story in Feb 2016 clearly said that a WhatsApp forward was being made viral to instigate people.

This image has also been circulated by various fake news sites like Hindutva.Info, Jagruk Bharat and Hindu Existence in February 2016.

The oldest version of this black-and-white image is available on a website called ‘Bare Naked Islam’ in a post published on 20th September 2014. When this poster became viral in 2014, ABP News had debunked it by analysing the websites and the addresses mentioned in the poster.

Saamana, which has come to be known as Shiv Sena’s mouthpiece, had published this story sometime in late 2010 on Page 6 of their newspaper.


The earliest version of this story is on a blog called ‘Sikh and Islam’ published on Feb 5, 2010. This blog has exactly one post and the original coloured version of the black-and-white image that Times Now showed was initially posted here.


Multiple things stand out in this image which point to the fact that it is fake. Firstly, this poster has the phrase, “in the name of allah……most merciful, most benificiary“, while the usual phrase used is “In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful“. Such a mistake would be unusual if this had actually been a pamphlet released by an Islamic organisation. Moreover, it is the heart-shaped image at the top of the pamphlet that gives the most concrete evidence of this poster being a photoshopped one.


The gun shaped image within the heart, is actually the flag of Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shi’a Islamist militant group. The heart shaped image has been independently in circulation since 2006.


All this points to the fact that the image has been created for the sake of propaganda using a software such as Adobe Photoshop and that there is nothing factual about it.

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Times Now has taken the same image with a Hezbollah Flag embedded inside, a WhatsApp rumour that has been reported by large sections of Indian media in 2014 & 2016, a rumour already debunked by ABP News in 2014, reported by Saamana as a propaganda piece in 2010 and is claiming that it is evidence of ISIS Caliphate in Kerala. Can it get more ridiculous than this? Arun Shourie terming these channels as North Korean channels is not surprising at all.
Times Now runs a prime time story based on a 7 year old photoshopped image

This is where the author has put his foot in his mouth.
There is an actual FIR filed by Kerala govt this week on this. Did you know that?
The author is clearly stretching facts for an agenda but one can't deny the fact that there is a street named after gaza in Kerala.
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