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Indian men vs Pakistani men in lean body mass


May 27, 2021
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United Kingdom
Its been proven by many scientific facts that lean body mass has a strong correlation with athleticism in a group of people

According to a study in North India, the average Indian man was 46 kg without working out and the average Indian woman was 32 kg without working out

These numbers are exceptionally small on worldwide statistics because Chinese and Korean men have reported a lean body mass of 52 kg without working out

The average African American has a lean body mass of 63 kg without working out

Average Latino American is 55 kg without working out

Here is the North Indian study


Obviously, height plays a role because the more height equals more lean body mass in general due to bones adding to the number but there is also an extra amount of fat mass too. The average Indian on the American study was 172 cm when they recorded their average at 53 kg after 6 months of workout in America.

53 kg after working out is literally the lowest amount on planet earth

Average Pakistanis without working out are walking around with 56 kg of lean body mass


Lean body mass and muscular physqiues by ethnic group in Pakistan

Sindhi men - 55 kg

Sindhi women - 43 kg

Pashtun male - 57 kg

Pashtun female - 44 kg

Punjabi men - 53 kg

Punjabi women - 43 kg

Hazara men - 59 kg

Hazara women - 43 kg

Baloch men - 52 kg

Baloch women - 45 kg

Just to let you know, the average Baloch man on the study was significantly shorter than others which explains the lower kg. However if you look at it from pound for pound amounts. Baloch men have some of the highest lean body mass in Pakistan.

The average Indian man is 1 kg more than the average Baloch woman without working out

The average Chinese and Mexican in America after 6 months of working out jumped from 52 kg to 59 kg

The average Indian man was 45 kg in America and jumped to 53 kg after working out for 6 months

Many scientist believe that famines, vegetarianism, and poverty has led to the significant low lean body mass and extra layer of fat mass seen in Indian people. This also affects cognitive function as well too.
The Pakistani study didnt even include the Makrani Baloch and Siddi African races who are more in numbers in Pakistan than Hazaras and have a reputation in Pakistan of being great in the domestic football and boxing scene.

For example

Nadir Baloch is a Makrani Baloch and is the WBC middle east champion right now

If you look at his matches, he has exceptional explosive power and literally moves like Julian Jackson in a way

He lives in Liyari and doesn't even get proper nutrition and can knock out Jutt guys from upper class Punjabi families in Lahore.

It shows that Pakistan has not learned how to utilize talent like this which can make tons of money for Pakistan

Some groups such a

Here is a study from New Zealand

Average Indian here is 53 kg lean body mass

Average Maori is 72 kg lean body mass.

Those Pacific Islanders have a lot of fat mass and muscle mass


This is a more comprehensive study but its still kind of flawed when the majority of the non-white participants are above 30. I mean a mainly Vegetarian diet with no animal proteins does cause a loss in lean body mass. Thats cause the pacific Islanders they didnt have any notable contact until the 1950s, and the modern diet is causing diabetes.
Some groups such a

Here is a study from New Zealand

Average Indian here is 53 kg lean body mass

Average Maori is 72 kg lean body mass.

Those Pacific Islanders have a lot of fat mass and muscle mass


This is a more comprehensive study but its still kind of flawed when the majority of the non-white participants are above 30. I mean a mainly Vegetarian diet with no animal proteins does cause a loss in lean body mass.
There is an Indian stereotype that eating meat reduces brain function and Indian society is built around education more than athleticism however the best countries in the world are all red meat eaters. India is worse than Africa in development.
If I had to make a educated guess, it would probably be due to their vegetarianism. This is not to say you cannot have more lean body mass being vegetarian ... however a sufficient diet would be very expensive and quite complex to prepare. In the US for example, usually it's upper middle class to wealthy people who have such diets.
The insecure troll is back

I don't get why RSS Sanghi H1B's like these have to false-flag all the time. His Indian English terms give him away.

These people have no pride in their flag or believe in being honest?

False flagging is also against forum rules.
There is an Indian stereotype that eating meat reduces brain function and Indian society is built around education more than athleticism however the best countries in the world are all red meat eaters. India is worse than Africa in development.

You need protein for brain development - period. Non-protein diets have inherent deficiencies.

I have lived in the US for a number of years, and seen what locals eat - a balanced diet.

They will have a big protein piece -either at least a quarter pound of grilled/bar-b-qued beefsteak (sorry Sanghis), or chicken quarters (several) or a huge slab (again at least a quarter pound) of grilled boneless fish (Salmon or Mahi Mahi) with sides of mashed potatoes and/or something made of flour (bread/pasta).

In between they will have snacks which also has protein (beef jerky, hot dogs, pizza with meat of all kinds).

Indians eat mainly very low quality vegetable proteins (Daal) and other veggies with low nutritional value - usually fried in low quality fats (not ghee) and an overdose of salt and spice to enhance the taste since veggies are bland. Indian diet is not a balanced diet.

I mean Indian food probably has twice the amount of spice and salt loaded to the hilt - compared to any Bangladeshi dish typically has which Indians over the years have gotten used to. And I'm talking about people who are upper middle class Indians, not lower class folks who get by with a half chapati and half an onion for lunch. Bangladeshis visiting India are often aghast when they see this type of Kanjoosi habit.

Funny enough as it is, Bangladeshi and Pakistani home-cooked dishes taste pretty similar to me - while Indian home-cooked dishes don't.

Tarted-up restaurant garbage aimed at gora tastes (Jhal Fraizi, Dal Makhani, Saag Paneer) found at Indian restaurants are another ball-game and don't count.
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I don't get why RSS Sanghi H1B's like these have to false-flag all the time. His Indian English terms give him away.

These people have no pride in their flag or believe in being honest?

False flagging is also against forum rules.
Dude I have no idea how this flag thing works. I'm a Bengali dude living in the USA. I got family in India yeah. Idk what you are trying to paint me as. I've been pretty transparent.

Dude nobody in my family is vegetarian. Of course meat helps with brain development. Imo a balanced diet is good for a healthy life. I'm agreeing with you on that man.

I Mean the only vegetarian thing is kind of annoying. I like meat. I'm gonna get a bacon cheese burger after my workout.

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