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Indian mangoes losing out to Pakistan



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Indian mangoes losing out to Pakistan
3 Jun, 2007

MUMBAI: Selling mangoes in global market is becoming a bitter experience for Indian exporters as they are losing out to Pakistan due to higher cost because of exorbitant freight levied by international airlines.

"Despite Indian mangoes being of superior quality, we are finding it hard to sustain in the international market. Our mangoes are losing out to Pakistan mainly due to the high air freight," CEO Ashvina Trading Company Kirit Bhuptani said.

While the original cost of mangoes is Rs 65 per kg, it gets added on with various other surcharges like fuel, security and some even add airport charges. This hikes the cost to Rs 80 per kg. While Pakistani mangoes cost Rs 55 per kg, including of freight. Besides, there is no surcharge," Bhuptani said.

India is the largest producer of mango with a production of 14-16 million tonnes a year. India exports to Europe and West Asia. But the exporters are not excited. They fear losing out their market to arch rivals Pakistan due to cost disadvantage.

"Retailers want to earn money. They find Pakistani mangoes economically viable. Already freight charges are high. In addition, the airliners increase freight rate during mango season which lasts from March to June," Chairman and MD of Desai Fruits and Vegetables Ajit Desai said.

I don't believe Indian mangoes are supirior to Pakistani, for years we've claimed numerous awards in international mango exhibitions. :rolleyes:

Mango season has begun and I bought my first basket last weekend, five big juicy mangoes for 6 euro's...damn expensive :undecided: but the season only lasts for six weeks or so and I intend to buy them every week...yammie! :enjoy:


Pakistan produced 1.4 million tons of mangoes last year, 85.000 ton was exported. We'll be exporting 125.000 this years. :cheers:

Pakistan is sixth largest producer of mangoes after India, China, Mexico, Thailand and Indonesia.
ive eaten indian mangoes and Pakistani mangoes....but the best mangoes ive eaten were in Myanmar (Burma).
There are many races and varieties in mangoes, I've eaten many in several countries in Asia and Latin America but found the best ones to my taste in the sub continent.
Interesting charts...





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last year Pakistani Govt sent some mangoe samples to the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi for distribution among senior indian officials, ministers and businessmen. they were so much liked that now many indian ministers and even Manmohan Singh requested for Pakistani mangoes frequently through the Pakistani High Commission.
Thats the sweetest and tastiest CBM between the countries. :enjoy:

Banned Artificial Ripener, Calcium Carbide, poison in it's truest sense, is being used by Indian Mango Merchants.

Calcium Carbide, releases toxic Arsenic and phosphourous, due to the heat, to turn the Mangoes golden-Yellow.
Although, banned by the Government (under the Food Prevention Act), is widely used in India.

With Calcium Carbide, any Mango can be world class.
The question is not the taste or the look, but what it does to your Kidneys and Livers.

Alphonso at it's best http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/videos.aspx?id=13927&slug=Artificial+ripeners+used+for+mangoes
I only buy Pakistani Mangoes, I once gave a few to a friend and he is addicted to the Pakistani mangoes life, how do the Pakistanis do it.
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