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Indian Nuclear bases in Assam to combat China – ULFA (Terrorist organizatio

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Feb 10, 2012
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Indian Nuclear bases in Assam to combat China – ULFA (Terrorist organization supported by china)

By- Staff Reporter | Date- March 26, 2012

In a startling revelation, the outlawed ULFA fighting for an Independent Asom has claimed that the Indian Government is secretly setting up Nuclear Missile Bases in North East India, especially in Assam in lieu of its growing conflict with China. As such, the Indian Government has already completed surveys for setting up bases for BRAHMOS cruise missile (Indo-Russian Technology) in Nagaland and Nuclear missile AKASH in Assam respectively. This explosive revelation has been made by none other than the ULFA Commander-in-Chief Paresh Asom alias Paresh Baruah.

In a press release sent to Times of Assam, the ULFA Supremo stated that Assam is being sandwiched between the Indo-China conflicts and maintained that Assam has never had any conflict with China over the centuries. Reminding that China had walked back without hurting Assam in the Indo-China war of 1962 after the Indian Army had fled, the elusive ULFA commander stated that this time it is unlikely for Assam to be saved if a war happens.

Naturally the Chinese targets would be the nuclear bases in Assam due to which the state would be completely destroyed, Paresh Asom stated.

The ULFA commander also accused that although the Indo-Chinese conflict was due to Arunachal Pradesh, the Indian authorities did not set up bases in Arunachal but in Assam instead due to which millions of innocent people might have to pay the price. It is to be mentioned that ULFA had earlier appealed to the people to protest against the Indian Air Forces taking over huge areas of lands to set up Air bases in the state.

ULFA and other rebel groups of North East are being reported to have been maintaining close relationship with China according to Indian Intelligence. However Beijing has been denying such reports.

Indian Nuclear bases in Assam to combat China – ULFA
I read the news today too. I always thought we might have had some silos in Assam. Or at least mobile missile launch units deployed. Its only logical to have such deployment in Assam. AP is too mountainous and too near too LAC to deploy ballistic missiles there. I would be very surprised if GOI hasn't done it till now.
I don't know why we are not killing these disease like Paresh, Dawood and others... what is our RAW doing....

By the way I have downloaded Agent Vinod last night from torrent... will see that today...
I don't know why we are not killing these disease like Paresh, Dawood and others... what is our RAW doing....

By the way I have downloaded Agent Vinod last night from torrent... will see that today...

Bro can u send me the link pls
Which f--king news agency is this ???

Nuclear missile AKASH in Assam respectively.
Who will tell these a$$holes that Akash is a SAM ??

This explosive revelation has been made by none other than the ULFA Commander-in-Chief Paresh Asom alias Paresh Baruah.
Did Mr.Baruah revealed that its three times the weaponry China has on their side ??? Why the hell is this a$$hole still alive ??? I think we should just start a massive hunt for this guy and even issue a huge reward on his head.

The ULFA commander also accused that although the Indo-Chinese conflict was due to Arunachal Pradesh, the Indian authorities did not set up bases in Arunachal but in Assam instead due to which millions of innocent people might have to pay the price.
Thats just comedy...is he educated or just doosri paas ??? HE himself is telling how indian government is giving preferential treatment to Assam and only prtecting Assamese.

This explosive revelation has been made by none other than the ULFA Commander-in-Chief Paresh Asom alias Paresh Baruah.
He's an a$$hole who's lost his mental balance as most of his trusted friends and cadres have ditched him. He's the only bozo left of the ULFA who's still hiding in the bushes trying to fight for a lost cause!

And as regards Chinese help in perpetuating separatism in the North East by helping NE militants, it's nothing new. They've been doing this since the early 60s. And they'll continue doing it, since old habits die hard!!

And what's so EXPLOSIVE about deploying missiles in the North East? Is that supposed to be news? For God's sake, it's just tactical deployment of missiles in our own country, not Bangla Desh or Burma, so as to be prepared for any eventuality.

So what's the big deal?

Nothing to see here....move on....:pop:
UFLA will do recon, Beidou GPS pinpointing and laser targeting for Chinese strikes. They move stealthily in home territory and know the lay of the land. They are invaluable allies.

The banned militant outfit United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) Monday slammed the central government's proposed plan to base the Akash and Brahmos missile regiments in Assam and Nagaland and said the move has threatened the existence of the people of Assam and northeast as a whole.

"The people of Assam are being 'sandwiched' between the Indo-China conflict by the government of India and we appeal to them to stop this design to destroy the culture and heritage of Assamese people," said ULFA Commander-in-Chief Paresh Baruah alias Paresh Asom in an e-mailed statement.

The ULFA chief also cited the example of the 1962 Chinese aggression and said that India has always used Assam as its shield. "When the Indian army escaped from Assam due to aggression of Chinese forces in 1962, the Chinese also backtracked respecting the right to life of the people of Assam," he said, adding there is no conflict between Assam and China.

"The main reason of Indo-China conflict is Arunachal Pradesh. However, the government of India has chosen Assam for establishing the base for the missiles programmes. The missile bases are bound to be targeted by Red China and in that case Assam will have to bear the brunt of nuclear explosion," he said.

"A retired Indian army chief V.P. Malik had recently admitted that India does not have the capability to win a war with China and so Indians will escape Assam-like in 1962 in case of any attack by China. The Indian army had already inducted fighters Sukhoi-30MKIs at Tezpur and Chabua in Assam. These are not good signs for Assam," he said and appealed to the people of Assam to take a strong stand against "this conspiracy of the government of India".

"This is high time for the people of Assam and northeast to think and act against the evil designs of the government of India otherwise it would be difficult to save our future generations from nuclear explosion and radiation."
ULFA slams army's missile programme in Assam, Nagaland | TwoCircles.net

In a startling revelation, the outlawed ULFA fighting for an Independent Asom has claimed that the Indian Government is secretly setting up Nuclear Missile Bases in North East India, especially in Assam in lieu of its growing conflict with China. As such, the Indian Government has already completed surveys for setting up bases for BRAHMOS cruise missile (Indo-Russian Technology) in Nagaland and Nuclear missile AKASH in Assam respectively. This explosive revelation has been made by none other than the ULFA Commander-in-Chief Paresh Asom alias Paresh Baruah.
Indian Nuclear bases in Assam to combat China – ULFA

Go चीनी power :D
ULFA can't do anything more than talking lunatic thing. A horse which is about to die or simply a dead horse.

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